
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jiuli incense picture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jiuli incense picture

As you can see from the name, the fragrance of Jiuli incense is the most impressive. As an evergreen shrub, Jiuli incense is easy to survive, easy to grow, and beautiful in appearance. It is used as home decoration. It is very common, but very beautiful, so that many people who are familiar with it love this plant very much. And this plant exudes a strong fragrance, lasting, so it can be put indoors, which can improve indoor air quality. Today we will talk about the breeding methods and precautions of Jiuli incense.

Jiuli incense is a kind of aromatic plant, which can keep the fragrance in the room for a long time, and its branches and leaves are beautiful and evergreen, so it is placed indoors and has a strong ornamental effect. People often use it for interior decoration to make the whole room look fresh and pleasant, and the plant Jiuli incense plays an important role. The newly decorated home is more suitable for raising Jiuli incense to improve air quality.

Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jiuli incense 1: breeding methods

The main propagation methods of Jiuli incense are seed propagation, cuttage propagation and striping propagation. The best method of seed propagation is to pick ripe scarlet fresh fruits, rub them in clean water, dry them, and sow them in spring and autumn. More than one-year-old branches with rich tissue, medium maturity and gray-green epidermis should be selected for propagation, and the planting should be carried out in spring or the rainy season from July to August, and the land should be selected before sowing. Striping propagation is often carried out in the rainy season, peeling or cutting semi-aging branches into the soil, waiting for rooting and sprouting, and planting in late autumn or the following spring.

Breeding methods and points for attention of Jiuli incense II: land selection and land preparation

To plant Jiuli incense, you need to choose a flat land with fertile soil. After choosing it, you have to make land preparation, make beds and dig holes, and then you can plant Jiuli incense. Of course, you can also make use of the environment around the house, combined with some green crops to plant Jiuli incense into a hedge, which is also a very good landscape.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jiuli incense 3: colonization

Areas with irrigation conditions can be planted in spring, and those without conditions are best planted in the rainy season. As a spice plant, Jiuli incense had better be planted in areas with good soil conditions, water and fertilizer, so as to facilitate flower picking in the future. If Jiuli incense is properly sparsely planted, it can produce more beautiful flowers, and the best row spacing is 50 to 50cm. If it is planted closely, it will grow luxuriantly, and the plant spacing should be 25*30cm.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jiuli incense 4: maintenance and management

1, light, temperature: Jiuli incense likes a warm growth environment, but can not be affected by direct sunlight, the best growth temperature is 20: 32 ℃, not cold-resistant, overwintering temperature can not be lower than 5 ℃, too low room temperature is easy to drop leaves, affecting the growth of the next year, less than 0 ℃ may freeze to death; while too high room temperature will affect its dormancy, and then affect its growth and flowering.

2. Soil: Jiuli incense is not strict on soil, so it is appropriate to choose sandy soil which is rich in humus, loose and fertile. The newly planted or turned-pot Jiuli incense should be watered thoroughly and placed in a shaded place for about 10 days, and then planted in a sunny and well-ventilated place.

3. Watering: Jiuli incense likes a humid environment, but potted Jiuli incense is easy to dry because of its limited potted soil. If it is not watered in time, it will die, but it can not be watered too much, too much water will cause overgrowth, and long-term stagnant water can easily cause rotten roots to lead to death. Therefore, Jiuli incense watering should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly".

4. Fertilization: the potted soil of Jiuli incense has limited nutrients. In order for Jiuli incense bonsai to grow well, we need to pay attention to supplement appropriate fertilizer nutrients. The growth of potted Jiuli incense is slow, fertilization should be appropriate, and pay attention to grasp the types and nutrient content of fertilization, so as not to cause overgrowth and affect its beauty.

5. Pest control: the common diseases of Jiuli incense are powdery mildew and iron scourge. if you encounter such diseases, you should pay attention to spraying pesticides in time to facilitate growth. The main pests are red spiders, longicorn beetles, beetles, butterflies, leaf moths and aphids. If you encounter such pests, you should prescribe the right medicine in time to get rid of the harm so as to ensure the normal development of Jiuli incense.

6. Pruning: Jiuli incense will not stop growing after it is molded. If it is allowed to develop without restraint, it will affect its shape and lose its artistic value, so it is necessary to prune and sparse branches and leaves in time in order to maintain its beautiful tree posture. The branches of Jiuli incense have a strong sprouting nature. in order to maintain a beautiful tree shape, attention should be paid to regular pruning.