
How can sweet-scented osmanthus flowers grow well? How to make it blossom more?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Sweet-scented osmanthus is also regarded as a traditional famous flower in China, and it belongs to a tree species with high ornamental and practical value, and it is very popular among people, but many people's sweet-scented osmanthus flowers do not bloom, so it takes some energy to raise them well. so how can sweet-scented osmanthus grow well? How to make it bloom more?

Osmanthus fragrans is regarded as a traditional famous flower in our country, belonging to species with high ornamental and practical value, which is very popular with people. However, many people's osmanthus fragrans do not bloom. It can be seen that it takes some energy to raise it well. How can osmanthus fragrans grow well? How to make it bloom more?

How do I grow good osmanthus flowers?

1. Timely watering

Potted osmanthus flowers should master the principle of watering thoroughly if they are not dry or watered. Fresh water can be sprayed on the leaves once a day. After March and April, the osmanthus flowers should be moved outdoors to irrigate once. In summer, they should be watered in the morning and evening, and in winter, they should be watered around noon. The water temperature should be close to the soil temperature and no accumulated water should be allowed.

2. Reasonable fertilization

In order to ensure the ornamental value of osmanthus fragrans, sufficient fertilizer should be given to it, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied 1-2 times when osmanthus fragrans shoots, phosphorus fertilizer should be applied before flower bud differentiation and flowering, pot soil is slightly dry and pine soil before fertilization, which is beneficial to fertilizer absorption, and water is poured once after fertilization.

3. Pour basin and change soil

Osmanthus fragrans should be replaced every 2-3 years. During the replacement period, part of the old roots and dead roots should be cut off and a layer of river sand should be placed on the bottom of the basin for ventilation and drainage. In addition, decomposed cake fertilizer can be placed as base fertilizer. Compaction is needed when filling. The soil usually can be prepared with garden soil, manure and river sand in the proportion of 1/3.

4. Trimming

When shaping osmanthus fragrans, the method of climbing and pruning is generally adopted. The best time is after autumn. If the tree shape is very poor, the whole top branches can be cut off at 2/3 or 3/4. If the branches of the plant are too dense, thinning should be carried out. After flowering, excessive growth, pests, dead branches and dense thin branches should be cut off.

5, winter management

During the winter period of osmanthus fragrans, the room temperature should be maintained at 0-5℃, the humidity should be maintained at about 50-80%, and the indoor lighting should be good, especially when the early spring buds sprout, the sunshine should be sufficient. After the second year of grain rain, the potted osmanthus fragrans can be removed from the room and concentrated in the leeward sunny place to gradually adapt to the external environment.

6, pest control

Osmanthus fragrans is easy to suffer from diseases and insect pests during its growth period. At this time, measures should be taken to prevent and control the common diseases, such as leaf spot disease, coal stain disease, algae spot disease and root rot. If it is leaf spot disease, coal stain disease and algae spot disease, 0.5 bordeaux solution or 5% carbendazim 500-1000 times solution can be used for prevention and control. Root rot should pay attention to making the soil loose and breathable and not ponding. Common pests are sawflies, whiteflies, mites and Changbai scale, etc. Sawflies, whiteflies and mites can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1500-3000 times solution, Changbai scale except artificial brush, can also be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times solution or 40% fenitrothion 500 times solution.

Second, how to make osmanthus blossom more?

1. Choose the basin soil

The potted osmanthus pot soil can be selected mountain mud, humus soil and sand according to the ratio of 5:3:2 mixed use, or can also be used in the proportion of decayed leaf soil and sandy loam, the soil acid can not be too strong to avoid slow growth leaves withered, also can not use alkaline soil, so as not to make leaves wither or even die after 2-3 months.

2, timely watering

When watering osmanthus flowers, it is necessary to divide the situation, water less before the new shoots occur and on rainy days, water more in dry weather in summer and autumn, and maintain the water content of about 50% of the pot soil at ordinary times. In rainy season, it is necessary to drain water in time to avoid water accumulation and rotten roots in the pot.

3. Skillful topdressing

If you want osmanthus flowers to bloom more, you can apply decomposed thin pig manure solution after osmanthus flowers come out of the room in early spring, once every 10-15 days in April and May, once every 7-10 days in June and July, and last time in early August. This can not only make osmanthus flowers flourish and bloom more but also more fragrant. If there is no pig manure, decomposed cake fertilizer solution can be used. If fertilization is insufficient, it is easy to make its branches less, flowers less and not fragrant.

4. Proper pruning

Osmanthus fragrans has developed root system and strong germination force. Adult osmanthus fragrans can shoot twice a year. Therefore, it is necessary to prune osmanthus fragrans more flowers in order to maintain the physiological balance of reproduction and nutritional growth. Generally, the weak diseased branches should be cut off when pruning, which is beneficial to ventilation, light transmission and nutrient concentration, so that osmanthus fragrans can breed more and fuller flower buds.

Summary: The above is about osmanthus how to grow well and how to make it more flowering related to the introduction, I hope to have a friend in need of help!

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: