
Planting techniques of Sugar Citrus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of Sugar Citrus

Shatang orange is a variety of oranges. Because of its small size, high sugar content and abundant juice, it is welcomed by many people. And sugar tangerine is also rich in nutrients, which is very helpful to people's health. Now many people want to know how to grow sugar oranges and how to operate them. So the editor brings you the planting technology of sugar orange today. Let's take a look at it.

1. Planting environment

Citrus has strong adaptability and can grow normally in most of the soil. But artificial planting is generally suitable for soil rich in humus, normal drainage and irrigation, permeable, soft and well-structured soil. This can ensure the amount of flowers and fruits of sugar orange, which is sensitive to the change of temperature in the process of growth. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a suitable temperature around the planting area, and pay attention to controlling humidity, moisture and so on. It is necessary to ensure that sugar orange has a good growth environment and improve the economic benefits of sugar orange cultivation.

2. Selection and planting

The varieties of citrus should choose the varieties with strong disease resistance, high yield and good quality. Before planting, the roots of the seedlings should be unfolded and put into the planting pit. Then tread lightly while filling the soil, and then pour enough water to set the root. Then cover the weed film around the planting pit to improve the heat preservation and moisture retention capacity of the soil. It should be watered once a day for three days after planting, and once a week according to the weather after about 7 days. Then open in March is topdressing, promote sugar orange trees to form a crown, fertilization should pay attention to the amount, not too much, to prevent prosperous growth, mainly to more than a small amount.

3. Young tree management

It is a young tree stage after planting until the first flowering. The young tree period of sugar orange is generally about one and a half years. In the young tree stage, it is necessary to do a good job of topdressing and increase the proportion of nutrition. Promote the growth and development of the crown and root of the sugar orange tree. After planting, pruning should be done according to the tree structure, and about 5 short branches should be retained on each main branch. Do a good job of fertilizer and water to promote the growth of new shoots. when the new shoots grow, select about 3 shoots to cultivate them into auxiliary main branches. Then wait until the new shoots are ripe, and then recycle them to cultivate the crown.

4. Watering and fertilization

The demand for nutrition of sugar orange is relatively large and comprehensive, so we should try our best to give priority to farm manure when applying fertilizer. Pay attention to the methods of fertilization, and make rational use of ditch application, strip application and other methods according to the actual situation. Then properly spraying foliar fertilizer to promote the growth of leaves and increase the accumulation of photosynthetic matter. Then we should water it reasonably according to the soil conditions and weather changes. If the soil is dry and whitish, then it should be watered in time to prevent the lack of moisture from affecting the growth of sugar tangerines. However, we should also pay attention to the amount of water, too much water or the rainy season, then it should be timely drainage.

The above is a brief introduction of sugar orange planting technology, sugar orange planting cycle is relatively long, we need to have some patience when planting. Before entering the flowering and fruiting period, it is necessary to do a good job of management to avoid some irreparable losses. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.