
Can calla lilies be put in the bedroom? the culture method of calla lilies

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Can calla lilies be put in the bedroom? the culture method of calla lilies

Calla lily is a kind of flower with a strange shape like a horseshoe, and has a faint fragrance, so it is loved by many people. So how to raise calla lilies? can calla lilies be put in the bedroom? Next, the editor will answer for you one by one!

Culture methods of calla lilies

Calla lilies are potted foliage and flowering flowers, and they are also important cut flower materials. When potted, sandy loam with good drainage should be selected and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied. It is better to base fertilizer with fully rotten cake fertilizer and pig stable fertilizer. After the first flowering in early spring (or autumn), the bud balls germinated around the rhizome of the mother plant were dug up and planted in a pot alone. After planting, pour enough water, put in the shade, and keep the basin soil moist. After sprouting, move to the shade shed, where there is scattered light for maintenance, be careful not to direct sunlight, and not all shade. In addition to applying base fertilizer before planting, liquid fertilizer is applied every 20 days or so during the growing period. The mature cake fertilizer and water can be used for fertilizer, and the dilute liquid fertilizer mixed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied every 10 days or so in the peak growing season. When fertilizing, do not pour fertilizer and water into the leaf sheath, so as not to cause rot.

In addition, the growing period needs to be watered frequently, and the ground around the flowerpot is sprayed with water in the morning and evening to increase humidity. It is best to wipe the leaves with sponge in water for 5-7 days to keep the leaves fresh and clean. When the leaves are luxuriant, they should be thinned in time to facilitate the extraction of pedicels. Calla lilies begin to bloom during the Spring Festival and bloom from March to April. After blooming, the residual flowers and scape should be cut off in time so as not to consume nutrients. Flowers can last until May. From May to July, when we enter the dormant period, we should water less and create a relatively dry environment for it. After all the leaves are withered and yellow, take out the bulbs, store them in a cool and ventilated place, and plant them in a pot in autumn.

If calla lilies are not dormant, they can be rotated to a fully shaded and well-ventilated place for maintenance in late June. Spray water to the ground 2-3 times every noon and afternoon to lower the temperature. Calla lilies can continue to blossom when the daytime temperature does not exceed 30 ℃.

Can you put calla lilies in the bedroom?

Can I put calla lilies in the bedroom? Many people must be puzzled by these problems. Calla lilies look beautiful and harmless, so why can't they be put in the bedroom? The tubers of calla lilies are poisonous and can cause coma poisoning and even death if eaten by mistake. In fact, as long as you don't eat calla lilies, you'll be fine. It is a wrong view that calla lilies cannot be put in the bedroom. Calla lilies do not emit poisonous gases, but their tubers are poisonous. It is best not to put it in a place that is easily accessible to children, so as to avoid poisoning caused by accidental ingestion.

The above is the calla lilies can be put in the bedroom and calla lilies breeding method instructions, I hope to help you! If you want to know more about other plants, please log on to the most professional decoration website in China immediately.