
How to plant peony seeds? What are the field management skills?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Peony, also known as Luoyang flower, Fugui flower, is a plant of Paeonia lactiflora in Paeoniaceae. It is a woody precious flower endemic to China. It is widely cultivated in China and has been introduced all over the world. So how to plant peony seeds, the king of flowers? What are the field management skills? Planting methods of Peony Seeds

Peony, also known as Luoyang flower, Fugui flower, is a plant of Paeonia lactiflora in Paeoniaceae. It is a woody precious flower endemic to China. It is widely cultivated in China and has been introduced all over the world. So how to plant peony seeds as "king of flowers"? What are the field management skills?

I. planting methods of peony seeds

1. Sowing time

Whether it is not sown in the autumn of that year or sown in the next spring, it can only grow young roots in that year, and it is necessary to wait until the next spring to sprout. Under normal circumstances, peony seeds will not sprout in the same year when they are sown in spring.

two。 Pretreatment before sowing

The soaked peony seeds can be mixed with appropriate amount of plant ash before sowing, which is more conducive to the germination and emergence of peony seeds.

3. Sowing mode

There are six main sowing methods of peony seeds, which are border sowing, hole sowing, strip sowing, withdrawal sowing, box sowing and pot sowing, in which sowing and strip sowing are not conducive to field management, such as fertilization and grass sowing are more troublesome than hole sowing, so oil peony seeds are sown by hole sowing in many areas.

II. Field management skills

1. Intermediate ploughing and weeding

If you want the peony to grow well, growers should make sure that there are no weeds in the peony field. Usually, the weeds in the peony field should be cleared as soon as possible, and do not wait for weeds to grow in the field. When it is rainy in spring and summer, weeding pine needs to be carried out every time the ground is dry after rain to prevent the soil from hardening after rain, which will affect the normal growth of peony seedlings. We must be careful when the grass is loosening the soil at ordinary times to avoid rabbits from damaging peony seedlings.

two。 Fertilizing and topdressing

Under general circumstances, topdressing should be carried out at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter in the year when peony seeds are sown and in the spring of the following year. Vegetable cake or rotten human urine can be used as fertilizer, at the same time, it can also be combined with appropriate amount of compound fertilizer and urea, preferably diluted and then applied, and appropriate amount of vegetable cake and organic fertilizer can be applied to the gap between peony seedlings in winter.

3. Drainage and drought resistance

Peony planting plots to avoid the emergence of stagnant water, stagnant water will cause rotten roots of du Dan seedlings, rainy season must be timely discharge of stagnant water in the peony field! Too high temperature in summer can easily lead to early drying of peony planting plots, growers can irrigate in the morning and evening, and they can also cover the surface with straw to cool the surface, prevent the evaporation of water in the soil, ensure soil moisture and achieve the purpose of resisting early.

4. Thinning seedlings

When raising seedlings, peony growers should adhere to the quality and quantity of peony seedlings, mainly cultivate strong seedlings, pay attention to time seedlings thinning seedlings, eliminate weak seedlings, avoid unnecessary loss of nutrients and affect the growth of strong seedlings.

5. Anti-freezing and cold protection

After the beginning of winter, growers should also take corresponding warm measures for peony seedlings to prevent frostbite, such as timely straw mulching and so on.

The above are the planting methods and field management skills of peony seeds introduced by Tuliu. in order to make the peony grow well, growers should adopt the correct planting method and sow seeds at the right time, and field management is also essential.

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: