
Reasons why watermelon does not grow new roots and its solutions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Reasons why watermelon does not grow new roots and its solutions

Among the many fruits, watermelon is the one we come into contact with the most. Every hot summer, watermelon is a necessary fruit to relieve summer heat, but some melon farmers find that watermelons do not grow new roots when they are planted. What is the reason for this? How to solve it? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Improper management of fertilizer and water

When planting watermelon, base fertilizer is usually applied, which is mostly farm manure or organic fertilizer, which can increase soil temperature, improve soil structure, increase the content of soil organic matter, and continuously increase nutrients for watermelon growth. However, if not fully mature organic fertilizer or farm manure is applied, the fertilizer will release a lot of heat during decomposition, resulting in root burning and seedling burning, so the application of rotten organic fertilizer is one of the reasons why watermelons do not grow new roots.

Solution: when applying farm manure or organic fertilizer, it must be fully fermented and mature, especially farm manure, which can also cause seedlings to be infected with bacteria.

2. Excessive fertilization

If the amount of fertilizer is not mastered during fertilization, the concentration of ions in the soil is too high, which exceeds the needs of watermelon growth, which will make the cell tissue of watermelon root lose water and separate the plasma wall, so as not to grow new roots. In this case, the plant will also appear the phenomenon of wilting and lack of water, which is mainly caused by the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer by melon farmers.

Solution: we must pay attention to the amount of fertilizer, should not fertilize too much and too thick, after the phenomenon of excessive fertilization, we should timely watering, dilute the fertilizer concentration, make it diluted by the plant, and avoid the plant from losing water and wilting.

3. Soil viscous weight

If planted on the land with heavy clay, soil consolidation and poor permeability, the roots will be anoxic or suffocated, resulting in the weakening of root activity, hindering the absorption of nutrients, affecting the normal growth of roots and the phenomenon of not growing new roots.

Solution: choose loose soil when planting, ploughing frequently, avoid soil consolidation and increase soil permeability, especially after rain, the soil is very easy to harden.

4. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above reasons, diseases and insect pests are also one of the reasons why watermelons do not grow new roots, such as root nematode disease, which will disturb the root system of watermelon and weaken its absorption, resulting in plant weakness, yellow leaves and other phenomena. Root nodules will appear in the roots, resulting in no new roots.

Seasonal method: ploughing and disinfection of soil should be carried out when planting, overwintering eggs should be eliminated and insect pests should be reduced. when disease occurs, nematicide can be used for root control, and the effect is better.

The above are the reasons why watermelons do not grow new roots and solutions, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.