
Introduction to the high-yield planting method of blueberry "King of berries"!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Blueberry gets its name because its fruit is blue. Because of its good taste, high nutritional value, preventing brain nerve aging and protecting eyesight, it is also known as the king of berries. It is deeply liked by everyone, and the planting prospect is good. However, the output of many growers when planting blueberries is not high.

Blueberry gets its name because its fruit is blue. Because of its good taste, high nutritional value, preventing brain nerve aging and protecting eyesight, it also has the title of "king of berries". It is deeply loved by everyone, and the planting prospect is good. however, many growers do not have a high yield when planting blueberries, so the editor will introduce you the high-yield planting methods of blueberries:

I. selection of improved varieties

There are many varieties of blueberries. at present, there are more than 20 varieties of blueberries, including dwarf blueberries and high bushy blueberries, and some suitable for growing in shady and warm areas. but rabbit eye blueberries are the easiest to feed, and O'Neill varieties are especially suitable for planting in southern China, so selecting suitable varieties is the most basic way to increase blueberry production. In addition, it is suggested that a variety of varieties can be planted, so that the yield and quality will be better.

Second, sowing seeds at the right time

Blueberries can not be planted casually, there is a suitable time for planting, the most common planting time is from August to September in autumn, which is suitable for the growth and development of blueberries and the survival rate will be much higher. Of course, blueberries can also be planted in spring, but preferably in early spring, so blueberries can take root and sprout in this season, and keep pace with the blooming and fruiting season.

III. Fertilizer and water management

After blueberry planting, reasonable fertilizer and water management should be carried out according to the properties of the planting soil. There are certain differences between the management of each variety and the fertilizer and water management of each growing period. Under normal circumstances, two fertilizers are needed at the seedling stage. The higher blueberries need to dig trenches to top fertilize, while the shorter ones only need to spread fertilizer, mainly farm manure or organic fertilizer each time. After the blueberry results, it is applied again on the basis of two rounds of fertilization, and foliar fertilizer is mainly used to promote fruit growth. foliar fertilizer needs to be sprayed almost once a year every two or three months so that blueberry seedlings can grow better to avoid premature aging and yield reduction.

IV. Field management

First of all, field management needs pollination and collocation, and each plant must be planted according to the 4:1 model, which can increase the pollination probability and increase the fruit setting rate. Secondly, the blueberry seedlings in the field should be thinned. The weaker branches and leaves will be removed and it will grow new branches. After a certain number of years, all the old branches will be cut off and let it send out new branches. Then the seedlings need to be kept warm every winter, otherwise blueberry seedlings will be frostbitten, flowering needs to control flowers, flowers fall to control fruit, and the way to control flowers and fruits is to keep good and large as the principle. finally, the field cleaning needs to clean up weeds, debris, fallen leaves and dead branches and burn them to ashes to avoid virus infection.

5. Artificial pollination

Artificial pollination is one of the ways to increase yield, but it is not used under normal circumstances, but it is more inclined to match pollination trees well, and the success rate of pollination is very high when the weather is relatively stable. however, we do not rule out that some other cases need to use the method of artificial pollination, or we can also use external forces, such as putting bees into the garden for bee pollination or pollen collection for pollination. Finally, you can directly pick the male flowers and apply the pollen of the male flowers to the female flowers, and then cover the female flowers with the male flowers for pollination. These are all artificial pollination methods, which can also be used when necessary to increase the yield of blueberries.

Summary: the above is about the introduction of high-yield blueberry planting methods, growers if the blueberry yield is not high, according to the actual needs of reference to the above five points to plant oh, hope to help friends in need!

Time: 2019-03-12 Click: