
When is the best time to sow colorful carnation? Explain the planting methods and matters needing attention in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Colorful carnation, also known as bract carnation, American carnation, brocade, and so on, the color of flowering is very bright, very ornamental value. Its root and grass can be used as medicinal materials, with the effect of clearing away heat and diuresis and breaking blood and dredging menstruation. Deeply loved by many people, when is the best time to sow colorful carnation?

Colorful carnation, also known as bract carnation, American carnation, brocade, and so on, the color of flowering is very bright, very ornamental value. Its root and grass can be used as medicinal materials, with the effect of clearing away heat and diuresis and breaking blood and dredging menstruation. Deeply loved by many people, when is the best time to sow colorful carnation? The following is a detailed explanation of planting methods and matters needing attention!

When is the best time to sow colorful carnation? The sowing method is as follows!

1. The time of sowing and reproduction of colorful carnation can be either in spring or autumn. The best sowing season is from September to October in autumn. The optimum temperature for germination was 10-20 ℃. Carnation seedlings need one and a half months of low temperature vernalization to differentiate into flower buds, so they do not blossom in spring, but only grow leaves, and can not blossom until the early summer of the following year. It is suitable for seedlings to grow 2-3cm before frosting.

two。 Although sowing in winter can create a germination temperature, the light in many flower friends' homes is not very abundant, which is likely to cause the seedlings to grow, so when sowing colorful carnation, you can consider the temperature, light and maintenance from three aspects.

3. The sowing method of colorful carnation:

(1) sowing seeds in the field, sowing 200 seeds per square meter. If it is for the production of seedlings, it can be doubled to 400 per square meter after it is grown, and 600 per square meter can be increased by sowing and raising seedlings in the greenhouse. If the method of raising seedlings with acupoint plate is adopted, 108 acupoint plate is suitable.

(2) sowing seeds in the field, garden soil is fine, even soil that is not too sticky is fine. When raising seedlings in burrow tray, peat soil, sand and vermiculite can be mixed into composite substrate at the proportion of 1:1:1. There is no need to specialize in pest control and will not cause great harm.

2. four steps in the planting method of colorful carnation

1. Soil selection

Colorful carnation requires fertile, loose, well-drained loam or sandy loam containing calcareous soil, and good alkali resistance. The culture soil can be mixed with 6 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of compost and 2 parts of sandy soil.

two。 Watering

It is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist during the period of growth and development, such as watering too much and rotting roots.

3. Sunshine

For a long time, carnation requires sufficient light, placed in places with plenty of sunshine, and it is appropriate to scatter light in summer to avoid exposure to the hot sun. When the temperature is high, it should be shaded and cooled down.

4. Temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of carnation is 15-20 ℃. In winter, the temperature should be kept above 12 ℃ in the greenhouse.

III. Three matters needing attention in the cultivation of colored carnation

1. Watering should be reasonable.

In fact, the demand for water of colorful carnation does not match. In spring and autumn, the weather is relatively dry and can be watered more appropriately, while in summer the weather is hot and the water evaporates quickly, so it needs to be watered frequently. However, due to too much Rain Water in the Meiyu season, we still need to pay attention to timely drainage and loosening the soil. In addition, it is very cold in winter. In order to avoid frost damage, we must water less.

two。 Fertilization should be appropriate.

Colorful carnation is often used as a 2012 plant for pot culture, so its base fertilizer must be fully applied when planting. Let him and as the plant grows, the plant will have a greater demand for nutrients after the growing season, when fertilizing every 10 days, and the generally mature thin liquid fertilizer bureau is enough.

3. Pruning in time

When it comes to the growth period, the growth rate of carnation is very fast, so it needs to be pruned in time. Cut off the excess branches, terminal buds and axillary buds of the plant, as well as leaf axillary buds, so that the nutrients of the colorful carnation can be sufficient and concentrated, and the flowers produced by the Ang plant can have large and colorful flowers.

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: