
What is the flower language of lavender? introduction to the legend of lavender

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What is the flower language of lavender? introduction to the legend of lavender

The flower language and symbolic meaning of lavender is: waiting for love. It is like a budding youth, looking forward to the future, expecting the arrival of love. Love may come, but I don't know how long it will take. Sometimes, missing is like waiting for the autumn water, and the person you are waiting for is in the distant future.

A promise when young, two people hold the lavender bottle, after the separation of time and space, personnel changes, the pure affection between each other, still carved in the heart of no one can replace the status; even in the face of God's teasing, the cruelty of fate, and the heart of the throb of love.

Provence in ancient times had a beautiful girl. One day, she was alone in a cold valley gathering flowers in bud. On her way home, she met a wounded traveler from afar who asked her for directions. The girl held the bouquet full of flowers and looked at the handsome young man affectionately. In that instant, her heart was already occupied by the young man's passionate smile.

The girl insisted that the youth stay in the guest room at home to heal until he recovered. As the days went by, the young man's leg injury had healed, and their relationship had heated up rapidly. On a cool morning, the youth wanted to bid farewell to leave, but the girl did not want the opposition of her family to go away with the youth to the distant hometown of young roses.

Before the girl left, the grandmother in the village held a bouquet of lavender flowers, so that the infatuated girl used this bouquet to test the sincerity of the youth. It is said that the fragrance of lavender bouquets will reveal unclean things. Some people say that she followed the fragrance of flowers to find youth, some people say that she was also transformed into a brigade of light smoke disappeared into the valley.

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