
Detailed explanation of the breeding methods and matters needing attention of jasmine, master 4 tips to make its flowers blossom and fill the garden!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The mention of jasmine reminds me of a song in which one of the lyrics calls for a beautiful jasmine. Every year, jasmine blossoms from May to August, and the color is usually pure white, but it won't blossom if you don't raise it well.

The mention of jasmine reminds me of a song in which one of the lyrics is called "what a beautiful jasmine". Every year, jasmine blossoms from May to August, and the color is usually pure white, but it won't blossom if you don't raise it well. So what are the breeding methods and precautions of jasmine? Let the jasmine breeding experts explain the maintenance in detail as follows:

First, the breeding methods and matters needing attention of jasmine are explained in detail!

1. Five steps of jasmine culture method

(1) selection of pot soil for jasmine culture.

Jasmine culture soil will generally choose soil with good water conservation and air permeability, which of the three soil types in China is more suitable? Of course, loam is the most suitable! Among them, it is also possible to buy some rotten leaf soil in the market for breeding. What kind of pot is good for jasmine breeding? General plastic basin, pottery basin, mud basin is the best choice, do not sell ceramic pots, because it is not very breathable.

(2) the method and time of jasmine culture.

Jasmine pot time is more exquisite, the most suitable time for jasmine sprouting every year, that is, from March to April in spring, these two months must be completed. Among them, the basin soil can also be changed, which is beneficial to the growth and reproduction of jasmine. After putting on the basin, it should be better to avoid sunlight, and after recovering, move to a sunny place.

(3) watering method of jasmine culture

More and less watering in jasmine culture is the key point that directly affects the growth of jasmine. If it is watered too much every day, it will lead to jasmine leaves yellowing. If the basin soil is too wet, it will lead to jasmine rhizome rot, and eventually lead to death. If the above two situations occur because of watering, be sure to stop watering, move to a place where there is no sun for repair, and then water normally when it recovers.

If there is a way to water jasmine, it can be watered every three days in spring and once in the morning and evening when it is hot in summer, but don't water too much, a little is enough, just moisten the soil. It is enough to water every two days in autumn, but once every three days in late autumn. You can water it once a week in winter. It should be noted that if you find the leaves yellowing, stop watering.

(4) fertilization methods for jasmine culture.

Jasmine culture process is more like fertilizer, especially in the month before flowering, we need to do a good job of fertilization to ensure that it can blossom when the garden is full of fragrance. From the time of sprouting in spring to September, jasmine needs to be fertilized every 15 days, preferably with thin pancakes, because jasmine likes acidic fertilizer. There is no need to apply fertilizer after October, which is good for jasmine to spend the winter.

(5) pruning methods of jasmine culture

Jasmine can usually start pruning in March every year, because when new buds grow, some old branches can be cut off from the bottom, but only 20 cm at most, not too much, otherwise it will affect the growth of jasmine. After cutting, the jasmine will almost blossom, so it is beneficial to blossom.

The above are the five main points of jasmine breeding methods summarized by jasmine breeding experts, all of which are indispensable, please collect them well!

two。 Points for attention in jasmine culture: master 4 tips to make the garden full of fragrant flowers.

Jasmine breeding experts told us that these four points for attention must be achieved, these four points for attention is tantamount to mastering four tips, do a good job of these four points can make your jasmine flowers full of fragrance in the garden.

(1) points for attention in jasmine culture: lighting tips

Jasmine is very fond of sunshine, does not like shady places, if there is no light, it can not grow and is not conducive to flowers, but also may lead to non-flowering. But if you put jasmine in a place with light and reasonable watering and fertilization, after your careful care, it will be no problem to blossom.

(2) points for attention in jasmine culture: tips for pest control

A lot of bugs come out in spring, which will endanger your jasmine, so you must observe carefully every day. If you find any diseases and insect pests, spray medicine immediately and treat them in time, so as to ensure that the flowers bloom normally.

(3) points for attention in jasmine culture: tips for prevention and control of leaf yellowing

Generally speaking, the yellowing of jasmine leaves is caused by the alkalinity of the soil, so it is necessary to change the basin soil or loosen the soil in time. Can also use thin alum fat water smeared on the yellowing leaves, every 7 days on a smear, smear for a period of time the leaves can be yellow green! In the future, if you pay attention to fertilization and watering, you can avoid yellowing of leaves.

(4) points for attention in jasmine culture: tips for changing pots every year.

Every spring is the best time to change jasmine pots. Never change jasmine pots in winter and summer. Jasmine is most afraid of the cold in winter. Sometimes it is better to put jasmine on the indoor balcony. Changing pots is not good for growth when it is too hot in summer. So changing pots in spring is the best. When changing pots, add some base fertilizer to the new soil, and then water it properly, so that your jasmine can bloom for a long time with gorgeous flowers this year.

The above are the matters needing attention in jasmine breeding, and don't forget the tips!

Second, is jasmine breeding suitable for indoor use? Aquaculture experts tell you the truth!

Jasmine is fragrant when it blossoms and can be raised indoors. When jasmine blossoms, it will release a kind of oil, which can help the family to sterilize, and it can make people feel refreshed immediately after smelling it. So those rumors that can't be raised indoors are all deceptive, depending on your preference for putting green plants.

Summary: the above contents of this article are the five steps and four matters needing attention in jasmine culture, hoping to help to play a role in the conservation of jasmine. This paper is integrated with the network.

Time: 2019-03-14 Click: