
Efficacy and function of Gardenia jasminoides

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficacy and function of Gardenia jasminoides

What are the effects and effects of gardenia? Nowadays, gardenia has become a fashionable green plant for home decorations, which can calm people's heart immediately. With the faint fragrance of the flowers, the whole person is refreshed and refreshed. And gardenia has a certain effect on our health. The following editor introduces the efficacy and role of gardenia. Come and have a look!

How to raise gardenia

1. Soil demand-Gardenia likes to grow in acidic soil, so when buying gardenia soil, pay attention to choose acidic soil for culture, and pay attention to the soil pH value between 4.0 and 6.5, so soil selection is also very important for culture needs.

two。 Suitable growth temperature demand-according to the growth temperature demand of Gardenia jasminoides, the best growth temperature is 16 ℃-18 ℃, but it should be noted that too high or too low temperature is not conducive to the growth demand of Gardenia jasminoides, so it is recommended to choose a well-ventilated indoor for culture in summer and winter, so it is also important for farmers to pay attention to it.

3. Adequate moisture-Gardenia likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, so it is also very important for water demand and air humidity. During the growth of gardenia, we should pay attention to increasing the amount of water. At the same time, we should also pay attention to spraying some water on the leaves of gardenia, which can improve the humidity of the air. At the same time, we should also pay attention to not watering too much in winter to prevent rotting roots.

4. Sufficient light time-during the growth period, gardenia should also pay attention to the need for appropriate light. Gardenia is a light-loving plant, so it is suggested that more attention should be paid to increasing light time during spring and autumn, while in summer and winter, it is recommended to put indoor culture with the same amount of light to avoid too high or too low temperature during the growth period.

5. Appropriate amount of fertilization-supplement the nutrients needed for growth. The demand for nutrients of Gardenia jasminoides is also very high. in order to meet the demand of fertilizer during the growth period of Gardenia jasminoides, it is suggested that bean cake, sesame sauce dregs, peanut bran and other fertilizers should be applied every half a month during the vigorous growth period of Gardenia jasminoides. This is also conducive to more and exuberant flowers.

6. Pay attention to pruning-during the growth period, gardenia is easy to overlap branches and not ventilated, so proper pruning during this period can also promote growth and cut off other branches sprouting from root tillers.

What are the effects and functions of Gardenia jasmine

1. Clear away heat and cool blood! Good medicine is bitter, gardenia is bitter cold, but it is indeed a good medicine, can clear away evil heat, treatment of sores, intestinal dysentery, blood heat and other diseases such as the best auxiliary medicine, can also be eaten.

2. Resolving phlegm and relieving cough Gardenia also has the effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria, releasing phlegm and unobstructing the airway, has the effect of resolving phlegm and relieving cough, and can be used as a food therapy for patients with cough caused by hot phlegm.

3. Wide bowels to relieve defecation and prevent cancer! Gardenia contains cellulose, which can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine, help defecate, and prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids and rectal cancer.

Gardenia flower action

Where used to stop bleeding, the root should be crushed in the pot and fried with martial fire until scorched, taken out, let cool, can be used, called Jiao Ganzi. Colds, high fever, icteric hepatitis, dysentery, eye redness, swelling, hypertension, rotten sores, tracheitis, dumb voice, lung heat, cough, epigastric pain, nosebleed, sores and furuncles.

The above is about the efficacy and function of gardenia. I hope it will be helpful for you to understand gardenia.