
Planting techniques of cowpea

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of cowpea

Cowpea, also known as cowpea, is one of our daily common vegetables, which can be divided into cowpea and rice cowpea. So how to grow cowpeas? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Land selection

Cowpea itself is more resistant to barren, so the requirement for soil is not high, general soil can be planted, but for the sake of yield and quality, we should choose the soil with flat terrain, sufficient light, good drainage and good air permeability. In order to promote the growth of cowpea, it is necessary to prepare the soil before planting, loosen the soil, which is beneficial to the growth of cowpea. If the soil fertility is insufficient, base fertilizer can be applied to supplement fertility. Generally, 2000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer is applied per mu.

2. Sowing time

Cowpeas like warm climate and can be planted from spring to autumn, and can also be planted throughout the year through greenhouse technology. Generally, cowpeas are planted in February-August when they are planted in open fields. The temperature at this stage is suitable for the growth of cowpea, but the best is from March to July. However, the climatic environment varies from place to place, so sowing should be carried out according to local climatic conditions to avoid the low temperature season.

3. Sowing seeds

First of all, the varieties with good quality should be selected for sowing. The method of on-demand sowing is generally used when sowing, opening holes according to the plant row spacing of 40 × 50 cm, 2-seeds per hole, and covering 1-2 cm of soil after sowing. Pour enough water after covering the soil, keep warm and moisturize with plastic film to facilitate seedling emergence, but pay attention to the fact that plastic film mulching should not be carried out during direct seeding in summer, so as to avoid the failure of seed germination caused by high temperature under the film. on the contrary, it is good to pay attention to high temperature is not conducive to seed germination, watering frequently, keep the soil moist, to facilitate seedling emergence.

4. Field management

In the initial stage of sowing and transplanting, attention should be paid to water management to ensure seedling emergence or survival rate, direct seeding should pay attention to time seedlings, when 3-4 true leaves are grown, seedlings should be fixed, generally leaving two strong seedlings per mu, and seedlings should be replenished in time when seedlings are missing to ensure full seedlings. It is necessary to set up a frame in time before drawing the vine to ensure good permeability in the field. at the same time, attention should be paid to the removal of old and yellow leaves to improve ventilation and ventilation in the field. Fertilizer should be applied in time after the seedling is fixed, a large amount of nutrients are needed in the vine stage and flowering and fruiting stage, and there is timely fertilization to ensure adequate nutrients.

The above is the introduction of cowpea planting technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.