
How about pot planting of Dendrobium? introduction of daily maintenance methods of pot planting of Dendrobium

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How about pot planting of Dendrobium? introduction of daily maintenance methods of pot planting of Dendrobium

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Dendrobium potted plant, that is, a kind of plant potted plant mainly based on Dendrobium, is still quite common in the decoration of people's home plant potted plant. And Dendrobium is green, the flowers are simple, elegant and fragrant, used to make potted plants is more elegant and charming, so many people love Dendrobium potted plants very much. So what is the pot planting of Dendrobium, and what are the daily maintenance methods? Let's take a look at the potted plants of Dendrobium and their daily maintenance methods.

How about pot planting of Dendrobium?

1. What is the pot of Dendrobium?

In short, the so-called Dendrobium potted plant is actually a kind of plant based on Dendrobium. Dendrobium, which is familiar to everyone, is also known as undead grass, soul grass, forest orchid and fairy Dendrobium orchid. It is one of the more mysterious herbs in people's eyes. Dendrobium is called one of the "four ornamental flowers" because its flowers are indeed very beautiful, especially the flowers are not only elegant, but also exquisite and lovely, and appear more beautiful and dreamy against the bright color and fragrance of flowers, so people raise this kind of plant by potted culture, and then Dendrobium potted plants appear.

2. The role of Dendrobium in potted plants.

Dendrobium potted plant is indeed one of the precious plants, its role is very obvious, can be summed up in one sentence, that is, it is good to use but also delicious. We understand that because Dendrobium flowers are elegant and beautiful, bright flowers are very beautiful and elegant under the green leaves, and easy to use is the decorative and greening role of Dendrobium potted plants. The pot plant of Dendrobium is elegant and beautiful, and it has a good role of decoration and decoration indoors. At the same time, as a kind of pure natural green plant, pot plant naturally also has a good greening effect. Dendrobium is edible, not only can be cooked with meat, but also can be used as medicine, which is very precious.

Introduction to daily maintenance methods of pot plants of Dendrobium candidum

Potted plants can be cultivated well, daily maintenance is absolutely not less, so how to maintain Dendrobium potted plants every day?

1. Watering: Dendrobium likes a humid and warm environment, and the air humidity of its growing environment needs to be more than 80%. Daily breeding should be watered frequently, especially in the later stage of planting because the air humidity is relatively small, in addition to the frequent need for watering and moisturizing, spray watering is also needed to maintain.

2. Temperature: Dendrobium likes to be warm and generally grows in a half-yin and half-yang environment. The requirement for temperature is not particularly high. If the temperature is above 0 degrees in winter, it can survive, but in order to avoid freezing damage, we still need to pay attention to keeping warm.

3, fertilization: Dendrobium potted plants to be more healthy and healthy, the necessary nutrients are necessary, so daily breeding should pay attention to fertilization, especially the problem of topdressing. Every year before and after Ching Ming Festival, topdressing once, with nitrogen fertilizer and pig and cow manure mixed together. At the same time, the Beginning of Winter needs to be fattened once before.

4. Pruning: Dendrobium grows fast, and it needs to be pruned every year at Chutian, cutting off all the old stems and dead branches of the plant, while diseased stems, weak stems and diseased roots also need to be removed.

5. Pest control: Dendrobium is prone to black spot, anthracnose and phenanthracnose. In order to control these diseases and insect pests, 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution can be used daily to spray the leaves.

Conclusion: Dendrobium potted plants are beautiful and elegant, placed indoors as plant decoration, which can not only play a good role in decoration, but also green the environment, which is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. So interested friends can now try to cultivate Dendrobium potted plants.

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