
What should the newly bought geranium leaves turn yellow, whitish and withered?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Nowadays, in addition to leisure and entertainment to pass the boring time, many people choose to cultivate their sentiment by planting flowers and grass, cooking wine and tea, but growing flowers is also a deep knowledge. Let's talk about what to do if the newly bought geranium leaves turn yellow and dry. The question of how long it will take to water it! Introduction to geraniums

Nowadays, in addition to leisure and entertainment to pass the boring time, many people choose to cultivate their sentiment by planting flowers and grass, cooking wine and tea, but growing flowers is also a deep knowledge. Let's talk about what to do if the newly bought geranium leaves turn yellow and dry. The question of how long it will take to water it!

Introduction of geraniums

1. Geranium is actually just its Chinese name. It is also called Hydrangea, paraffin red, sunset red, sunflower and so on. Geraniums, a decorative flower native to southern Africa, are now widely grown all over the world and are more common in Europe.

two。 The height of the geranium is generally 30 to 60 years, the stem is erect with obvious nodes and pubescence, its leaves are ovate or broadly triangular, and the leaves and petioles are pilose; the colors of geraniums are red, orange, pink and white, generally blooming from May to July and bearing about 3-inch fruit from June to September.

3. Geranium not only has a high ornamental and decorative effect, but also has the effects of hemostasis, detoxification, diuresis, antibacterial and deodorization, etc. in addition, geranium can only be extracted for beauty, calming, mosquito repellent and so on.

Second, what if the geranium leaves turn yellow, whiten and dry?

For friends who have not maintained geraniums before, the newly bought geraniums may not know how to start yellowing, whitening and withering, so let's talk in detail how to solve the yellowing, whitening and withering of geranium leaves!

(1) the causes and solutions of yellowing of geranium leaves

1. Geranium leaves yellowing caused by exposure and lack of light: most plants need sunlight for their growth, but if they are exposed to the sun for a long time (especially in summer), the water content of the leaves will be evaporated, burned and yellowed and withered; on the contrary, if the geranium is placed in a dark environment for a long time without sunlight, it will affect photosynthesis, which will also lead to yellowing and drying of leaves.

Solution: lack of light as long as the geranium moved to a place with plenty of light and out of yellow leaves and dead branches on it, with the supplement of light will generally slowly recover; exposure to yellow leaves is not serious can be moved to a cool and ventilated place and appropriate replenishment of water, if the sun exposure is so serious that the plant is nearly dead, it can only be dug out to plant new geraniums. Of course, it is best to take shading measures in advance, especially in the hot summer sun.

two。 Yellowing of geranium leaves caused by drought or waterlogging: life cannot exist without water, but it has to meet the amount needed for growth. For example, if the geranium is watered too much, it will lead to the poor moisture and air permeability of the soil in the basin, resulting in root rot and leaf yellowing and drying up; if it is often not watered, it will cause the plant not enough water and the leaf yellowing and drying up. Serious even lead to the death of the plant.

Solution: too much watering should be remedied according to the actual situation. If the situation is lighter, the pot can be placed in a dry and ventilated place to let the water evaporate, or dry newspaper and peat can be used to absorb the water. If there is a lack of water, just give it enough water.

When watering, remember that if the weather is sunny, you can water it once a week in cloudy and rainy weather, every morning or evening in summer, and at noon in ten days and a half moon in winter. The specific watering should be based on the dry and wet condition of the soil in the basin, and if it is dry, it will not be watered. In addition, the amount of watering each time should not be too much, which should be decided according to the size of the pot.

3. Yellowing of geranium leaves caused by too high or too low temperature: each plant has its own suitable temperature for growth. Too high and too low will not only affect growth but also cause yellow leaves to dry up.

Solution: geranium is a plant that likes to be warm and humid, so put it in a cool and ventilated place in summer, and spray a certain amount of iron solution if there are yellow leaves; it will be no problem if you keep it indoors and keep it above 8 degrees in winter.

4. Geranium leaves yellowed and withered caused by improper fertilization: too much geranium fertilizer will cause burning and rotten roots, resulting in yellow leaves and drying up; on the contrary, lack of fertilizer will cause plant malnutrition and dry yellow leaves.

Solution: too much fertilizer can be diluted by irrigation, and if the situation is serious, change the soil and go out to rot and replant; if there is too little diet, you should add fertilizer properly and apply diluted fertilizer many times.

5. Geranium leaves yellowed and withered caused by diseases and insect pests: the invasion of diseases and insect pests will destroy plant tissue and nutrition, resulting in yellowing, drying and even death of the leaves.

Solution: such as Botrytis cinerea, leaf spot disease, red spiders and other diseases and insect pests are more common, to targeted spraying drugs for prevention and control.

(2) the causes of whitening and drying of geranium leaves and their solutions

1. The whitening and drying of geranium leaves caused by soil alkalization: excessive alkali in soil will cause the loss of nitrogen elements and affect the synthesis of chlorophyll, but also affect the absorption of trace elements by geranium, resulting in albino and dry leaves.

Solution: excessive alkali is not serious can be watered by adding some rice vinegar and other acids to neutralize the alkalinity of the soil, serious cases can only be cultivated by changing pots and soil.

two。 Iron deficiency causes geranium leaves to turn white and dry: iron is one of the important elements for plants to synthesize chlorophyll and make leaves green, so geranium leaves will whiten and dry if they are deficient in iron.

Solution: give the geranium an appropriate amount of ferrous sulfate, usually every one or two months, and can also be poured with organic fertilizer after inhalation.

3. The geranium leaves are white and dry caused by high-temperature exposure: high-temperature exposure will slow down or pause the various functions of the geranium, resulting in the whitening and drying of the geranium leaves.

Solution: put the geraniums in a cool and ventilated place and spray water into the leaves and the surrounding air.

After reading these, are you sure how to take care of the geraniums? In fact, as long as we pay attention to light, temperature, water and fertilizer and pest control, we can basically raise a pot of vibrant geraniums.

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: