
The latest news of cotton subsidy in 2019! Is there a subsidy for growing cotton?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cotton is grown in all parts of our country. I remember that when I was a child, Grandma liked to grow cotton. In winter, she could use the cotton harvested to make new bedding, but now few people grow it in the hometown of Xiaobian. In order to support cotton growers, the state also gives some subsidies.

Cotton has been planted in all parts of our country. I remember that when I was a child, Grandma liked to grow cotton, and she could use the cotton harvested to make new bedding in winter, but now there are very few people growing it in my hometown, and the state also gives some subsidies to support cotton growers. So what's the latest news about cotton subsidies in 2019? Is there a subsidy for growing cotton?

II. Contents of direct subsidies for 2019 farmers

1. Farmer subsidy one: cultivated land fertility protection subsidy

Subsidy object: in principle, it is the land farmers who have the right to contract cultivated land.

Form of subsidy: subsidy funds are directly cashed to households in the form of "one card (discount) pass".

Subsidy conditions: the specific subsidy basis, subsidy conditions, and subsidy standards shall be continued by the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in accordance with the Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture on comprehensively promoting the three subsidies in Agriculture (Cainong (2016) No. 26), according to the requirements of the local reality, it is necessary to maintain the continuity and stability of the policy and ensure that the broad masses of farmers benefit directly.

Subsidy methods: encourage provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to innovate ways and means, take green ecology as the guidance, link the distribution of subsidies with the responsibility for the protection of cultivated land, and guide farmers to improve the productivity of cultivated land.

two。 Farmer subsidy II: subsidy for the purchase of agricultural machinery

Scope of subsidy: central government funds for the purchase of agricultural machinery throughout the country range from 15 major categories to 42 subcategories and 137 items, with open subsidies for machinery and equipment within the scope of subsidies.

Subsidy targets: individuals engaged in agricultural production and agricultural production and operation organizations.

3. Farmer subsidy III: producer subsidy

Regional scope: corn and soybean producer subsidies are implemented in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia.

Form of subsidy: the subsidy funds shall be paid to the producers in the form of "one card (discount) pass".

Conclusion: the above is the introduction of cotton subsidies in 2019, hoping to help small partners in need. This paper is integrated with the network.

Time: 2019-03-13 Click: