
"Popular indoor plants" Fugui bamboo hydroponic cultivation methods and precautions introduced!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bamboo is also known as Kaiyun bamboo, which has the symbolic meaning of good luck and great benefit, so it is very popular with people. It is a kind of indoor ornamental plant with high popularity. Bamboo can be cultivated in soil or hydroponic culture, but it is usually cultivated in water in family culture.

Rich bamboo, also known as Kaiyun bamboo, has the symbolic meaning of "good luck", so it is very popular with people. It is a popular indoor ornamental plant. Rich bamboo can be cultivated either in soil or in water. But water culture is usually used in family culture, so the editor will introduce the aquaculture methods and matters needing attention of rich bamboo.

I. methods of hydroponic culture of rich bamboos

1. Water quality

Water to raise rich bamboo can not directly use just released tap water, if possible, it is best to use mineral water to breed. The mineral elements in mineral water are beneficial to the growth of rich bamboo. If tap water is used, the water should be precipitated first. Reduce the chlorine compounds in the water in order to ensure the normal growth of rich bamboo.

2. Lighting

Rich bamboo is a plant that likes to grow in a shady and humid environment, and it is suitable to grow in semi-shady or scattered light when breeding, but do not put it in the sun under strong light, otherwise it will cause rich bamboo to turn yellow and grow slowly.

3. Temperature

Phyllostachys pubescens is suitable for growing in warm conditions, but it is also relatively cold-resistant. The most suitable temperature for its growth is between 20-28 ℃, and it can also withstand a low temperature of 2-3 ℃. But if it is winter, attention should be paid to frost prevention. If the temperature is too low, it will cause frostbite and lead to blight.

4. Fertilization

In general, good growth of plants is inseparable from the supply of fertilizer, and rich bamboo is no exception, but fertilization should be moderate, too much will easily lead to yellowing of leaves or even burn to death, and too little will make them malnourished and grow poorly. Under normal circumstances, fertilizing with compound fertilizer every two or three months is OK. If it is water-raised, after changing water every 2 weeks or so, it is necessary to add potassium dihydrogen phosphate to ensure its normal nutrition absorption.

5. Pest control

If you do not pay attention to the breeding process, Fugui bamboo is likely to be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, especially in spring and summer when diseases and insect pests occur more need to be prevented in advance, generally spray some low concentration of insecticides in advance.

II. Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of Fugui bamboo

1. When raising rich bamboo in indoor water, you should be careful not to put it next to electrical appliances such as televisions, air conditioners and refrigerators, because these household appliances will produce a lot of radiation, thus affecting the growth of rich bamboo and yellowing leaves.

2. Generally speaking, most of the newly bought rich bamboos have their roots and leaves trimmed. Be careful not to add tap water directly when inserting it into vases or other containers. Leave the tap water for a day before use.

3. Usually, the bottom of the newly bought rich bamboo has not yet taken root, lack of nutrition and it is easy to cause the phenomenon of leaves yellowing. At this time, we need to go through a difficult process of adaptation. After the rich bamboo takes root, add an appropriate amount of water to nurture carefully. The leaves will gradually turn green, and be careful not to change water frequently during rooting to avoid withering and yellowing of branches and leaves.

4. The branching ability of Fugui bamboo is not as strong as other trees and flowers, so it is best to put multiple branches into the container, so that not only the ornamental effect is good, but also the ability to purify the air will be much stronger.

5. Water to control the amount of water when raising rich bamboo, pay attention to not too much water, generally in 1/3 of the container, in dry weather can be appropriate to the rich bamboo leaves spray water, to ensure its stretching and rich, probably every two weeks or so to change the water, because has not changed water, it is easy to cause the accumulation of bacteria in the water appear rotten root phenomenon.

Summary: the above is about the rich bamboo aquaculture methods and matters needing attention related to the introduction, I hope to help friends in need!

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: