
How to cultivate lilies? indoor culture methods of lilies

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to cultivate lilies? indoor culture methods of lilies

Lilies are pure and elegant, known as "Yunchang fairy", so many people want to raise them indoors, but they don't know how to raise lilies, so let's briefly introduce the methods of indoor cultivation of lilies.

How to grow lilies

1. Get ready to plant the ball. Some balls have not yet taken root, and it depends on the scale opening upward that is the bud.

2. Prepare the soil. Lily likes rich, sandy soil with good water retention and drainage, and you can make it yourself. Peat: River sand: perlite = 2:2:1. You can also use cactus soil, but you can't use clay anyway. It can also be nutritious soil with good drainage and is suitable for planting bulbous plants.

3. The basin. Lily is a bulb flower with two layers of roots, so a deeper pot is required. Generally use a 20 cm diameter basin, you can grow 2-3 heads. The 3 heads are more compact and will look better when they bloom.

4. Planting. Just buy lily bulbs had better be disinfected before planting, generally soak in imported carbendazim 1000 times solution for 20 minutes, rinse with clean water, and then plant after drying. First put 10-15 square meters of soil into the bottom of the basin and put the ball. If there are three heads in a pot, the head of the ball is placed toward the edge of the flowerpot, that is, it is tilted like the edge of the pot, so that the plants can be evenly distributed after germination. Cover the top of the ball with soil for about 5 meters, pour water thoroughly and leave it in a cool place for 1-2 days.

5. Moisture. Usually keep moist, is to grab a handful of soil, squeeze hard, there is water seeping out of the fingers but not dripping. Do not overwater, too much water is easy to rot roots, watering thoroughly, not only half of the water. It takes a day or two for tap water to be used. In addition, it is necessary to use imported carbendazim 1000 times solution twice a month, the air humidity should reach 60-80%, and the humidity should be stable. if the humidity difference is too great, it is easy to get leaf burn, especially during the period from bud to flowering. At home, there is no need to bother, just spray water twice in the morning and evening.

6. Fertilization. The amount of fertilizer applied to lilies is not large, and it is generally necessary to apply fertilizer once a month. Long-acting Austrian green manure, available nitrogen fertilizer and available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were used together. You can ask the seller how to use it.

7. Light. Lily requires more shading in the early stage, generally 60% shading, when the sun is not strong, can not shade, so that the plant is stronger, more dwarfed, and the flowers are large and gorgeous.

8. Florescence. It usually takes 3 months to produce beautiful lilies.

9. After blooming, the lily can be cut off, because the flowering has consumed a lot of nutrients of the ball. If you want to keep the ball, you must continue to fertilize and replenish the ball. After a month, you can dig the ball out, cut the whisker root, put it in the refrigerator for a period of time, break the dormancy, and plant it later, but the quality of the flower will decline, which is definitely not as good as the first crop.

Matters needing attention in lily culture

Pot planting should be carried out from September to October. The cultivated soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil, sandy soil and garden soil at the ratio of 1:1:1, and the basin bottom should be fully mature compost and a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer.

The planting depth is generally about 2-3 times the diameter of the bulb. Lily does not have a high demand for fertilizer, which is usually applied at the beginning of spring growth and the early stage of flowering. Some foreign growers believe that lilies need more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and should be applied every 10 to 15 days during the growing period, while the supply of phosphate fertilizer should be limited, because too much phosphate fertilizer will cause withered and yellow leaves.

Phosphate fertilizer can be increased by 1 to 2 days at flowering stage. In order to enrich the bulb, the residual flowers should be cut off in time after flowering to reduce nutrient consumption. Watering only needs to keep the pot soil moist, but it should be watered properly during the peak growing season and dry weather, and often sprinkle water around the flowerpot to improve air humidity.

Pot soil should not be too wet, otherwise bulbs are easy to rot, potted lilies change pots once a year and replace them with new culture soil and base fertilizer. In addition, the flowerpot should be turned once a week during the growing period. Otherwise, the plant is easy to be too long, affecting the appearance.