
How much is a peony seedling? How to carry on the pot culture?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peony is a kind of precious flower, which is deeply liked by many people because of its gorgeous color and magnificent reputation as the king of flowers. Many flower friends may raise them, so how much is a peony seedling? How to carry on the pot culture? How much is a peony seedling? The market price of peony seedlings is uncertain.

Peony is a kind of precious flower, which is deeply liked by many people because of its bright color and magnificent reputation as "king of flowers". Many flower friends may raise them, so how much is a peony seedling? How to carry on the pot culture?

How much is a peony seedling?

The market price of peony seedlings is uncertain, and its price also varies due to different varieties, colors and plant types, but under normal circumstances, the price of red peony is cheaper, about 20 yuan per tree, but those precious peonies are more expensive, generally about 100-200 yuan per peony. It should be noted that there are many varieties of peony at present, and many businesses will make good and the goods are not right. Therefore, it is better to choose a more professional nursery for breeding.

Second, how to cultivate peonies in pots?

1. Flowerpot soil

Tree peony is suitable for growing in semi-dry and semi-wet loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, so the basin soil for cultivating peony flower should be cultivated with a mixture of sand and cake fertilizer or with fully mature barnyard manure, garden soil and coarse sand at the proportion of 1:1:1. If the cultivated soil has too much water, the fleshy roots are easy to rot, so the peony should be drained in time in continuous rainy weather, and the peony is not resistant to high temperature. Summer hot days to take timely measures to cool down, it is best to build an Arbor for its shade, before noon covered with grass curtain or Reed uncovered in the evening, this measure can prevent falling leaves, peony because the roots of longer plants are larger so suitable for ground cultivation, if potted should choose large water permeability good tile pot, pot depth requirements of more than 30 cm, it is best to use the depth of 60~70cm tile pot.

2. Light temperature

Sufficient sunlight is beneficial to its growth, but it is not resistant to hot summer sun exposure. When the temperature is above 25 ℃, the plant will be dormant, and the suitable temperature for flowering is 17-20 ℃. But before flowering, it must be treated with a low temperature of 1: 10 ℃ for 2-3 months, with a minimum capacity of-30 ℃, but appropriate cold protection measures should be taken to avoid freezing damage in the northern cold zone in winter. The high temperature and humidity in the south is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of tree peony, so the cultivation of tree peony in the south needs to give it specific environmental conditions to enjoy the beautiful peony flowers.

3. Watering and fertilization

Watering twice before planting, watering once before winter to ensure safe overwintering, supplying water according to the dry and wet condition of the soil after the beginning of spring, but not watering too much, generally applying fertilizer three times a year, the first time is to apply quick-acting fertilizer before flowering to promote the blooming of flowers, the second time is to apply organic liquid fertilizer after anthesis, and the third time is to promote the growth of autumn and winter fertilizer in the following spring. In addition, attention should be paid to ploughing and weeding, no weeds and shallow ploughing and loosening soil.

4. Shaping and pruning

After flower shedding, pick flowers and prune in time, cut down according to the natural growth of the tree, and smear the wound anti-decay film at the pruning mouth to protect the wound from invasion and infection. if you want the plant to be low and dense, the weight should be shorter to inhibit the branch expansion and the occurrence of root tillering. generally, it is appropriate to retain 5-6 branches per plant.

5. Florescence control

Potted peonies can blossom during the Spring Festival by promoting flowering in winter. The method is to select strong peony varieties with full scale buds 60 days before the Spring Festival to bring out as few roots as possible, dry them in a shady place for 12 to 13 days and then go to the pot and prune them. Each plant leaves 10 branches with full terminal buds, the rest of the buds are erased, the pot size should match the plant to achieve satisfactory plant type, and normal management after watering. 50-60 days before the Spring Festival, put it into the greenhouse about 10 ℃ and spray water basin 2-3 times a day to keep moist. When the scale buds are enlarged, the night temperature is not lower than 15 ℃ at 25-30 ℃, so that flowers can be seen during the Spring Festival.

Summary: the above is about the introduction of peony seedling prices and pot culture methods, flower friends can refer to the above prices and pot culture methods to culture, it should be noted that the peony seedling price above only as a reference, the specific price is based on the actual price, hope to help friends in need!

Time: 2019-03-12 Click: