
What is the meaning of wind chimes?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What is the meaning of wind chimes?

Wind chimes are quite common in our home, and the crisp sound gives people a quiet mood. So what is the meaning of wind chimes? What is the inextricable relationship between wind chimes and fengshui? Next, the editor will tell you about wind chimes.

[meaning of wind chimes]

Wind chimes: send between lovers ~ represent love and miss ~

Purple wind chimes tell "I love" ~ send wind chimes with a straight heart, so smart ~ hope to get together and listen to the heartbeat through wind chimes in the day ~

Between friends ~ the other party wants to remember because of the crisp sound of the wind bell ~ the wind blowing ~ the bell heart ~ seems to have something to do with making a wish ~ hang the window ~ when the wish is made ~ the wind bell rings ~ the angel listens to the voice ~ the wish can come true ~ similar to making a wish under the meteor shower ~ romantic ~ also mysterious ~

It is interesting for boys to send girls wind chimes.

1. The love field represents love and missing. Purple Fengling says "I love you". The meaning of sending wind chimes is that his heart is always smart because of you. I hope you can hear his heartbeat through the wind chimes when you can't get together.

2. Friendship means that the other person wants you to think of him or her by the crisp sound of the wind chimes. The wind blows, the bell's heart is tied. I hope we have telepathy with each other. Besides, the wind chimes have a wish. Hang it by the window, when you make a wish, if the wind chime rings, it means that when the angel hears your voice, the wish will come true, just like making a wish in a meteor shower.

[feng shui of wind chimes]

Many people see in the movie that before ghosts come, they will cause the wind chimes to ring. They think that wind chimes are objects that attract ghosts and are inauspicious. This is a misunderstanding. Wind chimes are actually a perceptual object that rings when the so-called ghosts pass by. Wind chimes are also a kind of guardian, just like dogs at home, when ghosts pass by, they will be scared away. Therefore, with regard to wind chimes, we can hang without taboos from the point of view of fengshui. But as far as life is concerned, it is recommended that the hanging of wind chimes should not be suspended in a quiet position such as the bedroom and the study. This is done because as long as the wind passes by, it will cause sound and affect daily life.

As we all know, recitation or singing can achieve the effect of activating qi energy in the human body. Wind chimes are used in home life because its pleasant sound can shake the air, thus activating and stimulating gas energy, which also helps to dissolve bad breath.

Of course, the selection of wind chimes must pay attention to the coordination of orientation and material, such as wooden wind chimes should be used in the east and south of the home, metal wind chimes should be hung in the north, and ceramic wind chimes should be hung in the west, so as to adjust the energy of the five elements in the home.

On the meaning of wind chimes