
Does it make money to grow avocados in 2019? What are the planting prospects?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Avocado is a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, which is known as forest cream and is very popular in our country in recent years. So, will it make money to grow avocados in 2019? What are the planting prospects of avocados? Let's get to know it together. The present situation of planting in our country, avocado is also planted in our country.

Avocado is a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, which is called "forest cream". It is very popular in our country in recent years. So, will it make money to grow avocados in 2019? What are the planting prospects of avocados? Let's get to know it together.

1. Current situation of planting in China

Avocados are also planted in China, mostly concentrated in the southern coastal areas, and the amount of planting is relatively small, which is completely unable to meet the current needs of our country, and generally rely on imports, but in recent years, Yuanjiang in Yunnan Province has begun to cultivate on a large scale. At present, many people have seen business opportunities and are ready to join the avocado planting army, but there are few places suitable for planting because of rainfall and temperature. The current planting situation is basically that the conditions of some farmers who want to plant are not suitable, and those with suitable conditions have not really mastered the scientific planting method, but friends who want to plant can go to Hainan, Guangdong and other places to have a look.

2. Market demand

Avocado is also a kind of multi-purpose fruit, daily is the preferred goal of weight loss in many first-tier cities, demand exceeds supply, in many western restaurants, avocado is also a kind of high-grade fruit, the demand can not be underestimated, and some restaurants regard it as a dish widely sought after. At present, avocado is also very popular in fruit juice. Many fruit juice shops have launched avocado milkshakes, avocados and other fruit juice mixtures and so on. The sales of some beverages made of avocados are also extremely optimistic, and they are also used as raw materials for skin care products in many places abroad. generally speaking, the market demand of avocados is diversified and there is a state that supply exceeds demand. The way out for sales is wide.

3. Economic benefits

Avocado is a kind of fruit tree with relatively high yield. in general, the yield is about 100jin / tree in normal period, and a few high-yielding trees can reach about 150jin. At present, the retail price starts at 30 yuan, but the wholesale price is much lower, about 15 yuan. According to local conditions, the planting area per mu generally fluctuates in about 80 plants, and the total profit per mu is about 100000 yuan. If the cost is calculated according to the budget at the time of seed selection, the profit of better seedlings is about 30,000 yuan, and that of poor seedlings is about 40,000 yuan, which can be comprehensively considered according to their own situation.

4. the efficacy and function of avocado.

Avocado has a lot of nutritional value, and many aspects can bring it a broad market demand. Glyceric acid is a kind of rich avocado, which has a good effect on appearance. Now many skin care products have added avocado. Babies are a direction that people attach great importance to at present. According to expert research, eating avocado can not only protect women's uterus, but also give babies a better growth space. In this way, the market will naturally be wide, and the sales volume will naturally go up, not to mention the avocado has the use value of weight loss and beauty.

So to sum up, it is profitable to grow avocado in 2019. As long as you master the scientific planting method, there will be some harvest!

What is the effect of avocado? Planting techniques of avocado

[FAQ] what is the effect of avocado? How should I plant it?

[expert answer] avocado, also known as avocado, avocado, camphor, etc., has high nutritional value, rich in a variety of vitamins, protein, etc., is a kind of rare fruit, favored by consumers, wide market and high planting efficiency. The efficacy and planting techniques of avocado are introduced as follows:

Picture: avocado planting

1. The efficacy of avocado

1. Anti-oxygen and anti-aging: avocado is rich in glyceric acid, protein and vitamins, moisturizing but not greasy, is a natural antioxidant aging agent, not only can soften and moisturize the skin, but also can shrink pores, the surface of the skin can form a milky isolation layer, can effectively resist sunlight, prevent sunburn. The avocado oil extracted from nuts is rich in nutrients and rich in vitamin E, magnesium, linoleic acid and essential fatty acids, which helps to strengthen the cell membrane and delay the senescence of epidermal cells.

two。 Breast enhancement: the rich unsaturated fatty acids in avocado can increase the elasticity of chest tissue, vitamin A can promote female hormone secretion, vitamin C can prevent chest deformation, and vitamin E can help chest development.

3. Protect the liver: avocados have been found to contain effective chemicals that may protect the liver, a discovery that will help people invent new drugs to treat liver diseases.

4. Beauty: avocado pulp has good affinity with human skin, is easily absorbed by skin, has strong absorption to ultraviolet rays, and is rich in vitamin E and carotene, so it has good skin care, sunscreen and health care.

5. Relieving diabetes: avocado pulp sugar content is very low, which is 1% of banana sugar content. It is a rare high-fat and low-sugar food for diabetics, and drinking with peel water can alleviate diabetes.

6. Protect uterine health: avocados protect women's uterus and cervix. Eating one avocado a week can balance estrogen, lose excess weight during childbirth and prevent cervical cancer.

7. Baby food supplement: avocado is one of the good baby food supplements.

Picture: avocado planting

2. Planting techniques of avocado

Cultivation conditions: avocado likes light, warm and humid climate, and is not resistant to cold. Only a few varieties can endure a short-term low temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. It is cultivated at 40 °S ~ 40 °N in the world, with an average annual temperature of 20: 25 ℃. Cold resistance varies with different varieties (strong cold tolerance of Mexican line, weak cold tolerance of Guatemala and West Indies), cold-resistant varieties can tolerate-6 ℃ low temperature, low cold resistance varieties dry up when low temperature of 0 ℃ Need annual rainfall of more than 1000 mm, shallow roots, fragile branches, can not withstand strong winds, strong winds can lead to reduced production, strong adaptability to the soil.

Propagation method: avocado multipurpose seed reproduction, can also be used for grafting propagation, sowing time to peel off the seed coat in the sand bed to promote germination, select deep soil layer, good drainage, shelter from the wind to plant, plant spacing of 5 * (6 ~ 7) meters is more suitable, mixed planting of varieties can ensure pollination. It is best to raise seedlings in containers. The seedlings can be grafted by bud grafting or abdominal grafting with a diameter of 0.8 cm. The seedlings can be planted at 50 cm or 60 cm. The row spacing of the plants is 5 cm. The grafted seedlings will blossom and bear fruit for 3-4 years or 4-6 years. The mature trees can produce 25-50 kg and the high yield 100-150 kg.

Planting: 50-60 cm between seedlings, row spacing 5-6 m, grafted seedlings 3-4 years or seedlings 4-6 years flowering and fruiting.

Cover: avocado is a fruit tree that grows in competitive sunlight under tropical rain forest conditions. It grows rapidly in a hot and humid environment, but grows slowly if the environmental conditions are not available. Therefore, the cultivation of avocado abroad mainly emphasizes growing grass or planting green manure near the plant at the initial stage, and covering a large amount of organic matter in the topsoil, forming a rainforest rhizosphere environment similar to that of origin, and stabilizing the ecological conditions of the rhizosphere. Promote the reproduction of microorganisms that can inhibit root rot activity. Therefore, from the young tree stage to the tree itself can form a cover layer through fallen leaves and before the occurrence of root rot, it is particularly important to carry out tree plate young trees. Begin to cover in winter, replenish the thickness in spring, and form a good cover in summer. Rhizosphere mulching can also reduce soil water evaporation, reduce the damage of dry heat to avocado, lower soil temperature in summer, increase soil temperature in winter, increase soil organic matter, reduce weeds and prevent soil erosion on sloping land. But keep the soil from getting too wet during the rainy season.

Fertilization: (1) nitrogen fertilizer is routinely applied more than 4 times a year, usually by withdrawal or through the irrigation system. 50 kg of organic fertilizer and 50 g of compound fertilizer are applied to adult trees in the young fruit stage, and the quantity is doubled after harvest. (2) applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer when the content of phosphorus and potassium is low, zinc can be applied or foliar spraying zinc on some types of soil, and spraying is most effective when new leaves are developed in spring. the most effective way for crops to grow on calcareous soil or soil with low oxygen content is to inject chelating iron solution into the root zone. (3) the amount of nitrogen used should be reduced when there is nitrogen in some soil and irrigation water, and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied when there are few new leaves growing on trees and when the leaves are gray or bear more fruit.

Drainage: avocado is evergreen all the year round, it is necessary to keep the rhizosphere soil moist throughout the year, and it is very sensitive to soil drought. once there is a lack of water, the physiological function is blocked, and the tree is weak, which leads to falling leaves and fruit, and the cold resistance is reduced in winter, so it is necessary to irrigate properly during drought. From fruit setting to fruit ripening, it is very important to maintain soil moisture. If the young fruit falls off seriously in the first month of fruit setting due to drought. On Hainan Island, the dry and hot weather from April to May caused serious fruit drop of avocado. Therefore, if the garden soil begins to crack for 10-20 days, it should be irrigated in time; if the rainfall is lower than transpiration and evaporation for a long time, supplementary irrigation should also be added. However, irrigation should be just right, not only sufficient, but also avoid excessive, generally soaking through the soil is appropriate, if too wet, it will aggravate root rot, but also reduce the content of soluble solids in fruit. It is best to use sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation. Flooding irrigation may cause root rot, and drip irrigation can save 50% of water and 60% of water. Some dry leaves begin to curl, and the crown can be sprayed with water. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season, especially in flat orchards.

Picture: avocado planting

Picking: the fruit picking season is usually from August to September. The traditional way of picking is to use a long stick directly, which is easy, but the fruit is not good for preservation and will soon rot. In order to ensure the quality, we must carefully climb to the canopy several meters high, cut one by one and put it into the frame, and then slowly send it to the ground.

[conclusion] avocado is rich in nutritional value, which can also be used as dishes and cans in addition to fruit consumption, so it has high planting value. The above introduces the efficacy and planting technology of avocado. I hope it can be helpful to you!

Planting methods of avocado how to grow seeds by hydroponic culture

We all know that avocados are very delicious, but their nutritional value is not generally high. I want to grow avocados at home. What is the planting method of avocados? How to cultivate the seeds in water?

The tools you need to grow avocados: a glass glass and a few toothpicks.

Seed processing, this step is very critical, to be careful to remove the pulp, the core should be careful not to hurt the upper and lower core cover, and distinguish between the top and bottom, do not make low-level mistakes.

Cultivate the seeds with water, keep the seeds facing up, carefully insert them into the core with 3-4 toothpicks, not too deep, about half of them are immersed in a water cup, put them in a sunny place, but do not expose yourself to the sun, and change the water every 5-7 days to avoid damaging the seeds with too many bacteria in the water.

Persist for 4-8 weeks, observe the germination state of the seed, if there is a crack at the top, the seed coat begins to loose, which shows that the hard work of more than a month has not been in vain, and the cultivation is basically successful.

In a few weeks, the roots of the seeds will continue to grow, and it is important to note that the water must have flooded the roots. Until the trunk of the seedling grows, the branches and leaves gradually flourish, and they are ready to start transplanting into the pot.

When potted, the soil should be loose, water-holding capacity should be large but not saturated, and watering should not be too frequent. If it is found that the leaves begin to turn yellow, it indicates that there is too much water. Be sure to stop watering for a few days. Avocado trees like to bask in the sun and need to be placed in a sunny place to absorb enough sunlight. When it grows to about 30 centimeters, the top branches and leaves must be trimmed off to make the saplings grow more luxuriantly.

Note: avocado trees are fragile, easy to cause diseases and insect pests, pay attention to prevention and timely pest control; winter temperature drop is a nightmare of tree seedlings, we must pay attention to heat preservation measures; generally 3-4 years will bear fruit.

Avocado is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can improve the elasticity of chest tissue, as well as vitamins A, C and E, which promote female hormone secretion, prevent chest deformation and help chest development, respectively.

This is the end of the avocado planting method. In the future, you no longer have to worry about the size of your chest and don't look good in anything.