
When does the acacia flower bloom? the florescence and language of the acacia flower.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When does the acacia flower bloom? the florescence and language of the acacia flower.

The acacia flower has a beautiful tree shape, beautiful shape and pleasant fragrance. Many people like breeding very much, so do you know when the acacia flower will bloom?

When will the albizzia flowers bloom

The flowering period of albizzia is from June to July, and the flowers are in full bloom at this time. After flowering, the main axis of its inflorescence can continue to elongate upward, constantly producing bracts and flower buds, just like uniaxial branches, so it is also called uniaxial inflorescence. The blooming order of each flower is that the flowers at the base of the axis bloom first, then advance upward sequentially, and bloom in turn. If the inflorescence axis is shortened and each flower is dense in a plane or sphere, the flowering sequence starts from the edge and then blooms to the center.

Albizzia flower is very beautiful, mostly red, pink, occasionally white, the shape looks like a fan, fluffy, very similar to dandelion.

Albizia flower language

Albizzia flowers like some fine hairs grow on the flowers, particularly beautiful, fine hairs are red, flowers are white and green. Albizzia flower symbolizes everlasting love, opposite to each other, and is a symbol of good harmony between husband and wife. There is also Acacia with similar names.

Every September, golden acacia is in full bloom everywhere in Australia. Acacia is also designated as the national flower of Australia.

The legend of albizzia

In ancient times, the acacia flower was called bitter flower, but it did not blossom. How can bitter flowers become acacia flowers? We should start with a scholar. The scholar studied hard in the cold window for ten years, preparing to enter Beijing for the exam. Before leaving, the wife fan pointed to the bitter tree in front of the window and told the scholar: if you go here, you will be able to go to high school. It's just that the capital is obsessed with flowers, so don't forget the way home.

The Culture method of Albizia mandshurica

Soil: Albizia mandshurica soil is not strict, but it is better to use fertile, moist, well-drained sandy loam and limestone loam.

Sunshine: Albizzia is a light-loving tree species, slightly shade-tolerant, so pay attention to provide adequate sunlight during the growing period, but also pay attention to shade when the summer light is too strong.

Watering: the albizzia flower is resistant to dryness and waterlogging. Do not water too much during maintenance so as not to cause waterlogging and damage the root system.

Temperature: Albizzia likes a warm environment, but its cold resistance is so strong that it does not need to move into a greenhouse in winter in the south.

Fertilization: Albizzia can be extensive management, the requirements of water and fertilizer is not very high, even in barren areas may grow very exuberant. But it should be noted that it does not like noise and dust, so it needs to keep a good pass on it when breeding.

Diseases and insect pests: Albizia officinalis mainly has canker and other hazards, so when the disease occurs, it needs to be treated with pesticides. Generally, it can be sprayed with 800-1000 times liquid of Biebu shark, 2000-3000 times liquid of Penicillium, 2000 times of bacilli and so on. The main pests are wood lice and longicorn beetles, which can be sprayed with 80% dichlorvos. For planthoppers, 1500-2000 times of chlorpromazine can be used.

Pruning: the sprouting power of albizzia is weak, the branches are sparse, and it is not resistant to pruning, so do not prune casually in the process of breeding.