
How much is a blueberry sapling? How is the planting profit?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Blueberries are also called Benedictine, etc., because of their unique taste, delicate flesh and the functions of preventing aging and enhancing eyesight, blueberries are also known as one of the five healthier fruits in the world. Many growers also want to grow them. So how much is a blueberry sapling? How about the profit of planting?

Blueberries are also called Benedictine, etc., because of their unique taste, delicate flesh and the functions of preventing aging and enhancing eyesight, blueberries are also known as "one of the five healthy fruits in the world". Many growers also want to grow them. So how much is a blueberry sapling? How about the profit of planting?

How much is a blueberry sapling?

The price of blueberry seedlings varies greatly due to different varieties, specifications and quantity, but under normal circumstances, the price of a bayberry seedling is about 5-10 yuan. Blueberries generally begin to blossom and bear fruit in the second year after planting, but the yield will be relatively small. It will not reach the normal yield until the third year, and will enter the high-yield period in the fifth year. Basically, each clump should have 25-30 fruiting branches. On average, each plant can produce 3-6 kg of blueberries. according to statistics, if 300 blueberry seedlings are planted in one mu, the average yield can reach about 1500-2000 kg.

Second, how is the profit of blueberry planting?

1. Because people's living standards are getting higher and higher, the demand for fruit is diversified, and the competitiveness among fruits is very high. Blueberries are very nutritious. Nowadays, more and more people like to eat blueberries, and their awareness has also been raised to a higher level. in the past, people only knew strawberries, but now the spread of blueberries has also improved a lot. eating blueberries for a long time can eliminate eye fatigue. It is one of the fruits with the highest development potential, and blueberries provide a large market for some fresh fruit markets and other processing industries, and some beverage, jam and wine industries provide sales opportunities for blueberries and bring them great business opportunities. so that blueberry has a diversified development.

2. Blueberry planting cost is high, planting time is long and harvest profit cycle is long. It takes 4 years from seedling planting to market. About 300 blueberry seedlings can be planted in each mu, and the price of each seedling is about 30 yuan. Therefore, the seedling cost is more than 10,000 yuan. Plus the cost of field rent, soil improvement and labor management fees, the cost of planting blueberry is about 20,000 to 30,000 per mu. And blueberry market price is 30-50 yuan per jin, according to 1500 jin per mu to calculate, planting blueberry profit per mu between 45000-75000 yuan, can profit is very high.

Conclusion: the above is the introduction of blueberry seedling price and planting profit, the above price and profit are for reference only, the specific blueberry seedling price and planting profit should be based on the actual situation, it is worth noting that although blueberry planting profit is high, but it is extremely strict to the planting environment, the planting risk is also quite high, if the planting environment is slightly uncomfortable, it will cause planting failure, so it is necessary to plant carefully. Hope to be of some help to friends in need!

Time: 2019-03-12 Click: