
How to grow dandelions? How is the planting benefit?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dandelion, also known as Huanghua Diding, etc., is very popular in recent years because of its role in health care, and the market demand is also increasing, so many people want to plant dandelion, so how to grow dandelion? What is the planting benefit? How to grow dandelions?

Dandelion, also known as Huanghua Diding, etc., is very popular in recent years because of its role in health care, and the market demand is also increasing, so many people want to plant dandelion, so how to grow dandelion? What is the planting benefit?

How to grow dandelions?

1. Soil selection and land preparation

Dandelion is a highly adaptable herb, so it is not strict to the soil, but in order to ensure the yield, choose the fertile, loose and moist sandy soil as far as possible, the planting land should be on the sunny slope, in addition, the soil can be turned deeply and leveled, and the dandelion plant should be watered once before sowing.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

Dandelion seeds have no dormant period, so they can be sown throughout the year. When sown in the soil above 15 degrees Celsius, the seeds can germinate in about 4-5 days, and the seeds germinate faster at 15 degrees Celsius temperature and slower at 25 degrees Celsius temperature. Therefore, the best sowing time is in spring and early summer. Of course, planting in greenhouse can be sowed in winter.

3. Field management

Dandelion can be planted when it grows new leaves, and it should not be watered for 2-3 weeks to avoid rotting roots. Dandelion is resistant to drought and strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, so there are few diseases and insect pests in the planting process, which has an advantage over other plants. The most important thing in dandelion field management is fertilizer and water management. 65% of its whole plant is moisture, so it requires very high moisture, needs to be watered frequently to keep the soil moist, and does not require high fertility. Before planting, you can apply sufficient base fertilizer once or twice during the growing season.

4. Points for attention

Dandelion planting is also fertilizer and water, often watering during the growth period to keep the soil moist, especially after emergence requires a large amount of water, water is the key to the growth of dandelion, dandelion growth is not recommended to apply industrial chemical fertilizer, although chemical fertilizer makes its growth fast and strong, but will lose the dandelion game style reduction effect, it is best to apply farm fertilizer or organic fertilizer.

Second, what is the planting benefit of dandelion?

Dandelion is a perennial herb of Compositae, which is rich in iron, calcium, multivitamins and carbohydrates. in addition, it contains healthy nutrients such as dandelion, dandelion and organic acids. It is a plant for both medicine and food. It has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and diarrhea, and mainly treats acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, gastritis and hepatitis. People's awareness of health preservation is also on the rise. now dandelion tea is a new health product. Dandelion tea has the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids. The market demand is so great that it is often exported to foreign countries, and the price soars all the way from ten yuan to dozens of yuan. So planting dandelion is a very good project.

Dandelion leaves, roots and stems can be used as medicine, the dry product 600kg per mu is about 6 yuan per kilogram, the yield benefit per mu is about 3600 yuan, in addition, dandelion is a perennial herb, its roots can be dug out and dried after two consecutive years, the root price is more than twice that of stems and leaves, the root yield per mu can reach about 300kg, the price is 13 yuan per kilogram, the benefit per mu can reach 3900 yuan, plus it can be used as a vegetable. So the yield benefit per mu is about 7000-8000. From this point of view, the planting benefit of dandelion is still good.

Summary: the above is about the relevant introduction of dandelion planting methods and planting benefits, it should be noted that the above dandelion planting benefits only as a reference, specific should be based on the actual benefits, in addition, planting dandelion has a certain risk, planting should be in line with local conditions and master good planting techniques, hope to help friends in need!

How to achieve high yield in dandelion cultivation? High-yielding planting techniques of dandelion

[FAQ] how to achieve high yield in dandelion cultivation?

Dandelion is a perennial herb of Compositae, which is rich in many kinds of healthy nutrients such as dandelion alcohol, dandelion, choline, organic acid, inulin and so on. it has high medicinal value and is very popular in the market in recent years. In order to improve the economic benefit of dandelion planting, it is particularly important to realize the high-yield planting of dandelion.

Picture: dandelion planting

I. seed harvesting

Dandelions usually blossom and bear seeds at the age of two. It blossoms from May to June in the wild, and there are individual plants and community growth. Dandelions bloom more and more as they get older, with a maximum of more than 20 flowers. The seed maturation period is short after flowering, and the seed can mature in 15 days after flowering. Whether the seeds are mature or not mainly depends on the shell of the disk from green to yellow, and the seeds of each disk from white to brown, that is, when the seeds are mature, they can be harvested. After the seeds are ripe, the catkins will soon fly away with the wind, and they can be harvested at the end of the disk when they crack, which is the key to the success or failure of seed harvest.

After the flower plate is picked, it is ripe indoors for 1 day. When the flower plate is all dispersed and then dried in the shade for 1 or 2 days, when the seed is semi-dry, rub off the flannel at the end of the seed with your hands, and then plant it to dry. The 1000-grain weight of large leaf type is 2 g, and that of leaflet type is 1 Mel 1.2 g.

Second, make a bed by preparing the ground.

1. Site selection: dandelion has strong adaptability, both drought and alkali resistance, like loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam.

two。 Fertilization: apply organic fertilizer per hectare, preferably horse dung, 30000-45000 kg, mixed calcium superphosphate 225,300kg, evenly spread the ground, and then turn 20 cm deep.

3. Make bed and ridge: after the ground is leveled and raked fine, make a seeding bed with a width of 100 cm, a height of 15 cm and a length of 10 m, or a ridge with a height of 30 cm, a base width of 30 cm and a shoulder width of 20 cm.

Third, sowing and burying roots

1. Sow seeds on the bed: horizontally open a small trench with a depth of 1 cm and a width of 5 cm, sow the seeds evenly into the ditch, cover them with fine soil, and suppress them with wooden stalks, with a row spacing of 15 cm.

two。 Ridge sowing: a furrow with a depth of 1 cm and a width of 5 cm. After sowing, cover the fine soil and suppress it with wood.

3. Buried planting: in order to get on the market early and increase income, digging roots in the field and planting in the greenhouse can get twice the result with half the effort. When dandelions are hit by frost for the first time in late autumn (mid-late October) and the leaves change from green to red, it is necessary to dig the roots of dandelions in the field, the whole root is the best. Make a bed in the greenhouse, as described above. According to the row spacing of 15 cm, plant spacing of 5 cm, buried in the original root surface position is appropriate, so that the root top seems to be exposed on the ground, can be compacted by hand. When the greenhouse temperature is controlled at about 20 ℃, dandelion can grow normally. If dandelion is put on the market in the peak season of market demand, the greenhouse temperature should be controlled to restrict the plant growth, and satisfactory results can be obtained.

4. Promoting budding and promoting seedlings: in order to promote seedling emergence early after sowing, you can use warm water to scald seeds, that is, put the seeds in 50-55 ℃ warm water, stir to cool, soak for 8 hours, fish out, and wrap the seeds in a wet cloth and put them in a place of about 25 ℃. It is covered with a wet cloth and watered with 50 ℃ warm water every morning and evening. The seeds can be sown after 4 days of germination. The sowing rate is 11.25 kg per hectare.

Picture: dandelion planting

IV. Field management

1. Loosen the soil and weed: half a month after the emergence of dandelion, loosen the soil and weed once. The bed sowing is ploughed among the seedlings with a small hoe, and the ridge sowing is ploughed with a pick. After that, the soil was ploughed once every 10 days. Keep weeding manually after closing ridges.

two。 Fixed seedlings: the leaves of the aboveground plants of Pu Gongying are large, and the management should fully consider that there is a certain space for plant growth, and do not covet seedlings and affect their growth. Generally, the seedlings can be determined 10 days after emergence, and the row spacing is 5m / 10cm.

3. Watering and fertilization: dandelions should be watered frequently during their growth to keep the soil moist. Dandelion needs a lot of water after emergence, so keeping the soil moist is the key to the growth of dandelion.

V. Harvest

The sown dandelion could not be harvested that year. After entering winter, spread organic fertilizer on the bed (ridge) 2000 kg per 667m2, preferably rotten horse dung. In this way, it can not only play the role of fertilization, but also protect the root system safely through the winter. Do not advocate the application of chemical fertilizer, although the application of chemical fertilizer young plants and leaves black protruding long, but lost the connotation of green plants, but also lost the game style of dandelion. Generally speaking, each hectare can produce 9000m2, 10500kg.

[editor's conclusion] in order to meet the growing market demand and improve economic benefits, it is very important to realize the high-yield planting of dandelion. The high-yield planting techniques of dandelion are introduced above. I hope it can be helpful to you!

When to plant dandelion planting techniques and matters needing attention

Although the main form of existence of dandelion is still rural weeds, with the wide spread and application of the efficacy and function of dandelion, planting dandelion has also become a means for rural entrepreneurs to get rich. So how on earth can dandelion be planted in order to have better quality and high yield?

When will dandelions be planted?

Dandelions are sown after July. Dandelion is resistant to cold and heat, and the sowing date is not very strict. Spring and summer vegetables can be sown after harvest. The yield of dandelion is related to the sowing date. According to the experiment, the annual production of Lesser Heat, Greater Heat and the Beginning of Autumn is 0.71kg, 0.60g and 0.36kg per square meter respectively. Therefore, we should sow as early as possible, if sowing after July, we can appropriately increase the amount of sowing to increase the yield.

Planting techniques and matters needing attention of dandelion

1. Land selection and preparation

Dandelion has strong adaptability and can be used in general land. choose Xiangyang sandy soil with fertile and moist soil, pour water thoroughly before sowing, apply sufficient base fertilizer, apply organic fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, turn the land deeply, level it fine, and water it after making the bed.

2. Sowing seeds

Mature dandelion seeds have no dormancy period and can be sown in moist soil when the temperature is above 15 degrees. It can sprout after about 90 hours. Seeds germinate faster when the soil temperature is about 15 degrees, and slowly when the soil temperature is above 25-30 degrees, so seeds can be sowed from early spring to midsummer.

3. Fixed seedling

In post-planting management, new leaves are generally not watered before growing, such as spray pot watering when the soil is dry. After the new leaves grow, they can be watered according to the soil moisture, and the soil surface of the border should be dry and wet. At the same time, we began to loosen the soil and ridge, and found that the missing seedlings should be replenished in time, and should not be watered within 2-3 weeks after planting to prevent rotting roots.

4. Field management

Dandelion has strong disease resistance, drought resistance and insect resistance, and generally does not need to carry out pest control. The focus of field management is mainly fertilizer and water. Although dandelion is not strict with soil conditions, it still likes soil with rich, moist, loose and high content of organic matter. In the growing season, topdressing should be done 1-2 times.

5. Harvest

In summer and autumn, the whole grass is cut before flowering, dried and used as medicine. After growing for two years, at the end of autumn, dig out the roots and dry them in the sun and use them as medicine. Cooking can be harvested and processed at the right time. If the temperature is kept above 10 ℃ in the greenhouse, the dandelion plant can grow normally, and when the plant grows to a suitable size, it can be harvested and put on the market.

6. Matters needing attention in planting dandelion

Dandelion is a plant that is more tolerant to coarse cultivation. It only needs watering and proper fertilization at the seedling stage, but not at the flowering stage.

Planting value of dandelion

1. Nutritional value: raw dandelion is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium, as well as iron, calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, magnesium, vitamin B6, folic acid and copper. The specific element content is mainly water. Every 60 grams of raw dandelion leaves contain 86% moisture, 1.6 grams of protein, 5.3 grams of carbohydrates and about 108.8 kilojoules of calories. They can be eaten raw, fried and made in soup. They are plants for both medicine and food.

2. Medicinal value: dandelion tastes bitter, cold, non-toxic, enters the liver and stomach meridians, and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, diuresis and dispersing knot. it is effective in the treatment of acute mastitis, lymphitis, fever, acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, urinary tract infection and so on.

3. Ornamental value: dandelion has the function of greening and beautifying the environment, whether it is planted on the ground or bonsai cultivation has better ornamental value.

4. Cosmetic value: dandelion has been widely used in cosmetology, whether it is dry skin, oily skin, aging skin, or freckles, pigmented spots, dermatitis, acne, acne, whiskers, white hair, hair loss, etc., can help you eliminate "beauty deficiencies", get rid of troubles, make you "white wall flawless", radiant.

The yield of dandelion

Dandelion can cut 6-7 crops a year, produce 7200-8000 kg of fresh vegetables per mu, and last 4-5 years.

If sold according to medicinal materials, the yield of dry products per mu is 580-650 kg, and the price is 5-6 yuan / kg.

Dandelion after two consecutive years of growth at the end of autumn, dig out the roots to dry, 200-250 kg per mu, the price is 12-15 yuan / kg.

According to the current data, the output of dandelion is quite considerable, and the planting benefit is not bad. It is believed that in the future, after the value of dandelion is further excavated, coupled with the breakthrough of planting technology, it will bring higher benefits and better development prospects to growers.