
The efficacy and effect of Honeysuckle in Water

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and effect of Honeysuckle in Water

We all know that honeysuckle has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, so what are the other functions of honeysuckle? The following is to introduce the efficacy and function of honeysuckle bubble water.

The efficacy and effect of Honeysuckle in Water

1. Clearing heat and detoxification. According to Materia Medica, honeysuckle "tastes sweet, Qi is flat, and its nature is slightly cold." It has a remarkable effect on clearing away heat and detoxification. Especially in the hot summer, if you can drink a cup of cool and delicious honeysuckle tea, it will relieve the summer heat and make you refreshed and leisurely.

2. Prevention of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases. Drinking tea with honeysuckle can help the human body clean up the fat and harmful substances in the blood in time, increase the blood flow of blood vessels, and effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular dangerous diseases such as myocardial infarction.

3. Prevent influenza. Studies have found that honeysuckle can inhibit the resistance to a variety of cold-causing bacteria, drinking can increase our anti-viral ability and enhance human immunity. It can be said to be a "traditional Chinese medicine antibiotic" in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

4. Clearing heat and relieving summer heat. According to the record of "the name and reality of plants": "in the summer of Wuzhong, flowers were used to drink tea, and new sellers of honeysuckle were the most expensive in teahouses." Thus it can be seen that honeysuckle tea is a good medicine for summer fever.

5. the effect of dispelling heat and dispelling evil, the onset of external wind-heat or febrile disease, body heat headache, restlessness and lack of sleep, dizziness, dry pharynx and dry mouth, etc.

6. it has the effect of cooling blood and relieving dysentery, which has the effect of detoxifying dysentery, purulent blood of dysentery, damp-temperature blocking throat, sore throat and so on.

Drinking method of Flos Lonicerae in Water

1. Honeysuckle tea: 20 grams of honeysuckle, fried water instead of tea or tea to treat sore throat and prevent upper respiratory tract infection.

two。 Sanhua tea: honeysuckle, chrysanthemum each 10 grams, jasmine 3 grams, add boiling water to make tea to drink. Can clear heat and detoxify, treat headache, thirst, sore throat. This tea is fried, washed and can also treat dermatitis.

3. Sanhua sea tea: 4 grams of chrysanthemum, 3 grams of honeysuckle and 3 grams of camellias, 3 grains of inflated sea, 10 grams of rock sugar, 5 minutes of boiling water, 1 dose a day for 3 days, can clear away heat and detoxification, benefit pharynx and moisten the throat, mainly treat influenza ☆ ban ☆ cold, throat dry itching pain.

4. Honeysuckle mint tea: honeysuckle, mint 10 grams each, brew with boiling water, cover for 15 minutes, add the right amount of honey to drink. Summer is used for clearing heat and relieving heat and clearing prickly heat.

5. Honeysuckle licorice tea: 15 grams of honeysuckle, 3 grams of raw licorice, boiling water for drinking tea, summer for heat prevention, heat and thirst. This tea contains gargle and can also treat pharyngitis and oral ulcers.

6. Honeysuckle rhubarb tea: 10 grams of honeysuckle, 3 grams of rhubarb, together with tea to drink, and seasoned with appropriate amount of honey, has the effect of clearing heat and purging water, moistening intestines and laxative effect, used for the treatment of habitual constipation.

7. Honeysuckle drink: honeysuckle, Hawthorn appropriate amount, boiling water brewing, instead of tea. Used for appetizer and digestion.

Although honeysuckle has many benefits, it is not suitable for people with spleen cold and kidney deficiency to drink more, because honeysuckle water is cool, so people who are already weak and people with cold spleen will hurt the spleen and stomach. And honeysuckle water is not suitable to eat with cold ingredients such as crabs and watermelons, otherwise it is easy to hurt the spleen and the body, and you can't drink honeysuckle water overnight, because it produces a lot of nitrite, which can lead to cancer.