
How much is the broccoli per jin? What are the key points of planting techniques?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Broccoli, also known as blue broccoli, Italian kale, green cauliflower, tender cauliflower and so on, is a kind of natural food with high nutritional value. We can always find broccoli on the diet of healthy diet, so there are many farmers who grow broccoli.

Broccoli is also known as broccoli, Italian kale, green cauliflower, tender cauliflower and so on. It is a natural ingredient with high nutritional value. We can always find broccoli on the diet of healthy diet, so there are many farmers who grow broccoli. How much is broccoli? What are the key points of planting techniques?

How much is the price of broccoli per jin?

The price of broccoli will be affected by the sales region, quality and other factors. The price of broccoli ranges from 4 to 10.5 yuan per jin on the market. Broccoli belongs to cruciferous herbs, with developed root system, thick main root stem and shortened stem during vegetative growth, in which axillary buds are dormant. After completion of stage development, axillary buds germinate one after another. Broccoli is strong in growth and has strong heat resistance and cold resistance. The apical buds are closely clustered into globular buds, which are turquoise, so they are also called broccoli. There are two types of leaves: broad leaves and long leaves.

Second, what are the key points of broccoli planting techniques?

1. Land preparation before planting

After ploughing and raking, the soil moisture is opened by 5 meters, and the soil moisture ditch is parallel to the water inlet to facilitate irrigation and drainage; after the soil moisture is opened, the planting points are opened (both the soil moisture and the holes must be drawn, so as to be standardized and tidy). The specification of the planting point (that is, plant row spacing) is 45 × 50, and after the planting hole is hit, 1500-2000 kg of farm fertilizer is applied per mu (if possible), and 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer + 4.5kg boron is used as base fertilizer, which must be mixed with pond soil evenly.

2. Cover the membrane

In order to preserve water, fertilizer, heat preservation and inhibit the growth of weeds, it is necessary to cover the film. This time, a black film with a width of 2 meters is used, and the horizontal cover (that is, perpendicular to the soil moisture) is used. Each film which is 5 meters long (that is, the width of soil moisture) 2 meters wide can plant about 44 broccoli. After covering the film, press the edge of the film with soil.

3. When planting, punch a hole in the plastic film above the pond, plant the seedling, and use the soil to cover the neck of the seedling root and the joint of the plastic film. (cable must be drawn when planting).

4. Pour enough water to fix the root, and reduce the watering times after survival.

5. Ploughing management

(1) moisture: keep the soil moist during the growth of broccoli, especially at the stage of flower head growth and development after inflorescence differentiation, and do not suffer from drought. Watering can be carried out during or after topdressing, and can be grasped according to the dry and wet soil and plant growth. Furrow irrigation can be adopted, and the water can be withdrawn when the moisture content reaches half of the box. If the moisture content is not enough to inhibit the formation and expansion of the flower head, the yield will be reduced.

(2) topdressing: broccoli needs a large amount of fertilizer, so it should be applied timely according to different growth stages, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied at seedling stage to promote vegetative growth, fertilization should be controlled in the middle stage to prevent excessive growth, and heavy ball fertilizer should be used in the later stage to promote flower bulb hypertrophy. Fertilization time: a week after the survival of the first fertilization, urea or compound fertilizer 20 kg per mu, 25-30 days after planting, and then 20 kg hole application of compound fertilizer. When the flower ball is formed, the last topdressing should be applied again, 15 kg of compound fertilizer and 10 kg of urea.

(3) main diseases and insect pests and their control techniques: broccoli has strong disease resistance and little damage to insect pests. The common diseases and pests are: downy mildew, soft rot, Plutella xylostella, cabbage moth, cabbage aphid.

Disease: it is easy to suffer from black rot in the early stage of downy mildew, which can be prevented and treated with Baiyuqing, Dike pine and propofol. Downy mildew is a fungal disease, which is more obvious in the process of flower head development, which occurs at the beginning of the old leaf, and then extends to the young leaf, the disease spot appears green deficiency at the beginning, the leaf turns yellow, the leaf is dry when it is dry, and mildew appears on the back of the leaf when it is wet. The dominant factor was the decrease of plant resistance due to excessive humidity. In addition, there is also soft rot: it is a bacterial disease. Rain Water is easy to occur in the later growth stage of broccoli, and the disease spot is in the form of water stains, which gradually softens the rot and produces a bad smell. Germs invade from the wounds of roots, stems and leaves. Prevention and treatment: timely spraying streptomycin sulfate or 72% agricultural streptomycin wettable powder 3000mur4000 times solution, or neophytomycin 4000 times solution.

Pests: Plutella xylostella: the first instar larvae can only feed on the mesophyll, leaving the overcast epidermis. 3Mel 4th instar larvae can eat the vegetable leaves into holes or lacerations, and in severe cases, the whole leaves are eaten into a network. Pieris rapae: the larvae eat the mesophyll, leaving only a layer of transparent epidermis and only veins, which is prone to soft rot when damaging the flower bulb. Vegetable aphid: when adult aphids and nymphs feed on host sap, the injured plants lose water seriously, curl, turn yellow, and distort. Vegetable aphids can also develop into soot disease and spread virus diseases. It can occur for 40 generations. Pest control: it can be sprayed alternately with acetamiprid, acetamiprid and clenbuterol.

Time: 2019-03-12 Click: