
Can papaya and crabapple be eaten?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Can papaya and crabapple be eaten?

Papaya Begonia is a good plant, which not only has a strong ornamental value, but also has economic value to be underestimated. The seeds, flowers, fruits and tree trunks of papaya crabapple all have good use value, but can papaya begonia fruit be eaten?

Can papaya and crabapple be eaten?

Papaya and crabapple fruit can be eaten. Non-toxic. I have also eaten it, very sour, shaped like a big green Hawthorn. The skin is smooth and non-greasy. The skin is light cyan, the color is similar to towel gourd, and towel gourd has the same sewing and crisp texture. The following is the efficacy of papaya and begonia fruit:

1. Shengjin to quench thirst: begonia contains sugars, a variety of vitamins and organic acids, which can help replenish the intracellular fluid of the human body, thus having the effect of invigorating body and relieving thirst.

two。 Invigorating the spleen and appetizer: begonia fruit is rich in vitamins, organic acids and according to quality, which can help the stomach and intestines to digest food, so it can be used to treat dyspepsia and abdominal distension.

3. Astringent intestines and stop dysentery: Begonia taste sweet and slightly sour, sweet can slow, acid can be astringent, with convergence to stop diarrhea, and stop dysentery function, can treat diarrhea, diarrhea, stool thinning and other diseases

4. Supplementary nutrition: begonia contains a large number of essential nutrients, such as sugars, vitamins, organic acids, etc., which can provide nutrients to the human body and improve immunity.

Papaya Begonia, flowering in April, fruiting from September to October. Kernel oil content 35.99%, oil yield 30%, no peculiar smell, edible and soap. The fruit is made into candied fruit after cooking, and can be used as medicine. It has the effects of expelling wind, relaxing muscles, relieving pain, relieving alcohol and phlegm, eating and relieving dysentery. Flowers can be used as seasoning for sugar sauce, and the flavor is very delicious. The bark contains tannin, which can be extracted from tannin. The wood is hard and can be used for bedposts. In addition, this species is also a good material for garden greening.

If you want to raise papaya and begonia, disease and insect nuisance is essential, let's take a look at the relevant knowledge!

(1) aphids. More than 10 generations occur in a year.

Control methods: a: at the end of April and the beginning of May, the first generation of aphids were sprayed with pirimicarb, imidacloprid and deltamethrin before rolling leaves. B: in the first and middle of May, remove the old skin from the trunk, apply 6cm wide imidacloprid ring, and wrap it with plastic cloth. C: cut off the injured branches and burn them centrally.

(2) heart-eating insects. It mainly harms the fruit of papaya and reduces the commodity value. There are two kinds of heart borer: peach heart borer and pear heart borer.

Methods of prevention and cure: from June to July, Apura was sprayed with permethrin, killed quickly, and scavenged. B: phoxim was sprayed on the ground of the whole garden from May to June to block the ground and control adults.

(3) stem borer. There are two kinds of stem borer: longicorn beetle and Mudu E.

Prevention and treatment: the larvae were killed by fumigation in the wormhole of the trunk. Put in the wormhole: after the poison label, aluminum phosphide tablets and cotton balls are stained with dichlorvos solution, the wormhole is sealed with yellow mud.

(4) leprosy. When the disease is serious, it will cause plant death.

Prevention and treatment: when it occurs, it can be sprayed with 800 times of 50% of the bacteria special wettable particles, once every 10 days, and the disease can be controlled by spraying 3 to 4 times continuously.