
When is the best time to plant cucumbers? Only in this way can planting management be high-yielding!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, We all know that every summer there will be a large number of fresh cucumbers on the market, will be bought to make a variety of delicacies. If you choose to grow cucumbers in your home, you don't know when to grow cucumbers. How can high yield be achieved by planting management? The details are as follows: when is the best time to plant cucumbers?

We all know that every summer there will be a large number of fresh cucumbers on the market, will be bought to make a variety of delicacies. If you choose to grow cucumbers in your home, you don't know when to grow cucumbers. How can high yield be achieved by planting management? The details are as follows:

When is the best time to plant cucumbers?

As both spring and autumn are suitable for planting cucumbers, the planting time will be different. The specific analysis is as follows:

1. When is the best time to plant spring cucumbers?

The sowing date of spring cucumber is determined according to the planting date, the suitable calendar seedling age is 40-50 days, and the physiological seedling age is four leaves-heart. If calculated according to the calendar seedling age, the seeds should be sown 40-50 days before planting. The age of physiological seedlings is related to the method of raising seedlings. It takes 50-55 days to raise seedlings in sunny beds or solar greenhouses. The seedlings were raised in heating greenhouse for 45-50 days. The seedlings were raised in greenhouse with electric hotline for 45 days. Therefore, the sowing time is also different with different seedling raising methods. Among them, Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang are generally planted after late April.

Practice has proved that rapid seedling raising not only saves time, but also emerges quickly and thrives, and the early yield is high. Where there are conditions, try to use rapid seedling breeding.

two。 When is the best time to plant autumn cucumbers?

The cultivation of autumn cucumber is only in the frost area, which refers to the end of harvest before the first frost, while in the frost-free area all the year round, the cucumber is listed in summer cucumber seedling pulling in autumn. The growth period of autumn cucumber is only 80-90 days, and it can be cultivated directly or transplanting seedlings. Open field or greenhouse production. Autumn cucumber is sown about 70 days before Frosts Descent, and seedling transplanting can be carried out 7-10 days in advance. Because the seedling stage and early growth stage are in the high temperature and rainy season, the diseases and insect pests of autumn cucumber are serious and the yield is low. Autumn cucumbers are usually planted from August to September.

Second, only in this way can cucumber be planted and managed to achieve high yield!

1. Select suitable varieties

High-yielding varieties with strong disease resistance, many female flowers and strong fruit setting, such as Jinyan cucumber, should be selected.

two。 Budding, sowing and planting

To accelerate the germination of cucumber seeds should be 2 to 3 days before sowing, in order to let the seeds bear the temperature evenly, often turn the seeds, usually about 24 hours will sprout. When you find that the seed is slightly exposed to the bud tip, the temperature can be maintained at about 25 degrees Celsius.

After all the buds come out, you can sow. When sowing, it is best to let the buds face the same direction. After sowing, cover the soil immediately. The planting time of cucumber seedlings is usually chosen in sunny weather.

3. Temperature management in greenhouse

Early spring, the temperature is low, if you plant early, you can consider a few more layers of film cover. About a week after planting, the greenhouse should be sealed at this time, which can promote slow seedling.

4. Humidity management

If it is in a sunny day, the humidity in the shed can be controlled at 55% to 65%, and the humidity at night can be maintained at 85% to 90%. If it is on a cloudy day, the humidity can be maintained at 70% to 85% and at night at 90% to 95%.

When do cucumbers usually be planted? High-yield cultivation and Management techniques of Cucumber

5. Fertilizer and water management

At the initial stage of planting cucumber seedlings, we should remember to water enough seedlings, which can effectively promote early survival. After living to the late stage of cucumber growing, we must remember to control watering, and then squat seedlings.

6. Prevention and control of diseases

The common diseases of cucumber in greenhouse are mainly downy mildew (can be sprayed with Bordeaux solution), cucumber anthracnose (can be sprayed with 80% Dysen zinc 800 times, etc.), cucumber powdery mildew (can spray 200 times wettable sulfur powder suspension), and so on.

Conclusion: the above is to sort out the best time for cucumber planting and planting management techniques, hoping to help farmers in need. This paper is integrated with the network.

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: