
How to raise potted plants smoothly / the method of cultivating potted plants smoothly

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise potted plants smoothly / the method of cultivating potted plants smoothly

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Mention plain sailing, people often think of the idiom plain sailing this word, and will forget plain sailing this plant. In fact, it is also very famous and important among our plants and flowers all over the world. it is a very fresh and elegant ornamental flower, which is very effective in purifying waste gas and dealing with harmful gases, so it is widely planted in many places. However, most people still don't know how to raise plain sailing and how to cultivate it, so let's take a look at it.

The culture method of smooth sailing

Plain sailing is smooth green, is a very fresh and elegant ornamental flowers, its vitality is strong, better breeding, then plain sailing how to raise it? Usually people use pot culture to cultivate smooth sailing, so how to raise potted plants smoothly? The specific culture methods are as follows:

1. Soil: smooth sailing does not require high demand for soil, and fertile loam, which is generally rich in humus, is OK. Pot culture can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil and coarse sand, and it is better to add a small amount of calcium phosphate.

2. Lighting: although it comes from the tropics, it is smooth, but it is very afraid of strong light exposure, and the demand for light is not very great. Pot culture is best placed in a semi-shady environment, especially in summer, the shading rate should reach about 60% to 70%, but long-term lack of light is not conducive to plant flowering and growth, appropriate.

Temperature: smooth sailing originated in tropical America, very fond of high temperature environment, at the same time its cold resistance is naturally very fragile. The suitable temperature for its growth is generally 22 to 28 degrees, of which it is about 24 to 30 degrees from March to September, and 18 to 21 degrees in March of each year in September. Winter culture temperature can not be lower than 14 degrees, if less than 10 degrees, plants are likely to suffer frost damage.

4. Watering: smooth sailing is very sensitive to humidity and likes a moist and warm environment, so you need to keep the soil moist at all times during breeding, especially in summer and autumn, you need to spray more water to maintain the humidity of the air around the plants. at the same time, attention should not be paid to watering too much, otherwise it may cause rotten roots or illness.

5, fertilization: smooth sailing for fertilizer demand is not very large, usually every half and fertilization can be, fertilization when using "Huiyou" 20 Murray 20 general fertilizer can be.

Matters needing attention in smooth sailing and breeding

In the daily breeding process, smooth farming should pay more attention to watering, light and temperature maintenance, especially in watering and temperature, too much watering can easily lead to rotten roots and disease, while too low temperature is easy to cause plant root rot, aboveground parts withered and yellow, so daily breeding should pay more attention, can not be excessive.

At the same time, smooth farming also needs to pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. The common diseases and insect pests are generally bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthrax. Once these diseases occur, they need to be treated in time, and in the daily breeding process, prevention work needs to be done. The foliage can be sprayed with 500 times of carbendazim wettable powder containing 50 / 50.

Conclusion: plain sailing breeding method is actually quite simple, mainly people's meticulous and persistence, as long as people take good care of it, plain sailing will be smooth growth, grow amazing elegance and beauty.

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