
How do you grow rosemary? What are the planting prospects for 2019?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, People's first impression of rosemary should be attributed to the songs sung by Jay Chou, one of which is named after rosemary. The rosemary we are going to talk about today is a plant. The extracts from its flowers and leaves can produce essential oil of rosemary and are widely used in medicine and food. Many farmers see the prospect of planting.

People's first impression of rosemary should be attributed to the songs sung by Jay Chou, one of which is named after rosemary. The rosemary we are going to talk about today is a plant. The extracts from its flowers and leaves can produce essential oil of rosemary and are widely used in medicine and food. Many farmers see the prospect of planting, so how to grow rosemary? What are the planting prospects for 2019?

Introduction of Rosemary

Rosemary is a kind of Labiatae plant, which originated in Europe and African countries. It was later introduced into China, and now it is occasionally planted in the garden areas of our country.

1. Distribution of main producing areas of Rosemary in China

Rosemary is grown in most parts of southern China, such as Guangdong and Guangxi, as well as in Shandong.

two。 Main value of Rosemary

(1) Industrial value

Rosemary stems, leaves and flowers have a pleasant fragrance and can be used to prepare cosmetic materials such as air cleaners, perfumes, soaps and so on.

(2) Medicinal value

Rosemary has a sedative and brain-awakening effect, and has a certain effect on indigestion and stomachache. It can also be used to treat insomnia, palpitation, headache, indigestion and other diseases.

(3) edible value

Rosemary has a strong convergent effect, which can promote blood circulation, stimulate hair regeneration and improve hair loss.

How to grow rosemary?

1. Propagation method of Rosemary

There are three main propagation methods of rosemary, which are seed propagation, cutting propagation and striping propagation.

(1) seed propagation: seedlings are usually raised in the greenhouse in early spring. It is possible to raise seedlings by soil method or by means of burrowing dish. In order to raise seedlings by native method, the seedbed should be arranged first. The nursery bed can be a flat bed or a small high bed, and the bed soil should be broken and raked, fermented and watered with enough bottom fertilizer. It can be broadcast or broadcast.

(2) Cuttage propagation: generally carried out from winter to early spring, select the fresh incomplete Lignified stem as cuttings, cut off about 10-15 cm from the top, remove the leaves under the branches, and insert them directly into the medium. the medium remains moist and will take root in 4 weeks.

(3) striping propagation: making use of the characteristic that rosemary stems can produce adventitious roots, press the branches close to the ground to cover the soil, leave the top in the air, wait for new roots to grow, cut from the mother, form new individuals, and plant them in the open field.

two。 Transplant

The best time for rosemary transplanting is cloudy, rainy and sunless in the morning and evening. Hit the pond according to the plant spacing, apply a small amount of base fertilizer, and then cover the base fertilizer with thin soil, and you can transplant it. After transplanting, it is necessary to pour enough fixed root water, and the seedlings should not be dumped when watering.

3. Fertilizer application

Rosemary is more tolerant to thin ridges, and a small amount of compound fertilizer is applied after weeding in the seedling stage according to different soil conditions. after fertilization, the fertilizer should be covered with soil, and quick-acting fertilizer is applied once after each harvest, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer.

4. Pruning

Rosemary can be pruned 3 months after it has been planted, not more than half the length of the branch each time.

5. Harvest

Rosemary is planted once and can be harvested for many years. It is mainly harvested by branches and leaves, mainly by scissors or directly by hand.

The above 5 points are the introduction of rosemary planting methods.

3. What are the prospects for planting 2019 rosemary?

1. economic performance

After planting, rosemary can be harvested continuously for more than 10 years, and 1-3 times a year. The annual net income of one mu of land can reach about 2000-6000 yuan, and the annual income of one mu of potted and green seedlings can reach 50000 yuan. Because rosemary pots make more money.

two。 Market prospect

Rosemary extract, known as gold liquid, is sold at home and abroad. At present, the market price growth rate of rosemary extract is much higher than that of rosemary planting area, so the market prospect of rosemary raw material planting is very good. In addition to the raw materials of rosemary extract, it can also be used to make rosemary tea, handbags and other products with broad market prospects.

Summary: the above content is about the analysis of rosemary planting and planting prospects, hoping to help growers in need. This paper is integrated with the Internet.

How do you grow vanilla? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of vanilla

Picture: vanilla

[FAQ] how to grow vanilla? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of vanilla

[expert answers]

Vanilla, sometimes called herb, is a plant that emits a unique fragrance and usually has functions such as seasoning, making spices or extracting essential oils, many of which also have medicinal value. Although the so-called vanilla mainly refers to the leaves taken from green plants, but including flowers, fruits, seeds, bark, roots and so on, all parts of the plant may be used in medicine. Vanilla is an important ingredient of traditional medicine all over the world, which provides most of the medicinal materials that can be used to treat diseases. However, due to population growth and urban expansion, the natural environment for plant growth has been destroyed, coupled with the rise of chemical pharmaceuticals, the use of vanilla plants has gradually declined in modern times.

So, how to grow vanilla? The cultivation techniques are as follows:

1. Species selection

There are many plants that can be used as vanilla, but the most commonly used species are about 10 to 20, some of which are unacceptable to Chinese people, such as Dioscorea nigra, some are not suitable for the climate of Taiwan, such as Angelica sinensis, some of them are not strong in fragrance, and are often used as cosmetology, such as aloe vera. Therefore, choosing cultivated plants according to purpose and understanding its characteristics is the first step to success. You can go to the flower market to buy the species you want to cultivate, buy them back and increase the number with asexual cuttings or ramets, or buy seeds for cultivation.

2. Planting environment

This project includes the right planting place or season. Before you buy vanilla and come back to grow it, you need to know where you want to plant it and whether you have a garden at home. What are the sunshine conditions? Is the soil texture or drainage good or not? Do you want to plant it in a flowerpot or can you plant it directly on the ground? All these should be understood first, and then the species of vanilla to be cultivated should be selected by these conditions. even if you do not understand the characteristics of this species, you can ask the seller to help you choose or give you some advice. Some annual or biennial species will die after flowering, so they must carefully choose the right season to grow. Because most of these herbs are native to high latitudes, under Taiwan's climatic conditions, the cool winter climate is more favorable for growth. This is also the place to know first.

Miniature potted flowers are available for home use and viewing. The front row is rosemary, the second row is two different varieties of lavender, and the back row is thyme, vanilla and lemon basil from left to right.

Different kinds of vanilla should be planted in pots to match their growth characteristics. Vanilla on the left is suitable for shallow and wide pots, while rosemary on the right is suitable for larger pots.

3. Management and maintenance

Vanilla is a living plant, so it must be taken care of from time to time before it can grow well. when taking care of it, it is necessary to observe the condition of the plant before taking appropriate measures. for example, when watering, you have to wait until the soil is slightly dry before watering, so as not to suffocate the roots. Some kinds of thick leaves should not be watered too much, moderate drying is conducive to plant development, harvest or pruning, do not cut too much at a time so as not to stimulate too big new buds to grow and die. In the period of rapid growth, using some organic fertilizer on the soil surface, the fertilizer infiltrated into the root during watering is conducive to good growth and development. As long as you pay attention to its growth at any time, everyone can try to plant it at home to increase the interest of life.

4. Pest control

In terms of insect pests, vanilla contains a special smell, which has a repellent effect on some pests, but some pests still eat leaves, such as basil. At this time, you would rather spend a little effort to catch it by hand, or use an anti-insect net to cover and isolate it. Disease prevention is better than cure, the way is not to use the cultivated old soil to grow vanilla, because the hidden pathogens will become the source of infection, in addition, vanilla is cultivated in the right environment or season, so that the plant is strong and naturally resistant to the disease. Remember that fresh vanilla is eaten raw or heated for a short time. If it contains pesticides, it will have adverse effects on your health.

5. Harvesting and processing

Comprehensive processing and utilization of European vanilla can not only be used as garden plants and health vegetables, but also can process health fragrance tea, sachet, pillow, extract essence and other flavor products. For example, the health fragrant tea processed by western chamomile has the functions of treating headache, removing intestinal gas and stomach distension and enhancing human immunity; the sachet and pillow processed by thyme, lavender and Schizonepeta tenuifolia have good curative effect on insomnia and depression; most European vanilla can extract natural high-grade flavors with various fragrances, which are widely used in food, textile, building materials, leather and cigarette industries, with amazing economic benefits.

[editor's comments] Vanilla is a kind of aromatic plant, it can be seasoned or made into spices, even as medicine, it has a wide range of uses and has broad planting prospects and economic benefits, so how to grow vanilla in the end? The above first Agricultural Economics editor will analyze the planting methods and cultivation techniques of vanilla for you. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Tips for growing potted vegetables

Potted vegetables refer to vegetables grown in flowerpots or other containers for viewing and picking. Well, let's take a look at the technology of potted vegetables that we have carefully recommended for you. I hope it can be helpful to you.

Techniques of potted vegetables

Potted vegetables refer to vegetables grown in flowerpots or other containers for viewing and picking. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, some consumers show the need for new and special vegetables, and some new planting methods are gradually accepted by people. Many citizens hope to grow vegetables that are both ornamental and edible, and can also be given as gifts to relatives and friends during the Spring Festival. However, it is very inconvenient for residents to raise seedlings and soil at home, and many people still do not understand the technology, so it is difficult to plant successfully. If suburban vegetable farmers plant vegetables in their fields and sell them to citizens, it will be much easier for citizens to take care of them only at home. Farmers can also obtain relatively high economic benefits. 667m2 is generally planted in protected areas. Potted vegetables can grow about 12,000 pots (2 crops a year), calculated according to the price of 3-5 yuan per pot, 667 meters 2. The output value can reach 40,000 ~ 50,000 yuan. Excluding expenses, 667 meters. The benefit can reach more than 25000 yuan.

Varieties suitable for potted plants

Fruit vegetables color sweet pepper, dwarf tomato, cherry tomato, hard fruit tomato, ornamental eggplant, small chili, pocket watermelon and all kinds of pumpkin, melon, zucchini, okra and fragrant eggplant.

Color vegetable leaf beet, all kinds of lettuce, purple back sunflower, perilla, purple sunflower and kale and so on.

Green leaf health vegetables lettuce, parsley, panax notoginseng, skin, Beijing water vegetables, pearl vegetables, kale, basil, leaf wolfberry, leek and vegetable jute and so on.

Root vegetables fennel, cherry radish, fruit turnip, turnip, miniature radish and carrot and so on.

The conditions of potted vegetables

Potted vegetables should be planted in greenhouses, plastic greenhouses and other protected areas, and the tuyere and doorway should be sealed with an anti-insect net. Should be equipped with micro-spraying or tap watering facilities. Choose and buy flowerpots of appropriate size, you can choose plastic flowerpots, mud pots or wooden pots, especially valuable varieties can also choose purple sand pots and colored glaze ceramic pots, potted leeks can choose foam boxes, but mud pots should be covered with a plastic pot when they are sold. The following principles should be followed in the selection of matrix, fertilizers and pesticides.

1 the matrix used must be cleaned and thoroughly disinfected. Comprehensive nutrition, no diseases and insect pests. Generally choose peat, vermiculite, perlite, mushroom waste and clean river sand as the matrix.

(2) try not to use chemical fertilizer as far as possible, and use more organic fertilizer such as hemp residue and peanut cake. It can also be made with fermented bacteria and fully mature organic fertilizer with cow and sheep manure as the main raw material.

Allow the use of certain microorganisms, such as rhizobia, photosynthetic bacteria and phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, to promote the full utilization of nutrients in vegetables through the activities of these beneficial bacteria.

(4) the use of chemical pesticides is not allowed, and plant and mineral biological pesticides are allowed to control diseases and insect pests.

Key points of cultivation techniques of potted vegetables

Arrange the suitable sowing time according to the length of the growth period and consumer demand to arrange the sowing and planting date, so that the planted varieties can be sold in holidays and tourist seasons.

At this stage, the relevant departments and enterprises are lack of familiarity with the significance and role of vegetable distribution, and are not enthusiastic about carrying out or accepting vegetable distribution. As far as the whole society is concerned, it is still vague to be familiar with the development prospect of vegetable distribution.

Adjusting the appropriate temperature, light and humidity and leafy vegetables requires different temperature and humidity. It should be planted separately and managed according to different temperature, humidity and light.

Due to the late start of the development of logistics and distribution in China, the education in logistics and distribution is still quite backward, which has become a major obstacle to the development of vegetable distribution.

Timely pruning vegetables requires not only good growth, but also beauty and artistry, dwarf crops should be pruned in time to remove yellow leaves, tomatoes, melons and fruits should be made of bamboo or steel bars to build frames of various shapes. To make it climb and grow.

Fertilizer and water management should scientifically use tasteless organic fertilizer, timely watering and water control, so that its root system is developed, the growth is strong, the result is good, the most important thing is that there are no side effects on the body, pure natural green.

Control of Diseases and insect pests of potted vegetables

1. Catch bugs. It's primitive but effective. Always pay attention to the front and back of the vegetable leaves and the surrounding soil for signs of pests. two。 Quarantine. As soon as you see the branches and leaves that are infected and eaten by diseases and insect pests, you should remove them immediately and throw them for composting. Vegetables that suffer too much damage should be uprooted and thrown for composting.

3. Homemade natural insecticides. There are many simple and effective recipes. An editor of a science magazine once introduced such a method: "when my vegetable garden was suffering from insect pests, I found that some plants around the garden were safe and sound." I picked the branches and leaves of some of these plants, put them in a blender and mixed them with the same amount of water to make a solution. I sprayed the vegetables in the garden with this solution, and it worked very well. " This is because plants that are not affected by pests must contain some kind of disease-resistant and insect-repellent substance. In addition, asparagus juice can kill nematodes that harm tomatoes. Garlic also has a good germicidal and insect repellent effect, which can be ground into powder or squeezed juice to spray on vegetables and seeds. Horseradish also has a strong ability to kill bacteria and deworms, as well as purify the soil. Orange peel, pepper, garlic, mint, marigold, sage, rosemary, salvia and other plants can be used to make insect repellents.

4. Plough the land. Can control ground tiger, cotton bollworm, leafhopper, aphid, mole cricket and other pests. These pests like to lay their eggs on crop stalks or in the soil after harvest in summer and autumn. Therefore, ploughing the land again after autumn harvest and burying the residual stalks of crops in the soil can prevent pests from laying eggs on it. Ploughing the land again before planting in spring will kill most of the remaining pests. The depth of ploughing must be at least 15 centimeters. In this way, you can dig up the eggs, pupae and larvae of insect pests hiding in the ground and let the hot sun, hot wind and natural enemies wipe them out. In our grandparents' time, it was common for egrets and other beneficial birds to follow farmers' ploughs and dig up worms to eat. Nowadays, egrets are seldom seen. However, when ploughing, if you can catch a few chickens and follow behind to eat bugs, it will also have a good effect.

5. Use a protective case to protect the seedlings. Wrap it on the stem of the seedling with brown hard paper, insert it into the soil and expose it to the ground about 3 cm, which can effectively prevent the tiger from biting off the seedling. This method can also be used to deal with cotton bollworm. 6. Sprinkle the flour. In the early morning, sprinkle some flour on cabbage or cabbage leaves while the dew is not dry. Near noon, you will see a fat cabbage worm struggling in the batter and dying in the sun.

7. Ask the beneficial worm to help. Insects such as mantis, seven-star lady beetles, parasitic wasps and walking insects can help us eliminate many pests, and we can find some ways to attract them.

8. Think of some ways to attract birds to help catch pests. 9. Make a trap. This method can be used to deal with earwig. Take four 30-centimeter-long bamboo tubes, paint them green, dry them and tie them up with nylon rope and place them under a fence tree or other haunted places. A few days later, in the early morning, shake the cymbals in the bamboo tube into boiling water or gasoline to eliminate.

10. Flush with water. Spider mites can be washed down from vegetable leaves by spraying water with a kettle. Under normal circumstances, they will not go back when they are washed behind. This method can also be used to deal with aphids that harm roses.

11. Scatter plant ash. Sprinkling a circle of plant ash or limestone powder around vegetables can also protect vegetables from ground tigers. But be careful not to scatter ash on the vegetable leaves.

twelve。 Putting a bowl of beer next to the plant is said to lure snails and slugs into drowning. You can also sprinkle a circle of coarse sand, cinder or limestone powder around the vegetable bed to protect vegetables from snails and slugs.