
Introduction to the culture method of "insectivorous plant" flytrap!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flytrap is a famous insectivorous plant, which is liked by many people because of its ornamental value and fly-catching effect, and has become one of the beloved family potted plants. then the editor will introduce to you the culture methods of flytrap: substrate.

Flytrap is a famous insectivorous plant, which is loved by many people because of its ornamental value and fly-catching effect, and has become one of the beloved family potted plants. Then the editor will introduce to you the breeding methods of flytrap:

I. Matrix

When cultivating flycatcher, it is necessary to use a good water retention and acidic substrate. The PH value is between 3 and 5. Pure water moss or 2 parts of peat plus 1 part of perlite or coarse sand can be used. When planting, all the white bulbs should be buried in the substrate. If the leaves are bent downward, they can wrap the water moss on the stem or support the leaves after implantation. The matrix is usually changed once every 1-2 years, and it is best to change the basin before growing in early spring. The dead leaves should be cleaned up when changing pots, and if there are ramets, they should be planted separately to facilitate growth.

2. Water

The flytrap is sensitive to salt, and if the mineral concentration in the water is too high, the plant will decline until death, so the water with low mineral content must be used. In addition, the flycatcher likes to be wet and can not bear to be dry. It is necessary to maintain the humidity of the substrate but not to accumulate water in the growing season. In addition to daily watering, the low water basin immersion method can also be used to plant, the substrate must not dry out so as to avoid serious damage or even death caused by plant shrinkage. During the dormant period, the substrate should be kept damp but not wet. Plants are easy to rot if they are too wet.

Third, humidity

The air humidity of the flytrap should be kept above 50%, and the general planting environment can be satisfied, so there is no need for special humidification, as long as the basin soil is kept moist, but the new species of flytrap needs to maintain high humidity so as not to dehydrate and atrophy, and then gradually reduce the air humidity after the plants with long roots begin to grow normally.

4. Temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of flytrap is 20-30 degrees, and it is easy to rot at high temperature in summer. good ventilation and light, cooling of roots and large temperature difference between day and night all help to reduce the occurrence of diseases. When the temperature is below 10 degrees in winter, most of the leaves will wither and only the small dormant leaves in the center will be withered. If the temperature is reduced to about 0 degrees, the leaves and roots may all wither and only underground bulbs may wither through the winter. The dormant bulb can resist the low temperature of-7 degrees for a short time.

5. Lighting

Flytrap is a light-loving plant, and suitable light can make the plant stronger, bigger clips and brighter colors, but high temperatures should be avoided in summer with shading nets with a shading rate of about 50% or in bright places where the sun is not exposed to the sun around noon. but lack of light will make the plant weak, slow growth, dark green leaves and small clamps. If the clip or petiole changes from red to green, it is not advisable to provide strong light immediately so as to avoid sunburn caused by not adapting to the strong light.

VI. Nutrients

In the growing season, you can use general compound fertilizer to dilute 5000 times and spray foliage once or twice a month. Fertilization would rather be applied with thin fertilizer rather than too high concentration so as not to cause fat injury or even death. The method of feeding can also be used to feed insects or fresh lean meat with the right size. The size of the 1x3 of the clip should be appropriate so that the clip can completely cover the food, but the number of clips should not exceed 1x3 of the total number of clips. Even if it is not fertilized or fed with flytrap, it will not starve to death. There are also necessary nutrients in the substrate. Plants must also grow through photosynthesis, and feeding can not replace photosynthesis, so it is still important to maintain good light.

7. Diseases and insect pests

Leaf spot disease and stem rot are easy to occur in hot and humid summer. Broad-spectrum fungicides can be used for prevention and control. In addition, good ventilation, root cooling, good light and large temperature difference between day and night all help to reduce the occurrence of the disease. if you find that part of the stem has rotted, you should immediately remove the rotten part, then soak in fungicide for 5 minutes and then implant into the sterilized clean substrate.

Summary: the above is about the relevant introduction of flytrap culture methods, friends who want to breed flytrap can refer to the above breeding methods according to their own situation, hoping to help friends in need!

Time: 2019-03-12 Click: