
Worthy of collection of high-yield blueberry planting management technology!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, I still remember that a few years ago, the price of blueberries was high, easily nearly 100 yuan per jin, but now 341 jin of blueberries are very close to the people, all due to the massive cultivation in China. So today, the editor of will introduce the planting and management techniques of high-yield blueberries in detail.

I still remember that a few years ago, the price of blueberries was "high above", often nearly 100 yuan per jin, but now 341 jin of blueberries are very close to the people, all due to the massive cultivation in China. So today the editor of will introduce in detail the planting and management techniques of high-yield blueberries, so that the blueberries of the majority of growers can get more high yield.

I. the basic situation of blueberries

1. The origin and alias of blueberry

Blueberry is a small berry tree, a perennial shrub with blue fruit. The translation of blueberry is due to the blue fruit. In fact, it has other nicknames, such as Benedictine, Benedictine persimmon, du persimmon, Dianguo, Benedictine blueberry and so on. Blueberries are basically distributed all over the world, such as North America, Europe, China, Mongolia, Russia, Japan and other regions and countries, among which the blueberries produced in North America are famous all over the world for their beautiful color, delicate pulp, sweet and sour taste.

two。 The morphology of blueberries

Blueberry fruit is a layer of white fruit powder wrapped in small berries, edible rate reached 100%, in addition to sweet and sour delicious, but also refreshing aroma. Blueberries generally germinate in spring and enter full bloom after three or four weeks; the leaves remain on the plant for two or three years, the most common leaf shape is oval, and most blueberry leaves have villi on the back; the roots of blueberries are small and have no root hair. but the mycorrhizal fungi in fine roots can benefit the growth of blueberries. The height of blueberry trees varies greatly, with a high clump of 1-3 meters, a half-height clump of 50-100 cm, and a dwarf clump of 30-50 cm.

3. The value of blueberries

Blueberry fruit is a fruit with high medicinal, edible, nutritional and health functions, in which a very high content of anthocyanin is an effective anti-aging ingredient. In addition, eating blueberries regularly has obvious effects on preventing cancer, enhancing immunity, protecting eyesight and so on.

2. Planting and management techniques for high yield of blueberry

The price of blueberries is much more close to the people than before, but it is still much more expensive than fruits such as bananas and apples. In addition to its own value, the difficulty of cultivation and management is also one of the factors of high price. So let's learn how to grow and manage blueberries if you want to achieve high yield.

(1) choose the right blueberry varieties in the right areas

Blueberries can not be planted anywhere, and the selection of suitable varieties for cultivation is also an important condition for high yield.

1. The cold-resistant varieties of semi-high shrub blueberry group and short shrub blueberry group are selected in Northeast China, such as Mayden and Fendi cultivated in Canada and Beicun and Beicun in the United States.

two。 High-irrigation blueberry varieties are selected in North China, such as American mid-mature Sharpe blue and early-maturing O'Neill and so on.

3. In the south of the Yangtze River basin, we can choose southern high-irrigation blueberry varieties and rabbit-eye blueberry varieties, if the early-maturing varieties with large grains, such as haze, garden blue, pink blue and other fine varieties cultivated in the United States.

4. It is a good choice to choose rabbit-eyed blueberries in South China, such as the late-maturing variety Baldvin and the above-mentioned garden blue and pink blue.

(2) choose excellent blueberry seedlings

1. Generally, if you want to get faster results, you can choose the seedlings of 2-3 years. There can be no plants with weak growth, sparse roots and diseases in the seedlings.

two。 If it is self-raising seedlings, you can choose to use the greenhouse to raise seedlings, the seedlings should be properly watered every day, observe the disease and insect situation, timely prevention, wait for the root system to grow full nutrition bowl can be moved into the field.

(3) Construction of blueberry orchard

1. If the soil of the blueberry plantation is loose and fertile, ventilated, moist and non-stagnant, and is rich in organic matter. The money for planting blueberry seedlings also needs to be deeply ploughed and prepared in advance. If the soil condition of the garden is not up to standard, it needs to be improved a year in advance so that the blueberry seedlings can grow better.

two。 The planting of blueberries can be carried out in spring and autumn, planting should fully consider the planting density, and the planted blueberries should be irrigated and watered in time.

(IV) maintenance and management of blueberries

1. Blueberry root distribution is relatively shallow, so appropriate irrigation is very necessary, generally with pH value of about 5 water for irrigation, irrigation every 3-5 days, of course, Rain Water does not need irrigation, but also to talk about excess water discharge.

two。 Clear ploughing and weeding are essential in the process of management. generally, the depth of clear ploughing should not be too deep, just keep it at 5-10 centimeters. If the cost of manual weeding is too high, you can choose chemicals with low drug damage and low pollution.

3. The application of fertilizer for blueberry is generally carried out before sprouting and berry ripening in early spring, mainly using nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, ammonium sulfate and so on. The application rate should be determined according to the soil and growth conditions.

4. After the second year of planting, the weak and diseased branches should be trimmed off, and the adult blueberry seedlings should control the tree height, cut off excess branches and leaves, leaving large and medium branches. Hualiangda can cut off part of the strong branches to ensure that each strong branch has 2-4 flower buds; if blueberry trees have been planted for more than 20 years, they can cut off all the branches close to the ground and re-germinate new branches and leaves at the base.

5. In general, the ripening period of dwarf blueberries is relatively consistent, and they can be harvested together after maturity; the mature picking period of high bushes blueberries can last 20-30 days, so they should be picked in time every week to avoid birds and insects from eating blueberries.

Blueberry planting management technology is introduced here, I do not know if there is any experience after reading it! In addition, I would like to remind that although blueberries are newly introduced in China, we should still pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests such as fungal diseases, bacterial diseases and nematodes, so that the high yield of blueberries is foolproof.

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: