
How to raise peony flowers? Introduction of planting methods and matters needing attention of potted Paeonia lactiflora

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Paeonia lactiflora, also known as Jiuli, Licao, Yu Rong, Hongyao and so on, is a perennial herbaceous animal of Paeoniaceae, which is known as flower immortal and flower phase, and is listed as one of the top ten famous flowers, also known as Puyue Flower God. Paeonia lactiflora has strong adaptability and cold tolerance.

Peony, also known as will leave, leave grass, residual capacity, red medicine, etc., is a perennial herbaceous animal belonging to peony family, known as "flower fairy" and "flower phase", and is listed as one of the "ten famous flowers", also known as "Puyue Flower God". Peony adaptability is strong, sex is cold-resistant, how does that peony flower raise? What are the planting methods and precautions for potted peony flowers?

1. How to raise peony flowers? Introduction to planting method of potted peony flower

1. Peony's requirements for soil

Peony flowers suitable for planting, potted, soil requirements, loose fertile, slightly acidic soil. Peony flowers will grow poorly in alkaline soil, if too alkaline, they will wither and die.

Potted peony can be mixed with garden soil + moldy soil + river sand + base fertilizer according to 4:3:2:1.

2. Choice of basin

When peony flower potted, choose deep big flowerpot, peony itself is suitable for planting, potted culture, choose big flowerpot, pot soil is deeper is more conducive to the growth of peony.

3. Water and fertilizer management of potted peony

When potted peony, water and fertilizer management is more important, watering should follow the principle of "dry and thorough watering", do not let the flowerpot accumulate water. When the new shoots are rapidly pulled out, watering and fertilization should be combined when the buds are extended. Early growth can be quick-acting nitrogen-based, flower bud expansion when the gift of phosphorus and potassium, can make the flower more beautiful.

4. Light management

Peony flowers like light, the growing season should be given sufficient light, if the lack of light will lead to flowering quality decline, or do not bloom. In the hot summer should pay attention to shade, otherwise easy to burn leaves, and even lead to the ground part of the dead.

5. Trimming and repairing of peony

In order to make peony flowers multicolored, thin branches should be cut off in time, side buds should be removed when they appear, so that nutrients can be concentrated, peony flowers can bloom more, if you are not prepared to leave seeds, flowers should be cut off in time.

6, pest control

Common diseases and insect pests of peony include brown spot disease, anthracnose disease, rust disease, root rot disease and root nodule nematode disease, longicorn beetle, red spider, beetle, mole cricket, etc., among which, brown spot disease, anthracnose disease and rust disease are fungal diseases. Pest control should focus on early prevention, once there are pests and diseases. According to the occurrence degree, according to the above dosage, the spraying interval should be shortened appropriately and the number of doses should be increased.

II. Precautions for peony cultivation

1, peony after planting can not often transplant, otherwise it will damage the roots, affect the development and flowers, in order to make peony superior development, every year to stop fair fertilization. After each application, water well and loosen soil immediately to increase water evaporation.

2. Cut off the luxuriant branches and leaves after the potted peony frost falls to prevent the propagation of pests and diseases. Winter period does not need to move indoors, arranged on the balcony or under the eaves of sufficient sunlight, basin soil can not be too dry.

3. Before peony blossoms, after the side buds emerge, they can be removed in real time to collect nutrients and promote the top buds to bloom beautifully. After flowering, if you do not plan to harvest breeding, you should always cut off the pedicels to avoid seed.

Time: 2019-03-14 Click: