
What is the income of planting one mu of oil peony? What are the high-yield cultivation techniques?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Since the Tang Dynasty, peony has been regarded as the national flower, whether it is medicinal, ornamental or edible, and the oil peony is widely planted as an oil crop. How much is the income from planting an acre of oil peony? What are the high-yield cultivation techniques? The basic situation of oil peony

Since the Tang Dynasty, peony has been regarded as the national flower, whether it is medicinal, ornamental or edible, and the oil peony is widely planted as an oil crop. How much is the income from planting an acre of oil peony? What are the high-yield cultivation techniques?

I. the basic situation of oil peony

1. Distribution of Paeonia suffruticosa

Oil peony refers to oil peony, which is mainly distributed in northwest China, such as Taibai Mountain in Shaanxi, Wanhua Mountain in Yan'an, Lanzhou in Gansu, and so on. In addition, there are many oil peonies cultivated in Heze, Shandong and Luoyang, Henan.

two。 The value of oil peony

Oil peony is mainly used to extract oil for consumption. The production of peony oil is a golden transparent oily liquid made by pressing and refining peony seeds. And often eat peony oil sunscreen, radiation protection, promote liver cell regeneration, hair care, can improve dryness, fork properties, make hair supple and shiny and other effects. In the usual cold salad, cold dishes, or add porridge, soup and so on.

3. Price of peony oil

The price of peony oil is much more expensive than ordinary cooking oil. at present, the price of pure peony oil on the market is 600-800 yuan / jin. However, at present, the prices of peony oil in different manufacturers, packaging, producing areas, quality and specifications are different, and everyone should follow the local market price when buying.

Second, how much is the income of planting one mu of oil peony?

The price of peony seedlings is 0.30 yuan per mu, and the planting cost is 3000 yuan per mu. The cost of seedlings is 900yuan, and the total investment is about 1000 yuan with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs, a total of 1900 yuan. The yield of seed is 350kg per mu, 20 yuan per kilogram, and the income is 7000 yuan. After deducting the investment cost, the income per mu is 5100 yuan.

The above price and income calculations are for reference only.

Third, what are the high-yield cultivation techniques of oil peony?

If you want to get high profit from planting oil peony, high yield is the top priority, and if you want to get high yield, you can refer to the following cultivation techniques:

1. Selection of planting environment of oil peony

Oil tree peony is a succulent root plant. Sandy land with high dryness, easy drainage and sunny should be selected, sticky weight, saline-alkali and low-lying land should be avoided, soil pH value should be 6.5-7.5, and there should be certain drainage and irrigation conditions. And ploughing should be carried out before planting, farm manure and compound fertilizer should be applied, and appropriate amount of insecticide and fungicide should be eaten in the planted land at the same time.

two。 Planting techniques of oil peony

Generally choose 2-3-year-old seedlings, soak them with thiram solution for 15-20 minutes before planting, and then plant them after drying. The best planting time of oil peony is autumn (from early September to early October), and the suitable planting density is 40 × 50 × 20 × 50 × 20 × 25 cm. The specific planting density is determined according to the actual situation.

3. Management technology of oil peony

In the growth process of oil peony, we should pay attention to weeding in the field, deep hoe and apply a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer before flowering, shallow hoe after flowering, and appropriate watering in relatively dry periods.

4. Control of Diseases and insect pests of Oil Peony

The main diseases and insect pests of oil peony are leaf spot (June-July), root rot, blight, golden needle worm, mole cricket, ground tiger and so on. We should take different medicines according to different conditions, of course, it is best to prevent them in advance.

In addition, the seed ripening time of oil peony will vary from region to region, so the majority of growers should harvest in time according to the actual situation and put it in a cool and ventilated room.

High-yield cultivation techniques of Paeonia suffruticosa

Tree peony (Latin name: Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) is a small perennial deciduous shrub of Paeoniaceae and Paeonia lactiflora. Beautiful flower color, jade smile and pearl fragrance, elegant and unrestrained, magnificent, known as "king of flowers" reputation. In the cultivation type, it can be divided into hundreds of varieties mainly according to the color of the flowers. " Peony variety, color is also many, to yellow, green, flesh red, crimson, silver red as the top grade, especially yellow, green is expensive. Peony flowers are large and fragrant, so they are also known as "national color and heavenly fragrance".

A poem by Liu Yuxi in the Tang Dynasty said: "the peony demon in front of the court has no style, and the lotus on the pool is pure and affectionate." Only the peony is really national, and it moves the capital when the flowers are in bloom. " At the end of the Qing Dynasty, peony was regarded as the national flower of China. In May 1985, peony was ranked second among the top ten famous flowers in China. It is a unique woody precious flower in China, with thousands of years of natural growth and more than 1500 years of artificial cultivation history. It is widely cultivated in China and has long been introduced all over the world. Peonies are hailed as the king of flowers and are rich in culture and paintings.

Peony is a deciduous shrub of Ranunculaceae, which is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. The peony has strong adaptability, high yield and good quality, and can harvest 500 kilograms of dry mu. The key points of cultivation techniques are as follows. First, land selection and land preparation should be planted in places with sufficient light and good drainage, flat land and sloping land. The soil layer should be deep, fertile and loose. Sandy loam is the best soil, and salt is avoided. Abstinence and dead clay. The previous crops are suitable for sesame, corn and so on. The soil is required to be turned 60 cm deep, the soil preparation must be fine, and the drainage must be smooth. Second, it takes 5 years for seed culture of peony from sowing to medicinal material harvest. The seedlings were raised with seeds in the autumn of the first year, transplanted in the autumn of the second year, and harvested in the autumn of the fifth year. The main results are as follows: 1. Seed selection and treatment of harvested seeds should choose plants that are more than 4 years old with strong growth, sunny growth and no diseases and insect pests. When the seed is ripe in July and the fruit is not cracked, pick it as soon as possible, spread it on the indoor ground, about 10 cm thick, and turn it once in a few days. Sweep up when the fruit is cracked in August, discard the shell and store the seeds in a cloth bag. Before sowing, remove the thin and bad color seeds, choose the big, full and glossy fresh seeds, soak them in 50 ℃ warm water for one day and night, make the seed coat soft and degummed, absorb water and expand, so that it is easy to germinate. 2. Fresh seeds should be selected for sowing peony, and the seeds should not be dried in the sun, otherwise it is not easy to emerge after sowing. The sowing time is from mid-August to early September. Strip sowing is used with row spacing of 20 cm, groove depth of 5 cm and grain spacing of 3 cm. After seeding, the soil is flattened and slightly suppressed. 3. After sowing at seedling stage, grass should be covered on the border in order to prevent drying early and freezing in winter. The cover grass should be removed in time before the seedlings were unearthed from February to March the following year. When the soil moisture is insufficient or there is a severe drought in winter, it should be watered once. In the seedling stage, we should often loosen the soil, weed and water. In order to make the seedlings grow quickly and healthily, topdressing was done in early April and early June respectively. 4, transplant and transplant. The height of the seedling was about 15 cm after one year, and it was transplanted after defoliation in autumn (September to October). The transplanting site should be fertilized with sufficient base fertilizer. Dig a pit according to the row spacing of 50 cm × 40 cm and the depth of 30 cm, and plant 1 large seedling in each pit. When filling the soil, straighten the root, the neck of the root is slightly lower than the ground 1-2 cm, step on the soil. If the soil moisture is insufficient, the fixed root water should be fully irrigated. 3. Drug field management 1. During the growth period of loosening soil and weeding, loosen the soil and weed 10 times a year to keep the soil free of weeds and loose soil. 2. In early winter or early spring, dig holes around the plant and apply a mixture of 1 kg of soil fertilizer and 50 g of chemical fertilizer per plant. Topdressing was applied for 1 or 2 times before and after flowering. Be careful to avoid splashing the stems and leaves with fertilizer and mud. 3. Watering and drainage are combined with fertilization each time. Water once when sprouting in spring, once when it is dry in summer, and once before winter. Rain and waterlogging should be drained in time. 4. In addition to keeping seeds and selling flowers, bud picking and pruning should be removed after budding in spring to reduce nutrient consumption. Picking buds should be carried out on a sunny morning. From October to November, cut off the dead branches and grow branches, remove the fallen leaves and burn them centrally. Fourth, pest control 1. Spot disease is a fungal disease. The disease spot on the leaf is round, 2-3 mm in diameter, yellow-brown in the center, purplish red at the margin, and small black spots in the upper part. Prevention and treatment: ① removed diseased branches and leaves, and sprayed 1 100 Bordeaux liquid before and at the initial stage of ②. Once every 10 days, several times in a row. 2. Grubs and mole crickets bite on young roots and root bark, resulting in lack of seedlings or poor growth. Prevention and control methods: ① is artificially killed near the affected plant; ② is in the peak period from early April to mid-May, with 90% trichlorfon 800-1000 times liquid pouring; ③ must use fully mature organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. 5. Harvest and processing 1. Harvest from September to October of 4 ~ 5 years after transplanting. Digging should be carried out on a sunny day and dig out all the roots. Combined with ramet culture, the large roots and medium-sized roots are cut off and transported back to the base and processed in time. 2. When processing the dug-up peony root, pinch off the beard root and dry it to become the red beard. Wash the rough root, gently scrape off the rough skin with porcelain, and dry until soft. Then cut and sew along the root with a blade, peel off the root bark, remove the wood core, then squeeze the limited skin, close and cut the seam, cut it into 10 cm short, dry or dry. Pick up the firewood and bones, pack and store them by stages. Planting and management techniques of oil peony

Today, I would like to introduce to you a new crop-oil peony. Planting oil peony can not only achieve ornamental value, but also achieve a bumper harvest of economic benefits.

Oil peony is a new woody oil crop, which has the outstanding characteristics of "three high and one low": high output, high oil content, high quality and low cost. Oil peony is resistant to drought and barren, so it is suitable for afforestation in barren mountains and planting under forests.

Oil peony is a kind of shrub plant. It is distributed in Heze, Shandong Province, Henan Province, Luoyang, Shaanxi Province, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, Fenghuang Mountain, Tongling City, Gansu Province and Xiangxi, Hunan Province.

Through the analysis of pressed peony seed oil by the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, this golden transparent oily liquid made from peony seed kernel by pressing and refining has a content of more than 92% unsaturated fatty acids, of which α-linolenic acid accounts for 42%. It is called "the best edible oil in the world".

It is best to consider both the economic benefits and the economic benefits of sightseeing in planting oil peony. Because after the introduction of oil peony, there is no income in the first three years, but continuous income can be achieved in the next 30-60 years without changing stubble. It is best to make rational planning and layout of the land before planting.

The following is to introduce the main points of planting oil peony:

1. Planting site selection. Dry and sunny acidic plots should be selected for oil peony planting, and sandy loam is better. The soil is required to be loose and ventilated and well drained.

2. Variety selection. The main varieties of oil peony are "Fengdan" with the largest seed setting, high oil yield, wide adaptability and strong growth, and "purple spot peony" can also be selected.

3. Ground preparation. The soil is 40-50 cm deep, 150-200 kg cake fertilizer or 1000-1500 kg mature barnyard manure, 80 kg phosphate fertilizer and 40-50 kg compound fertilizer are applied per mu. Phoxim granules 10kg / mu and 4N5kg / mu were used as soil insecticides and fungicides, at the same time, closed herbicides were added.

4. Planting techniques. When planting, insert a shovel with a width of 40 cm into the ground, do not open a gap with a width of 5 cm 10 cm and a depth of 25 cm 30 cm, and put peony seedlings in the gap so that the root stem is 2 cm below the ground level. Be sure to keep the root stretched, and then step on the root soil tightly.

5. Field management. First, hoing, oil peony growth period, the need to hoe frequently, on the one hand, to kill weeds, and the other is to increase temperature and preserve soil moisture. The second is topdressing, generally not topdressing in the first year after peony planting. Starting from the second year, topdressing twice a year. Third, pest control, spraying carbendazim 500 times liquid in the first and middle of February, when spraying, it should cover the whole ground. Spraying phoxim granule 10kg / mu in early March: spraying 70% methyl topiramate 600-800 times in 7-10 days before flowering in early April; starting in late May, spraying 600-800 times of carbendazim or methyl thiophanate, chlorothalonil and other fungicides every 15-20 days. Fourth, watering, peony is fleshy root, not resistant to water and moisture, should ensure drainage dredging, avoid stagnant water, should not often watering, but especially drought still need appropriate watering. Fifth, the removal of fallen leaves, after the leaves dried up in late October, timely cleaning of fallen leaves, and concentrated burning or deep burial, in order to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the coming year.

Peony seed, black in color, hard in skin, bitter in taste, irregular round, slightly larger than soybeans. Fengdan and purple spot two peony varieties have many seeds and grow fast, so they are suitable for medicinal use. In the high yield test, the yield of peony seeds has reached 1980 jin per mu. At present, the average yield of Fengdan can reach 800 to 1000 jin per mu. The yield of one mu of soybeans is about 300 jin. In the case of the same oil yield, the yield of peony seeds is three times that of soybeans, and one mu of peony is equal to three mu of soybeans. This is not to mention that peonies can produce moutan bark while bearing seeds. If the peony stamens are reused to produce peony tea and other health foods, the economic benefit of one mu of Fengdan is much higher than that of soybeans and other cash crops, and the output value can reach more than 10,000 yuan. Peony is a woody plant, perennial, do not have to sow every year like soybeans, except for no yield in the first three years, the yield will be stable for the next 30-60 years. It is conceivable how beneficial it is to plant oil peonies.