
What are the characteristics of azaleas?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the characteristics of azaleas?

Rhododendron has a beautiful plant shape and a variety of colors, which is not only a highly ornamental household plant, but also has the reputation of "beauty in the flower". Let's introduce the characteristics of rhododendron.

1. Morphological characteristics.

Rhododendron is a kind of rhododendron family, evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous shrubs of the genus rhododendron, as well as trees like big trees. Some varieties are towering trees more than 20 meters high, blooming like a huge colored umbrella. But most of them are short plants. This flower plant has many branches, the branches are thin and dense, and the young branches are hairy, brown or brown. Leaves alternate, due to different species and round, oval, ovate, lanceolate, ovate lanceolate and so on. There are many colors, depending on the variety, there are white, purple, pink, yellow, red, lilac, sprinkle gold, some have two colors, some flowers still have aroma. The cucurbit fruit is dark brown when ripe, and the seeds are dark yellow and small. Spring cuckoo leaves are larger, flowering in April-May, flowering first and then new leaves, tree-shaped erect. There are two kinds of flowers: large and small; summer cuckoo leaves are small, flowering from May to June, and then flowering, tree-shaped opening, large petals flat; spring and summer rhododendron florescence between the two, flowers and leaves germinate almost at the same time.

2. Growth habits

Rhododendron has many species and different habits, most of which are born under mountain sparse shrubs or pine forests at an altitude of 500-1200 (- 2500) meters. They like cool, humid climate and hate hot and dry. Acidic soils rich in humus, loose, moist and pH values between 5.5 and 6.5 are required. Some species and horticultural varieties have strong adaptability and are resistant to drought and barren, and the soil pH value can grow between 7 and 8. However, it grows poorly in soils with heavy viscosity or poor permeability. Azaleas have certain requirements for light, but they are not resistant to exposure. There should be deciduous trees or shade sheds in summer and autumn to block the scorching sun, and the ground should often be sprayed with water. Rhododendron shoots are usually in spring and autumn, mainly spring shoots. The most suitable temperature for growth is 15-20 ℃. When the temperature is over 30 ℃ or below 5 ℃, the growth is stagnant. There is a short dormant period in winter, and then the flower buds expand gradually with the increase of temperature. generally, the flower buds bloom in the open field from March to May and as late as July to August at high elevations. The north is cultivated in a greenhouse. It can blossom in January to February. Rhododendron is resistant to pruning, and hidden buds are easy to germinate after stimulation, which can be used to control the shape of the tree and rejuvenate the tree. Generally pruning before May, the new shoots can form buds in the same year, and flowering will be affected if they are too late. Generally speaking, the new shoots germinated before and after the Beginning of Autumn can still be lignified. If the formation of new shoots is too late, it is easy to suffer frost damage in winter. Evergreen or deciduous shrubs.

3. Medicinal value

Rhododendron root: sour, sweet, warm. Promote blood circulation, relieve pain, dispel wind, relieve pain. For hematemesis, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia, rheumatism, injury caused by falls.

Rhododendron leaves: acid, calming, heat-clearing and detoxification, hemostasis. For carbuncle swelling, furuncle, traumatic bleeding, addiction rash.

Azalea: sour, sweet, warm. Promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation and dispelling rheumatism. For irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, injury caused by falls, rheumatism, hematemesis and bleeding.

4. Economic value

In the characteristics of the economic method of rhododendron, some leaf flowers can be used as medicine or extract aromatic oil, some flowers are edible, bark and leaves can be made into baking gum, wood can be used as handicrafts, and so on. Alpine rhododendron has developed roots and is a good plant for soil and water conservation. Rhododendron is a good material for flower hedge, and rhododendron can be cultivated into various forms by pruning. The cuckoo special garden is very unique. Even if the cuckoo always feels lively and noisy during the blooming season, rather than in the flowering season, dark green leaves are suitable for planting as low walls or barriers in the garden.

5. Cultural characteristics

There is also a beautiful and strange legend about azaleas. It is said that du Yu, the king of Shu in ancient times, loved his people very much. He lived in seclusion after meditation and became a regular bird after death, so people called it the cuckoo. Every spring, cuckoo birds fly to awaken the common people, "block cuckoos!" Come on, come on, Boog! " The mouth was crying with blood, and the blood was sprinkled on it, which stained the azaleas in the mountains.