
When does the lipstick bloom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When does the lipstick bloom?

The lipstick spider plant is very similar to the cylindrical shell of lipstick, so it is called "lipstick spider plant". Do you know when the lipstick spider plant blooms?

When does the lipstick bloom?

The flowering period of the red spider orchid is generally from November of that year to June of the following year, and there are also data that the flowering period is until February of the following year. It cannot be said that the statement on the data is incorrect, but it should still be based on the actual situation.

The main reasons for the big difference in flowering stage are the great difference in climate between north and south, and the strong ability of artificial change in environment, which affects the flowering time of C.

In addition to the difference in flowering period, if you don't pay attention to maintenance when breeding lipstick spider orchid, it is likely to cause the phenomenon that lipstick spider orchid does not bloom.

The flower language of lipstick spider orchid

Lipstick flower language: flower beauty for a while, you beauty for a lifetime.

Calyx tube long black purple material, red rouge slowly open.

Flowers wonderful solution boudoir fun, remind beauty XiaoJing to.

Lipstick flower, also known as flower vine, is a perennial green vine flower belonging to the genus of Manchus of Gesneriaceae. Because it is often viewed as a hanging basin, it is often called Lipstick Chlorophytum. Lipstick is native to Southeast Asia and other places. Its plants are creeping, its branches droop, and its length can reach 30cm~ 100 cm. Its leaves are ovate and opposite, slightly fleshy, 4.5 cm long and 3 cm wide. The leaves are dark green and the back of the leaves is light green. Inflorescences many axillary or terminal, calyx tubular, dark purple tomentose, tubular shell much like lipstick. Corolla tube, bright red, protruding from the calyx, like a "lipstick" from the tube, at room temperature, lipstick flowers can bloom between December and February.

Lipstick flowers like warm semi-shade environment, extremely adapted to indoor environment, family cultivation suitable for hanging near the window facing south. Lipstick flower is drought-resistant, avoid humidity and fear waterlogging. The suitable temperature for growth is between 20℃ and 30℃. It is not cold-resistant. In winter, when the temperature is lower than 15℃, it should be moved into warm indoor. Planting pot soil to loose fertile, slightly weak acid humus soil is appropriate, growth period of organic liquid fertilizer once a month, appropriate watering, keep moist, put an end to ponding, you can maintain its vigorous growth. After winter flowering, the branches should be properly trimmed to promote the germination of new buds, so as to open more flowers in the coming year.

Lipstick flower propagation is mainly based on insertion. The seedlings can be raised all year round, but the survival rate of interplanting is higher in spring and summer. Cut the top shoots of 10cm~15cm long, insert them in clean river sand, keep proper temperature and humidity, and root and survive in about one month.

Lipstick flower bright beautiful, is a beautiful flower hanging pot plants, but also a rare greening beautification indoor foliage, flower excellent plants. Raise a pot of lipstick flowers, whether placed on the desk or hanging in front of the window, balcony, that bright green leaves, luxuriant drooping branches, will bring people a kind of vitality of beauty: if it is flowering, there will be that one after another like lipstick wonderful flowers, for you to add a kind of elegance.

In addition to being used as a potted plant for viewing and purifying indoor air, the lipstick spider plant also has certain medicinal value:

1. Treatment of traumatic injury: The whole herb of chlorophyllum is ground into the end, 9 grams per serving, soaked in wine and taken warm.

2. Treatment of traumatic pain: mashed spider leaves, fried with wine and hot compress the affected area.

3, cure wind poison knot knot, long but not scattered: fresh hanging orchid whole grass with roots washed, glutinous rice with a little salt, mashed and applied to the affected area.

4. Treatment of lung heat cough: 30 grams of spider root, 30 grams of rock sugar, decocted in water.