
What are the varieties of cactus?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the varieties of cactus?

Cactus is easy to feed at home, can absorb a lot of harmful substances to help purify the air, but also can treat frostbite, scald and mosquito bites, so do you know what kinds of cactus are?

The variety of cactus

1. Changshengqiu:

Cactus, commonly known as grass ball, also known as Changshengqiu, is a perennial succulent succulent herb of the cactus family. Native to South America, it generally grows in desert areas with high heat, dry and little rain. Sex likes to be dry and resistant to drought. The main growth period of cactus is summer, which is also its full bloom. The stem is spherical or oval, green, and flowers are born in longitudinal thorns. Cactus flowers usually bloom in the early morning or evening, lasting from several hours to a day. Cactus is a kind of stem, leaf and flower with high ornamental value. It is a fine art of hydroponic flowers. Cactus has the function of absorbing electromagnetic radiation, is also a natural air freshener, but also has the role of absorbing dust and purifying air.

2. Short hair ball:

The short hair ball, also known as the grass ball, Changshengqiu, is the most common species of the genus Cactus in the cactus family. The sphere is green, cylindrical, with neatly arranged edges and short thorns grayish brown. Summer is in full bloom, and the small buds grow bigger and longer day by day, until at last they look like an oversized brush. The blooming time is not long. It opens at 6: 00 or 7: 00 p. M. and thanks at noon the next day. The flowers are large, white and elegant, and give off a pleasant fragrance, which is rare in other cactus. Proudly standing tall, there is a taste of standing out from the crowd, these are the reasons why it is known as the "night queen" in Europe and the United States. Short hair ball vitality is very strong, as long as the control of watering, put indoors in winter, generally will not die. The sphere grows so long that it can survive by breaking off any one and placing it on the soil. Although the short hair ball is common, the ownership rate is quite high among some of our flower lovers.

3. Changsheng ball:

Changshengqiu is the most common cactus, a perennial succulent succulent herb of the cactus family. South America, native to the desert with high heat, dryness and little rain, has the characteristics of being dry and drought-resistant. Afraid of water dampness, winter is more resistant to cold than other cacti, can withstand 2-5 degrees low temperature. Like to be born in sandy soil with good drainage. Summer is the flowering season, the flowers are large and beautiful, and are loved by people. The stem is spherical or oval, up to 25 centimeters high, green, the sphere has several longitudinal edges, the edges are densely needled, yellowish green, of different lengths, radiating. Flowers born in the longitudinal thorn bushes, silver-white or pink, long trumpet-shaped, up to 20 meters long, scales outside the trumpet, long hairs in the scale organs. Cactus blossoms usually in the early morning or evening, lasting from a few hours to a day. There are many small balls on the side of the sphere, which are graceful and elegant.

4. Jin Shengqiu:

The scientific name is Jin Shengqiu, also known as Jinshengwan, Golden thorn Grass Ball, Grass Ball. The country of origin is southern Brazil. Sphere yellowish green, tufted, flowers large, white. Like warm and humid summer and slightly dry winter climate, require sufficient sunshine, but avoid direct light, drought resistance, fear of stagnant water, slightly cold-resistant. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, placed in the sunny place in winter, and can withstand low temperature above 0 ℃.

5. Wang Shengqiu:

Wangsheng globose, plants grayish green, globose or tubular, flowers large, dark pink or crimson. The country of origin is southern Brazil, Uruguay and northern Argentina. Solitary or basally bulbous. The rib is 14, the ridge is gentle, and the thorn seat is slightly protruding. Weekly thorns 5-15, 1.5 cm long; middle thorns 2-5, slightly longer, thorns are yellowish brown, tip black. Flowers long 22cm, light red.

6. Golden amber ball:

Golden amber ball, alias yellow thorn golden cymbal, also known as ivory ball, there are more than ten main varieties, such as white thorns, wild thorns, short thorns, gold amber brocade, gold amber crown and so on. Golden amber ball has a round green sphere and steel hard golden thorns, the top of the sphere is densely covered with golden fluff, flowering in the woolly clump at the top of the ball, bell-shaped. Golden amber ball is a perennial succulent succulent herb of cactus family, which is the representative of strong thorn cactus. Native to the dry, hot desert from San Luis Potosi to Hidalgo in central Mexico, the wild golden mackerel is an extremely endangered rare plant. The golden amber ball is potted indoors, and the diameter of the ball can reach 80 meters, showing the color of gold and jade, showing rich gas, and has the function of absorbing dust and purifying air.

From the appearance, the species of cactus can be divided into: velvet, verruca, treasure, hair column, strong thorn, sea urchin, top flower and so on. The prickles of the cactus are also long, short, sparse and dense, and the facial hairs are red, yellow, golden and so on. The varieties of cactus that can be grafted in the middle of the period are peony, green peony, mountain blowing, red sun, Jinhuang, golden new, white jade Weng and crab claw orchid and so on.

From the point of view of whether the cactus is edible or not, the cactus can be divided into edible cactus and ornamental cactus, there are some differences between the two: edible cactus has 12-14 petals, thorns are straight and hard, ornamental cactus can not be eaten, its petals can be more or less, and the appearance is also much. Thorns soft into light yellow, while edible cactus is dark green, full-body cactus has a strong taste, but ornamental cactus is not.

The prickles of the cactus are also long, short, sparse and dense, and the facial hairs are red, yellow, golden and so on. The varieties of cactus that can be grafted in the middle of the period are peony, green peony, mountain blowing, red sun, Jinhuang, golden new, white jade Weng and crab claw orchid and so on.

From the point of view of whether the cactus is edible or not, the cactus can be divided into edible cactus and ornamental cactus, there are some differences between the two: edible cactus has 12-14 petals, thorns are straight and hard, ornamental cactus can not be eaten, its petals can be more or less, and the appearance is also much. Thorns soft into light yellow, while edible cactus is dark green, full-body cactus has a strong taste, but ornamental cactus is not.