
Management method of flowering stage of Orchid

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Management method of flowering stage of Orchid

Orchid is a unique style of flowers, its ornamental value is very high, the color of orchids is light and elegant, most of them are tender green and yellow-green, but especially those who are simple-hearted. Let's take a look at the management methods of orchid florescence.

Management method of flowering stage of Orchid

1. After the flower buds are unearthed, do not touch and squeeze them with your hands: when new orchids are unearthed, they can't tell whether they are leaf buds or flower buds, so they can't help but touch and pinch them with their hands. Do not know that the newly unearthed bud is very delicate, after a squeeze, the outer bract will be "scorched", and even cause the bud to "ossify", so you can only observe with your eyes, do not squeeze.

2. After the flower buds come out, the buds should be thinned according to the number of orchid plants and their growth, so as to remove the weak and stay strong: for example, for a variety named Chunlan, only 4 or 5 seedlings, one bud is enough; 8 and 9 seedlings can leave 2 buds; it doesn't hurt to keep 3 of more than ten seedlings. The author has a pot of 10 seedling grasses, 8 buds, 6 buds and only 2 buds. That's to avoid consuming too much nutrients. The principle of thinning buds is to "remove the weak and stay strong"-buds appear on both the front ridge and the back ridge, preferring to keep the buds of the strong grass in front, but only one after picking off the ridge; the buds that rise from weak seedlings are firmly removed and cannot be preserved; buds unearthed too late should also be removed; those squeezed in the orchid leaves are not as good as those around the orchid plants.

3. In order to prevent frostbite of flower buds, you must enter the room in the cold winter: put the orchid pot with flower buds in a sunny room to bask in the warm sunshine. When the temperature rises during the day, you should open the window to breathe and strengthen the ventilation. Daily watering should try to avoid water droplets invading the bracts, so as not to cause decay.

4. during the period from jointing to petal relaxation, the dry humidity of the orchid should be properly controlled: when the orchid begins to pull out, it needs a certain amount of water. If there is no humid environment in the pot, the flower stem will not be high and dwarf, covered by foliage, which is harmful to beauty. In order to raise the scape, the basin must be kept moist and not too dry. If the humidity in the basin is too high, the scape can continue to be raised, but it will often cause the side lobe to "fall" and affect the appearance of the flower. Therefore, the moisture content should be reduced on the eve of Shu valve. However, it cannot be generalized. For some exotic species, such as Chunlan Yu Butterfly, Liang Xi Rui Butterfly, Dance Butterfly, and Huilan Duoyun, Seagull, Bee Qiao, Li Xingrui Butterfly, and so on, they should not be slightly dry, but should be wetter. In order to promote the relaxation of the valve to show the morphological characteristics of the odd valve.

5. When the scape is pulled up and the core tip is exposed, the light should be controlled: it is more appropriate to place it where there is scattered light. If the light is too weak, the color will not be beautiful in the future; if you let its direct sunlight (too strong light), the petals will turn yellow after relaxing the petals, and even burn easily, damaging the appearance of the flowers. Especially Suxin orchid, the tongue coating is yellowish when the light is too strong. Therefore, when relaxing the petals of orchids, they should avoid direct sunlight and be placed in places with scattered light.

6. timely flower cutting: the flowering period of orchids is generally more than ten days, and some are as long as a month. Ordinary orchids can bloom as much as possible, but precious orchids will not consume too much nutrients and affect the sprouting. Spring orchids should be cut at the right time for at most a week after the petals are in full bloom. The cymbidium with many flowers on one stem should be cut off 5 or 6 days after it is fully released from the bottom up (because of the need for the exhibition). Flower cutting method: the spring orchid flower can be pulled up with the stem-the two fingers are allowed to hold the stem from the basin and pull it up quickly, then the flower with the stem is pulled up without leaving the residual stem; the cymbidium can not be pulled out, and the scape is oblique with scissors 2 inches away from the basin. Cut flowers. Scorch the end of the scape with a match, raise it in a vase of water, and throw it for several days. There is an easier way: use a washed glass bottle, pour out the stagnant water, put the cut flowers into the bottle, cover tightly, because there is a certain amount of moisture in the bottle, the flowers are beautiful as usual, to ensure that the viewing will not fade for half a month.

The relevant knowledge about orchid florescence management is introduced here today. I hope the above content can be explained to everyone!