
The efficacy and function of Roselle

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The efficacy and function of Roselle

Roselle, also known as Roselle flower, Roselle nutrients are very many, so the efficacy and role of Roselle is also very good, let's understand together.

Roselle's efficacy and function

Roselle flowers are rich in vitamin C. Roselle has the effect of cooling, reducing fire and quenching thirst. It can be used to brew tea and make drinks. Its taste is sour. Roselle can also extract roselle pigment, used as a food additive in the food industry.

Roselle gas slightly fragrant, sour taste, vitamin C, elderberry triglycosides, citric acid and other nutrients, roselle's role is beneficial to regulate and balance blood lipids, enhance calcium absorption, promote children's development, promote digestion and so on. Roselle also has the effect of cooling, detoxifying and diuresis, lowering blood pressure and so on.

Roselle's effect can eliminate fatigue and constipation, and has diuretic, promote metabolism effect. Mexican researchers have found that drinking Roselle tea regularly helps reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride values in human blood, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Roselle water extract can inhibit oxidation, can inhibit total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Scientists also found that drinking roselle can also play a role in weight loss, roselle effect so that 95% of users lost 1 to 3 kg weight.

How to eat Roselle

1. Roselle tea

Roselle 3~5g, warm boiled water brewing, add appropriate amount of rock sugar or honey, tea drink. Long-term drinking helps reduce the total cholesterol value and triglyceride value in human blood, and achieves the effect of preventing cardiovascular diseases and losing weight.

2. Trollius Roselle Tea

Roselle, trollius, wood butterfly each 1g, with hot water infusion, add rock sugar seasoning, without capping, until the roselle bubble can be, on behalf of tea. This tea can clear lung heat, benefit throat, bronchitis, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis has a good effect.

3. Rose Ice Chrysanthemum Tea

Roselle 1g, chrysanthemum 3, medlar 5, swollen sea 1, boiled water brewing 5~10 minutes, add rock sugar appropriate seasoning. This tea can clear throat and relieve dryness.

4. Hawthorn Lotion Divine Honey

Roselle, hawthorn dry each a number of water boiling for three minutes, cool after adding honey that is obtained. Long-term drinking can strengthen stomach digestion.

5. Roselle jelly

Roselle 40g, pure fish gelatin powder 30g, fine granulated sugar 100g, water 1000ml. Boil the water, turn off the heat, add the roselle into the water, cover and stew for 8 minutes, remove the roselle, filter the water. Bring filtered water to a boil. Remove from heat. Add gelatin powder and granulated sugar to water and stir quickly for 1 minute. The stirred jelly liquid is sub-packed into jelly molds, cooled and refrigerated in a refrigerator, and can be eaten after molding.

6. Roselle ribs soup

Roselle 10g, pork ribs 250g, add 800ml water, cook for 3 hours, add various seasonings according to your taste. Serve. This soup is delicious and nourishing.

Preservation of Roselle

1. Ensure sealing. Whether in a bag or a sealed jar, remember to seal the mouth of the bag or jar to prevent moisture.

2, placed in a cool and dry place. Light, humidity and temperature can easily spoil herbal tea, so keep it in a dry, cool place.

3. When consumption is slow, it must be placed in the refrigerator. If the amount purchased at one time takes a long time to run out, it is best to store it in the refrigerator to extend the shelf life.