
Introduction to the planting method of shepherd's purse with "plant antibiotics"!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Shepherd's purse is also called protecting raw grass, etc., because of its high nutritional and medicinal value, refreshing and antipyretic effects, and the title of plant antibiotics, it is liked by many people, and many growers also want to grow it. then the editor will introduce the planting method of shepherd's purse to you: planting time.

Shepherd's purse, also known as protecting raw grass, etc., because of its high nutritional value and medicinal value, and has refreshing and refreshing and antipyretic effects, but also has the title of "plant antibiotics", so it is liked by many people, and many growers also want to grow it. Then the editor will introduce the planting method of shepherd's purse to you.

First, planting time

Generally, wild vegetables have a strong ability to adapt to the environment, so shepherd's purse, as a wild vegetable, can be planted for three seasons a year. Generally, spring sowing will be between 2 and 3, and summer will be sown around the beginning of August. Autumn is best chosen around September-October, and winter weather is relatively bad and the yield is not high generally will not be planted.

II. Land preparation

Shepherd's purse can be planted anywhere or in a piece, and it can also be planted with land resources in the middle of other crops and on the ridge of the field, but it is generally chosen to grow in a piece in order to achieve high yield. it is necessary to remove all the weeds in the field when preparing the soil, and the second is to dig deep to remove the germs that may be carried in the deep soil as far as possible, and then flatten the land as far as possible. If there is a depression, fill the puddle with soil and then sprinkle it with a layer of organic fertilizer or plant ash as base fertilizer.

Third, sowing seeds

The sowing method is mainly sowing, and the sowing is relatively uniform when sowing. Generally, the seeds will be mixed with some fine sand or fine soil to achieve a strength to make the sowing more uniform. After sowing, make the seeds close to the soil, which is conducive to faster germination of seeds absorbing moisture from the soil. Spring sowing does not need to consider what direct sowing can be done. On the other hand, the sowing temperature in summer is high, so it is necessary to wet the land before sowing, and in autumn, the seeds need to be germinated under artificial conditions before sowing.

IV. Management

The shepherd's purse plant is not very large and small, so weeding management is more difficult. Generally, all weeds need to be removed before sowing. After that, if weeds are overgrown during the growth period of shepherd's purse, only artificial weeding can be carried out. Secondly, shepherd's purse has different fertilizer and water management in different periods. The growth period of shepherd's purse in spring and summer is relatively short, so only two times of water and fertilizer are needed in the whole growth process. While the autumn growth period is too long and Rain Water may not be much, then we should always pay attention to its growth status according to the situation to water and fertilize, the fertilizer is generally organic fertilizer or farm manure can make shepherd's purse growth closer to natural pollution-free growth.

5. Disease prevention

Wild vegetables normally do not have any diseases and have a strong ability to resist diseases. if there are diseases, that is, some beetles, vegetable leaf worms and leaf rollers, they mainly eat leaves for a living, so the most common control method is through chemical control. generally use trichlorfon or pesticides with relatively low toxic substances to spray to ensure the original and most natural quality of shepherd's purse as far as possible.

VI. Harvest

The harvest is carried out in batches, and the general growth cycle of shepherd's purse is about 30-45 days. Although it is sown at the same time, the acquired growth rate is fast and slow, so it will dig out the larger plants and leave the small ones to continue to grow. each harvest batch can be traced to apply an appropriate amount of fertilizer to promote the growth process, and finally, the last batch should remember to keep seeds when they receive the last batch.

Summary: the above is about the introduction of shepherd's purse planting methods, growers can refer to the above planting methods according to their own situation, hoping to help friends in need!

Planting methods and matters needing attention of fishing bell willow breeding methods of fishing bell willow

The stem of Salix mandshurica is relatively long, and there are some leaves and flowers distributed on both sides of the stem. The flowers are generally red and purple, and their ornamental quality is very high. At present, it is a popular flower variety in the market. Many people like to grow it, but most people don't know how to grow it.

The planting method of fishing bell willow

1. Soil selection. Salix diaozhongliu can not adapt to acidic soil and can grow healthily in neutral or alkaline soil. The fertile sandy soil with excellent drainage performance, good air permeability and limestone is the best.

2. Light and temperature. The fishing bell willow is light-loving and grows healthiest in an environment with sufficient light, moist air and good ventilation. But the fishing bell willow is not heat-resistant, so do not properly shade in summer to prevent direct sunlight from damaging the flowers and leaves of the fishing bell willow.

3. Watering: the soil for planting the willow must have good drainage. If the potted plant should choose a flowerpot with holes at the bottom, some gravel under the pot can prevent the soil from getting too wet and cause the root of the willow to rot.

4. Fertilization: pay attention to timely fertilization before and after flowering, which can make its flowers big and colorful, and measures should be taken to prevent cold after flowering to help it survive the winter smoothly.

Points for attention in fishing bell willow

1. Salix diaozhongliu will have a large number of axillary buds and adventitious buds, shorter internodes, smaller yellowing leaves and bright veins, and the branchlets will not fall off in winter in the shape of a bird's nest. Seriously diseased plants will die in that year, and even light ones will die in a few years. The disease is serious from July to August every year.

2. Ring peeling of diseased branches in spring can prevent pathogens from transferring and spreading to other parts, and achieve the effect of prevention and control.

3. Diaozhongliu is cold-resistant, likes cool and humid environment, and is suitable for growing in the north. So as long as you properly shade, do a good ventilation measures, less fertilizer and less watering, the southern friends can safely spend the summer fishing bell willow.

The breeding method of fishing bell willow

1. Sow and reproduce. Sowing can be carried out at a temperature of 13-18 ℃, usually in autumn or early spring. The seed germination rate of Salix angustifolia is relatively slow, and it is often used for autumn sowing. The seeds can be sowed after harvest, and will germinate when the temperature reaches above 18-21 ℃. Topdressing once every semimonthly during the growing period, chicken manure or compound fertilizer can be used. It should be noted that sowing and reproduction are prone to variation, so many fine varieties generally do not use sowing methods.

2. Cuttage propagation. The cuttage propagation of Salix mandshurica is also often carried out in autumn, and cuttings are usually adopted only when it is a good variety. After the willow flower fade, choose the strong growing twig tip, cut it into 10 cm long as cuttings, disinfect the incision and insert it into the substrate. Keep the humidity and shade properly, it can take root in a month or so. Rooting plants can be planted in pots. If it is planted on the ground as a flower bed, it can be removed from the pot in March or April after thawing in the second year.

3.Propagation of individual plants. The ramet propagation of Salix mandshurica is generally carried out in spring. After the mother plant shows new buds, it is necessary to dig out the mother plant (with soil) within a few days, determine the new plant according to the bud, separate the new plant from the mother with a knife, and plant directly. Watering after planting can quickly expand the root system and grow into considerable plants.

Common diseases and control methods of fishing bell willow

Common diseases of Salix mandshurica with adventitious axillary buds.

The main results are as follows: 1. symptoms: axillary buds and adventitious buds are clustered in large numbers, internodes become shorter, leaves yellowing and smaller, producing clear veins, branchlets do not fall off in winter, serious diseased plants die in the same year, and mild ones will die after a few years. The disease is serious from July to August every year.

2. Control methods: circular peeling of diseased branches in spring can prevent pathogens from transferring and spreading to other parts, and achieve the effect of prevention and control. 4000-fold solution of tetracycline antibiotics was sprayed at the initial stage of the disease.

When planting, the fishing bell willow must choose the suitable soil, then control the temperature, and then sow at the right time. In the later stage of planting, the management of fertilizer, water and diseases must be strengthened. only by doing a good job can the fishing bell willow grow well.

How to grow Bletilla striata _ planting method of Bletilla striata

Bletilla striata is a kind of Bletilla in Orchidaceae. If you want to grow it, you must first understand its planting method! Today we will introduce to you the planting method of Bletilla striata, hoping to help you!

Planting method of Bletilla striata

It is generally propagated by individual plants, and the old plants are dug up before the new leaves germinate in spring, and the pseudobulbs are divided into several parts, each with 1 to 2 buds, which are planted separately.

Mode of reproduction

Ramet propagation is commonly used. Before the new leaves germinated in spring or after the shoot withered in autumn and winter, the old plants were dug up and divided into pseudobulbs. Each plant could be divided into 3-5 plants with terminal buds.

Sowing and propagation can also be used, but because the seeds are small and underdeveloped, aseptic inoculation is needed in the culture medium, and the operation is complex, so it is rarely used.


Baiji prefers a warm, damp environment. Slightly cold-resistant, strong negative resistance, avoid strong direct light. It is suitable to be cultivated in sandy loam with good drainage and high content of humus. Plough the soil before planting and apply sufficient base fertilizer. If the seeds are propagated, the seeds are soaked in cold water before sowing, mixed with plant ash and new high-fat film to ward off underground diseases and insects, isolate virus infection, strengthen respiratory intensity, and improve seed germination rate; planted at the beginning of March, the planting depth is 3 times. During the growing period, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, spray the medicinal material Gandaling timely, transport the photosynthetic products (nutrients) on the leaf surface to the root system, improve the nutrient conversion rate and the ability of loosening soil, make the rhizome expand rapidly, and the medicinal content is greatly increased. Pay attention to weeding and loosening the soil and fertilize once every two weeks. It usually blossoms 2 months after planting. The root tuber could grow and enrich by applying phosphate fertilizer once from anthesis to the middle of August.

Diseases and insect pests

Black spot disease often occurs and is sprayed with 1000 times of thiophanate methyl wet powder. Sometimes root-knot nematode disease is harmful, and 3% carbofuran granules are used to irrigate the basin soil.

Clinical application of Bletilla striata

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Various types of pulmonary tuberculosis which are ineffective or slow in the treatment of anti-tuberculosis drugs can get better results after adding Baiji. It was observed that among the 60 patients who had not been cured for a long time, 42 cases were clinically cured after 3 months of treatment, X-ray showed that the focus was completely absorbed or fibrotic, the cavity was closed, the ESR was normal, the sputum was negative, and the clinical symptoms disappeared, 13 cases significantly improved and 2 cases had no change. In another 40 patients with infiltrating and thick-walled cavities, 24 cases were closed, 12 cases were significantly reduced, and 16 cases were improved. Some people think that Baiji therapy is more effective for invasive pulmonary tuberculosis with caseous lesions, and it is more effective for cough and hemoptysis in terms of symptoms. Usage: research powder for internal use. For adults, 6-30 grams a day, usually 12-18 grams. Take it separately three times. It can be taken for several months, up to 2 years at most. In addition, 13 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis hemoptysis were treated with Baiji powder 3 times a day, and most of them received hemostatic effect within 1-3 days.


The oral dose of Baiji powder is 0.1g / kg body weight under 1 year old and 0.2g / kg body weight over 1 year old. 89 cases were treated, the results showed that the symptoms of 37 cases were significantly relieved within 5 days, 15 cases were significantly relieved within 10 days, 6 cases were ineffective, and 31 cases interrupted treatment.

Treatment of bronchiectasis with ③

Adults take 2-4 grams of Baiji powder 3 times a day for 3 months as a course of treatment. After 1-2 courses of treatment, the amount of sputum was significantly reduced, cough was relieved and hemoptysis was controlled.


Take 5 Baiji tablets each time (each tablet contains 1 point of the original drug), 3 times a day. In 44 patients with simple type, the symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, black sputum and hemoptysis were significantly relieved or disappeared, weight gain, lung function improved and blood concentrated sodium citrate reaction improved after taking medicine for 3 months to 1 year. But the change of X-ray was not significant.

Duodenal ulcer bleeding

Adults take Baili powder for 1: 2 yuan each time, 3 times a day. In 69 cases, the average time of fecal yellowing and occult blood turning negative was 5.17 days and 6.5 days respectively, and the average hospital stay was 19.7 days. During the treatment, it was observed that Baiji was taken orally plus injection of Rabdosia angustifolia, but the curative effect was not significantly improved.

Acute perforation of duodenal ulcer

Under strict indications, Baiji therapy may exempt some patients from surgery and achieve the effect of healing of perforation. According to the observation of 29 cases, 23 cases were successful, 1 case failed and changed to operation, 1 case developed subphrenic abscess and duodenal fistula, 4 cases died (1 case developed shock during Baihe treatment and died after operation. 3 cases were in critical condition at the time of admission. The ideal case of adaptation to Baihe therapy is generally called acute ulcer perforation, or the symptom of ulcer before perforation is not serious, which falls within the scope of suture indication; if the lesion has been localized, it is more appropriate. The reverse indications of Baiji therapy are:

The diagnosis of perforation of gastric and duodenal ulcer is not definite enough.

Those who have enough to eat and perforate

Even if the conservative treatment is successful, it is still necessary to postpone the operation.

There are obvious abdominal distension and low dullness during the physical examination, obvious tenderness or mass in the anal examination, and it is estimated that there is more fluid in the abdominal cavity.

(5) the general condition of the patients was mildly bad.

Treatment: first use the stomach tube to extract the stomach contents, then pull out the stomach tube, quickly swallow Baiji powder 3 money with cold boiled water, and the cold boiled water volume should not exceed 90 ml. The above dose was repeated once after 1 hour. From the next day, the dose of Baiji was changed to 1 yuan, 3 times a day.

Absolute fasting should be done on the first day, a small amount of water or fluid can be given on the second day, and a semi-liquid diet can be restored on the third day. In the course of treatment, the use of antishock, fluid replacement, blood transfusion and antibiotics is the same as a routine treatment, and strict observation of the evolution of systemic and local symptoms must be emphasized. If there is a deterioration of the general condition, such as the increase of pulse rate, the spread of peritonitis symptoms or the increase of the degree of low dullness, we should make a prompt decision, change the treatment policy immediately and take surgical treatment. In practice, it has been observed that Baiji is highly viscous and may form a gelatinous membrane with a certain thickness in the stomach, thus blocking the perforation and stopping the overflow of gastric contents. In the successful cases, the pain began to improve significantly within 1-5 hours and disappeared completely within 12-24 hours. Abdominal tension and tenderness were also improved. However, it is also reported that after taking Baiji, the content of the stomach is increased, which promotes the peristalsis of the stomach, hinders the wrapping of the greater omentum and the coverage of the liver, and even causes the wrapped omentum to fall off again; timely swallowing and nausea and hiccups are sufficient to increase intraabdominal pressure and enlarge the perforation and re-perforation If the use of Baiji is not successful, Baiji paste flows into the abdominal cavity. Because of its stickiness, it is difficult to clean up the abdominal cavity and even promote postoperative intestinal adhesion, so it is considered that Baiji therapy is not ideal.

Junctional fistula

Apply Baiji powder locally according to the number of secretions once a day or once every other day. After the secretion is reduced, it can be changed to once or twice a week. Usually apply the medicine for about 15 times and then gradually heal. The powder must be sent into the deep part of the fistula and stuffed. If the fistula is narrow, the wound can be expanded first to remove the decay. 10 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with tuberculous fistula were cured after 12 to 30 times of application. There was no special protuberance of scar after healing, and there was no recurrence. Practice has proved that Baiji external application can absorb and discharge local secretions, restore and enhance function, promote granulation tissue regeneration, clean wound, accelerate healing and so on.

Burns and surgical trauma

Take fresh white and peel off the skin, rinse with sterilized saline, add aseptic distilled water according to 1:10, soak in cold for one night, heat to boil the next day, reduce pressure and filter with sterilized No. 4 glass funnel. The filtrate is separately packed in ampoules or glass bottles and melted. 15 pounds of high-pressure steam sterilization for 30 minutes, then become white and glue. Local injuries or first-and second-degree burns that account for less than 20% of the body surface area can be treated with Baihe glue. Before applying the medicine, the wound was cleaned with normal saline, and then covered with Vaseline gauze and fixed with bandage. If there is no serious infection, it can be changed after 5-7 days. The dressing for infected wounds should be changed every other day. 9 cases of burn (average wound area was 8%), 2 cases of appendiceal incision and 38 cases of trauma (average wound area was 11%). All of them were cured for 1 to 3 times. Baihe glue is used for general surgical wounds and burns, and its therapeutic effects may be as follows: first, enhance the defense ability of the body and stimulate the proliferation of granulation tissue through the mechanism of nerve reflex; second, it has bacteriostatic effect on staphylococci and streptococci; and can form a protective film locally, which can control and prevent infection; third, it can shorten the blood coagulation time and reduce bleeding, which is conducive to wound healing.

Anal fissure

Take white and powder and mix it with distilled water to make a liquid of 70.12%. After dissolving, heat up slightly, let stand for 8 hours, filter, and become yellow-white glue. Add 100 grams of gypsum powder for every 100 milliliters of glue, stir well and sterilize under high pressure to form Baiji paste. Before treatment, take anal sitting bath with warm water or light potassium permanganate solution, then insert about 2 cm from the anus with edentulous forceps and cotton pads, rub it back and forth for 2 times, and take it out. Then use a white paste cotton ball to leave in the anus 2-3 cm, take another white and paste cotton ball on the anal fissure wound, apply the gauze piece coated with white and ointment on the anus, and fix it with adhesive tape. The dressing was changed once a day and the whole course of treatment was 10 ~ 15 days. If the first treatment cannot be filled with medicine, you can first apply a large amount of Baiji ointment to the anus; on the second day, the anal sphincter is relaxed, and the cotton ball can be inserted smoothly and daubed back and forth. 11 cases were treated, and there was no failure after 3 months observation. Hematochezia disappeared in 9 cases after the first change of dressing, and 2 cases of sphincter spasm. The sphincter was relaxed after applying the medicine once, and the blood in the stool was stopped after the second change of dressing. After application, all the patients had no pain or relieved pain during the first to second defecation, and all the wounds healed with naked eyes on the 6th to 10th day. It is considered that the main reason for the effect is that the application can quickly relax the anal sphincter and relieve pain and bleeding. at the same time, Baiji ointment can lubricate, protect the wound and promote myogenesis.


The hemostatic powder made from Baiji has a better hemostatic effect on small vascular bleeding and bleeding in some surgical skin and muscular incisions, especially after tooth extraction, but it is not satisfied with the hemostatic effect of cutting off small static and arterial arteries. Baiji powder is effective in the treatment of esophageal and gastric variceal bleeding, ulcerative colitis bleeding, hemorrhagic purpura and oral mucosal tuberculous ulcer in the late stage of schistosomiasis. It is also reported that the plasma substitute made of white and mucous gum has a certain curative effect on hemorrhagic shock in animal experiments, which is similar to dextran, and the clinical trial has the effect of maintaining blood volume and increasing blood pressure. No antigenicity, no obvious side effect, no pyrogen reaction, no effect on liver and kidney function, hemogram, bleeding time and clotting time were found. During the trial, 3 people had a transient mild fever (less than 37.5 ℃), and another one had an allergic reaction during the fifth injection. The above situation may be related to the impurity of the preparation.