
Planting techniques of potted grapes

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Planting techniques of potted grapes

Some owners who have balconies like to plant grapes on the balcony at home, which can not only decorate the balcony, but also satisfy our sentiment of potted grapes. Of course, when we bear fruit, we can still eat delicious grapes. What is the planting technique of potted grapes? The following editor will tell you about the planting techniques of potted grapes to help you grow excellent grapes.

[planting techniques of potted grapes]

1. Planting environment of potted grape

If it is a courtyard, according to its area, light conditions, environmental conditions, etc., comprehensively consider the comprehensive arrangement of planting grapes and other fruit trees, flowers, trees, planting or breeding, reasonable collocation, in order to make full use of the ground and space. If there is a spacious roof platform, in addition to the roof greening (beautification) and food, its shading function accounts for a large proportion.

two。 The planting season of potted grapes

Spring planting with a temperature of 15-25 ℃ is suitable, such as from early March to April, and lamination can begin in early April.

3. Preparation for potted grape planting

Select improved varieties: there are many grape varieties, such as Jufeng, Red Fuji, etc., they mature early, strong adaptability, according to the local weather, the use of fruit to choose high-quality varieties.

Soil layer selection: choose the sandy loam with deep soil layer and loose soil quality (its air permeability is good and the ground temperature rises quickly).

Soil preparation: soil preparation in the autumn and winter of the first year, before soil preparation, about 1500 kg of rotten fertilizer per mu was applied, and then the soil was turned deeply into a seedbed with a width of 80 m and a height of 25 m.

4. A container for potted grapes.

Available containers are tile pots, pottery pots, purple sand pots, wooden pots, plastic flowerpots and so on, which can be selected according to the conditions. Potted grapes can be grown in containers with a diameter of 20-25cm in the first year and 30-40cm in 2-3 years. It can be determined according to production capacity and site space. Loam which is loose, fertile and rich in organic matter and calcium is required. Local materials can also be used according to the specific conditions of various places, and culture materials with a wide range of sources, low cost, no diseases and insects and no pollution can be selected.

5. Preparation and disinfection of potted grape in potted soil

The commonly used formulations are 4 parts of ① rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of coarse sand, 0.5 part of bone meal, 7 parts of ② pastoral soil, 2 parts of coarse sand (or slag), 1 part of expanded chicken manure and 0.5 part of bone meal. After mixing the basin soil, spray it evenly with 0.1% formalin solution (500 ml per cubic meter of basin soil). Then seal it with plastic film, fumigate for one day and night, remove the film, air for 3-4 days, and then put it into a basin.

6. Sowing steps of potted grapes

If you are growing with grape seeds, buy the good grapes you like, after eating, put the seeds into the soil and put them in a sunny place to produce seedlings; next spring, last year's branches can pull out a lot of new buds and leave some of the strongest; in May, with sufficient Rain Water moisture, the grapes grow fast and the roots grow gradually; on rainy days, transplant it. In May of the third year, yellow-green buds can appear, blossom and bear fruit.

If you use cymbal planting, after the flowerpot is selected, it is best to soak it in 1% bleach water for 5 minutes, take it out to dry and load it into the sterilized culture soil. Seedlings used in potted grapes can be directly cut into seedlings by cuttings in flowerpots. When inserting, it is best to insert 2 cuttings in each basin in order to choose to stay, and always keep the soil in the basin moist. Grape plants of 1-3 years old can also be transplanted with soil masses before sprouting. When transplanting, it is necessary to re-cut the branches of the plant, generally leaving 1-3 strong branches. Transplanting that year, the focus is to restore the tree potential, cultivate the tree shape, lay a good foundation, do not bear fruit first.

7. Grape management and planting skills

The rotten basic fertilizer was applied before colonization, and the fixed root water was poured after the soil was compacted. The depth of the soil cover was beyond the long root, and there were 3-4 bud eyes in the aboveground part.

8. Fertilization of potted grapes

(base fertilizer can be applied in the south in mid-late March and in the north in mid-late April.) 50 kg-100 kg of high-quality farm manure, 0.3 kg of urea and 0.8 kg of superphosphate were applied. The base fertilizer should be mixed with soil and then covered with soil. Grapes need a large amount of fertilizer, applying basal fertilizer before defoliation or sprouting in winter, topdressing before flowering for the first time, topdressing fertilizer when the bud eye begins to expand and the temperature is stable at 10 ℃, topdressing fertilization: according to the plant size, open a shallow ditch with a depth of 30 to 40 meters and a width of 30 meters near the root tip, bury the fertilizer mixed soil into the ditch, and water and cover the soil after application. In the early stage of young fruit growth, nitrogen fertilizer was the main fertilizer, calcium superphosphate and plant ash were applied properly, and when the fruit began to color, it was mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. After reasonable watering and application of base fertilizer, water was watered once to make the fertilizer infiltrate into the lower layer to facilitate the absorption of grape roots.

9. Controlling Fertilizer and Water of potted Grape

Generally speaking, within 1 week after flowering, it is not suitable to water the fruit. Only after the fruit is settled can it be watered and fertilized to promote fruit growth. The rainy season will cause the loss of fertility. According to the fertility loss of the plot and the growth of grapes, the amount of fertilizer should be increased by the way of "eating less and eating more".

10. Loosening the soil of potted grapes

After heavy rain and torrential rain, the surface of the vineyard will harden, resulting in lack of oxygen in grape roots, reduced resistance and susceptibility to disease. Ploughing in the deeper ground before the rainy season. In the rainy season, we should pay close attention to ploughing between rainy days in order to increase soil permeability.

11. Cleaning secondary shoots and fixed shoots of potted grapes

In rainy season, grapes are most likely to grow, and the incidence of secondary shoots is very high. It is necessary to pick the heart in time and erase the deputy tip. For plants with too many new shoots, some of them should be removed to facilitate ventilation and light transmission. Wipe off the overgrown and stunted branches as soon as possible, leaving strong branches, so that large grapes can grow. Coring should be carried out when 4-8 leaves grow above the inflorescence. After coring, there were 4 leaves left in the apical accessory tip and 1 leaf in the other accessory shoots.

twelve。 Thinning of flowers and fruits of potted grapes

New grape shoots are skillful: new grape shoots must be heart-picked. By coring, a large amount of nutrients needed for new shoot growth can be saved, leaves thickened and flower buds full. This is very important to improve the fruit setting rate, yield and quality of grapes. The practice is briefly introduced as follows. Heart-picking time. For fruiting shoots, the heart is generally picked 5 days before flowering, and at the latest at the early flowering stage. For varieties with serious flower and fruit drop, such as Jufeng and Purple Rose, the heart can be picked 8-10 days before flowering. After picking the heart for the first time, the leaves can not reach the required number of new shoots, waiting for secondary shoots to grow.

13. Removing tendrils and thinning ears of potted grapes

Tendrils not only consume nutrition, but also bring many diseases: one-year-old seedlings should be bound in time after removing tendrils to make the plants grow upright. The thumb-thick bamboo pole was inserted into the ground 15 meters deep from the root of the seedling, and the new shoot was tied to it. When binding, the new ends should be evenly distributed, and the binding rope should be pulled into a loose knot on the new ends, leaving room for thickening the new tips, and the other end should be tied to the wiredrawing. When the new shoots of two-year-old seedlings and perennial seedlings are about 60 cm long, the new shoots are arched and bound. The new shoots are flattened, so that the ear is at the top of the new shoots, and the new shoots are tied to the shelf surface in order and at a certain distance. This is good for ventilation, light transmission, and prevent fruit branches from being broken by strong winds. After the inflorescence appears, the ear should be thinned as soon as possible according to the load of the grape vine. The elongated vine retains 1-2 ears, all the fruiting branches retain a single ear, and the weak branches leave no ear. The secondary and tertiary ears that grow again should be thinned in time.

14. Soil change of potted grapes

After the plants grew in the basin for 1-2 years, the original container space could not meet the requirements of root growth and development, and the nutrients of the basin soil gradually decreased. Therefore, the container needs to be changed from small to large or the basin soil needs to be replaced. This work is generally carried out before the dormancy period is about to end and before the growth begins. When changing the basin or soil, part of the withered roots should be cut off and watered immediately after the change, so as to facilitate the restoration of plant growth.

15. Shaping of potted grapes

A single rod shape: suitable for small and medium-sized potted plants, planted in the middle of the pot to stand a bamboo pole or No. 8 iron wire, about 1m high. After the new shoots germinated, a strong shoot was selected as the main vine, which was tied to the bamboo pole, and when it reached 80-90cm, it was coring. After that, the secondary shoots were repeatedly coring with 1-2 leaves except the top one. The branches that mature well during winter pruning can be cut to retain 50cm. After germination in the second year, leave 3-5 robust shoots on the main vine, and the rest of the buds should be erased in time. During winter pruning, each new shoot leaves 2-3 buds to be pruned as fruiting mother branches. After sprouting in the third year, 1-2 new shoots were left on each fruiting mother branch, and then cut every year.

Two fan shape: in the winter of the same year, the cutting of new shoots above 60cm was reserved as the trunk, a new shoot was tilted and tied every 10-15cm in the next year, the fruiting mother branches with 1-3 buds were cut short in winter, and 1-2 fruiting branches were left on each fruiting mother branch in the third year. The new shoots and ears were evenly distributed in one plane, and the flowerpots and sectors were enlarged with the increase of the tree.

16. Prevention and Control of potted Grape

Prevent bird damage (when the grape is about to ripen, the bird picks the ripe grape): making newspaper bagging grape has a good effect, not only reduce sunburn, prevent bacterial infection, prevent bird damage, and make bags convenient. Each large newspaper can be made into 4 paper bags with a value of less than 1 point. The bag is 27 km long and 20 km wide. Take 6 mi 8 km thin wire for spare. Roll the side of the bag with a sewing machine, nail the lower mouth to the middle with a stapler, and leave 6 square meters of air holes on each side. If it is used in orchards with high temperature and humidity in summer, it can be unsealed to enhance the performance of moisture drainage. Bagging the whole ear, thinning grains, spraying fungicides, insecticides and available calcium before bagging. Bagging time should be in the morning after the dew dries to the evening, pay attention to the noon bagging as far as possible to avoid the highest temperature and direct sunlight. The bag picking time should be determined according to the variety and the market time. For the mid-early maturing and easy coloring varieties, the bag should be removed 10 days before harvest, and for the late-maturing varieties, the bag should be removed 10 minutes and 15 days before harvest. After picking the bag, you should pick the leaves and turn the fruit.

Disease control: before the grape bud eyes germinate, spray 50-100 times of Solibar or spray 3 Baumedo-5 Baomedo stone sulfur mixture (0.3% washing powder is more effective). For orchards with serious diseases such as fruit rot last year, lime should be sprinkled on the ground before the disease occurs, or 50% carbendazim 500-600 times liquid should be sprayed under the shelf to control the initial infection source from the soil overwintering.

Give priority to prevention, spray in time: for drugs with a residual period of 17 Mel for 21 days, spray once every 15 days. If it rains in the middle, shorten the next spraying days as appropriate. If there is heavy rain after spraying, it will be sprayed again after it clears up. If the adjacent two kinds of drugs are alkaline or acidic respectively, the interval time should be strictly controlled to prevent the neutralization of the two kinds of acid and aniline.

See the initial onset of the disease, timely treatment: continuous rain, high temperature and humidity, the most susceptible to the disease, must be observed every day, see the initial onset of the disease namely symptomatic spray. Downy mildew can be prevented by using 70% Kobo 600 times solution, 80% ethylphosphoaluminum 300 times solution or lRanger 0.7 Vol 180 times Bordeaux solution.

Bordeaux liquid is the main solution, suitable for other drugs: this method is very effective in disease prevention. Spray one time before blooming, one time after blossom, one time, two times, one time, one time, one time If the occurrence of white rot, anthrax, then symptomatic spray. Most of these drugs are acidic and the interval time should be strictly controlled with Bordeaux solution.

Clear the garden at the right time to curb the spread of the disease: if a disease occurs, the disease is most likely to spread because of high temperature and humidity. The garden should be cleared at any time. Remove the diseased leaves, branches and fruits from the garden, bury them or burn them. Remove weeds in the garden in time, often wash scissors and disinfect them when cutting off diseased branches and fruits to prevent cross-infection.

17. Overwintering and anti-freezing of potted grapes

The main purpose of overwintering management is to prevent potted grapes from freezing injury and drying. The following protective measures can be selected according to local conditions; after winter pruning, potted grapes are removed, watered, ditched or buried with a depth of 30-50cm from the ground, and can also be placed in the corridor or on the balcony to cover the winter. No matter where you put it, you should pay attention to check the basin soil and keep it wet. the temperature should be 0-5 ℃.

The heart of the decoration net should be carried out when 4-8 leaves grow above the inflorescence. After coring, there were 4 leaves left in the apical accessory tip and 1 leaf in the other accessory shoots.

twelve。 Thinning of flowers and fruits of potted grapes

New grape shoots are skillful: new grape shoots must be heart-picked. By coring, a large amount of nutrients needed for new shoot growth can be saved, leaves thickened and flower buds full. This is very important to improve the fruit setting rate, yield and quality of grapes. The practice is briefly introduced as follows. Heart-picking time. For fruiting shoots, the heart is generally picked 5 days before flowering, and at the latest at the early flowering stage. For varieties with serious flower and fruit drop, such as Jufeng and Purple Rose, the heart can be picked 8-10 days before flowering. After picking the heart for the first time, the leaves can not reach the required number of new shoots, waiting for secondary shoots to grow.

13. Removing tendrils and thinning ears of potted grapes

Tendrils not only consume nutrition, but also bring many diseases: one-year-old seedlings should be bound in time after removing tendrils to make the plants grow upright. The thumb-thick bamboo pole was inserted into the ground 15 meters deep from the root of the seedling, and the new shoot was tied to it. When binding, the new ends should be evenly distributed, and the binding rope should be pulled into a loose knot on the new ends, leaving room for thickening the new tips, and the other end should be tied to the wiredrawing. When the new shoots of two-year-old seedlings and perennial seedlings are about 60 cm long, the new shoots are arched and bound. The new shoots are flattened, so that the ear is at the top of the new shoots, and the new shoots are tied to the shelf surface in order and at a certain distance. This is good for ventilation, light transmission, and prevent fruit branches from being broken by strong winds. After the inflorescence appears, the ear should be thinned as soon as possible according to the load of the grape vine. The elongated vine retains 1-2 ears, all the fruiting branches retain a single ear, and the weak branches leave no ear. The secondary and tertiary ears that grow again should be thinned in time.

14. Soil change of potted grapes

After the plants grew in the basin for 1-2 years, the original container space could not meet the requirements of root growth and development, and the nutrients of the basin soil gradually decreased. Therefore, the container needs to be changed from small to large or the basin soil needs to be replaced. This work is generally carried out before the dormancy period is about to end and before the growth begins. When changing the basin or soil, part of the withered roots should be cut off and watered immediately after the change, so as to facilitate the restoration of plant growth.

15. Shaping of potted grapes

A single rod shape: suitable for small and medium-sized potted plants, planted in the middle of the pot to stand a bamboo pole or No. 8 iron wire, about 1m high. After the new shoots germinated, a strong shoot was selected as the main vine, which was tied to the bamboo pole, and when it reached 80-90cm, it was coring. After that, the secondary shoots were repeatedly coring with 1-2 leaves except the top one. The branches that mature well during winter pruning can be cut to retain 50cm. After germination in the second year, leave 3-5 robust shoots on the main vine, and the rest of the buds should be erased in time. During winter pruning, each new shoot leaves 2-3 buds to be pruned as fruiting mother branches. After sprouting in the third year, 1-2 new shoots were left on each fruiting mother branch, and then cut every year.

Two fan shape: in the winter of the same year, the cutting of new shoots above 60cm was reserved as the trunk, a new shoot was tilted and tied every 10-15cm in the next year, the fruiting mother branches with 1-3 buds were cut short in winter, and 1-2 fruiting branches were left on each fruiting mother branch in the third year. The new shoots and ears were evenly distributed in one plane, and the flowerpots and sectors were enlarged with the increase of the tree.

16. Prevention and Control of potted Grape

Prevent bird damage (when the grape is about to ripen, the bird picks the ripe grape): making newspaper bagging grape has a good effect, not only reduce sunburn, prevent bacterial infection, prevent bird damage, and make bags convenient. Each large newspaper can be made into 4 paper bags with a value of less than 1 point. The bag is 27 km long and 20 km wide. Take 6 mi 8 km thin wire for spare. Roll the side of the bag with a sewing machine, nail the lower mouth to the middle with a stapler, and leave 6 square meters of air holes on each side. If it is used in orchards with high temperature and humidity in summer, it can be unsealed to enhance the performance of moisture drainage. Bagging the whole ear, thinning grains, spraying fungicides, insecticides and available calcium before bagging. Bagging time should be in the morning after the dew dries to the evening, pay attention to the noon bagging as far as possible to avoid the highest temperature and direct sunlight. The bag picking time should be determined according to the variety and the market time. For the mid-early maturing and easy coloring varieties, the bag should be removed 10 days before harvest, and for the late-maturing varieties, the bag should be removed 10 minutes and 15 days before harvest. After picking the bag, you should pick the leaves and turn the fruit.

Disease control: before the grape bud eyes germinate, spray 50-100 times of Solibar or spray 3 Baumedo-5 Baomedo stone sulfur mixture (0.3% washing powder is more effective). For orchards with serious diseases such as fruit rot last year, lime should be sprinkled on the ground before the disease occurs, or 50% carbendazim 500-600 times liquid should be sprayed under the shelf to control the initial infection source from the soil overwintering.

Give priority to prevention, spray in time: for drugs with a residual period of 17 Mel for 21 days, spray once every 15 days. If it rains in the middle, shorten the next spraying days as appropriate. If there is heavy rain after spraying, it will be sprayed again after it clears up. If the adjacent two kinds of drugs are alkaline or acidic respectively, the interval time should be strictly controlled to prevent the neutralization of the two kinds of acid and aniline.

See the initial onset of the disease, timely treatment: continuous rain, high temperature and humidity, the most susceptible to the disease, must be observed every day, see the initial onset of the disease namely symptomatic spray. Downy mildew can be prevented by using 70% Kobo 600 times solution, 80% ethylphosphoaluminum 300 times solution or lRanger 0.7 Vol 180 times Bordeaux solution.

Bordeaux liquid is the main solution, suitable for other drugs: this method is very effective in disease prevention. Spray one time before blooming, one time after blossom, one time, two times, one time, one time, one time If the occurrence of white rot, anthrax, then symptomatic spray. Most of these drugs are acidic and the interval time should be strictly controlled with Bordeaux solution.

Clear the garden at the right time to curb the spread of the disease: if a disease occurs, the disease is most likely to spread because of high temperature and humidity. The garden should be cleared at any time. Remove the diseased leaves, branches and fruits from the garden, bury them or burn them. Remove weeds in the garden in time, often wash scissors and disinfect them when cutting off diseased branches and fruits to prevent cross-infection.

17. Overwintering and anti-freezing of potted grapes

The main purpose of overwintering management is to prevent potted grapes from freezing injury and drying. The following protective measures can be selected according to local conditions; after winter pruning, potted grapes are removed, watered, ditched or buried with a depth of 30-50cm from the ground, and can also be placed in the corridor or on the balcony to cover the winter. No matter where you put it, you should pay attention to check the basin soil and keep it wet. the temperature should be 0-5 ℃.

Decoration net