
The efficacy and function of Iron Tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Iron Tree

Everyone must have heard the word "iron tree blossoming". Today, the editor will introduce to you the efficacy and function of iron tree.

Medicinal value

Functional indications

Ye: converge to stop bleeding, detoxify and relieve pain. For all kinds of bleeding, gastritis, gastric ulcer, hypertension, neuralgia, amenorrhea, cancer.

Flowers: regulating qi and relieving pain, tonifying kidney and strengthening essence. For stomachache, spermatorrhea, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea.

Seeds: calming the liver and lowering blood pressure. For high blood pressure.

Root: dispelling wind and activating collaterals, tonifying kidney. For tuberculosis hemoptysis, kidney deficiency toothache, low back pain, leucorrhea, rheumatism joint numbness pain, fall injury.

Usage: leaf and flower 1-2 taels; seed and root 3-5 yuan.

Be careful

The seeds and stem tops of cycads are poisonous and should be used with caution.

Meridian tropism of nature and taste

Gan, light, flat, there is a little poison. This species is a poisonous plant, and its toxicity is that there is a small poison in the pith at the top of the seed and stem. People have dizziness and vomiting after poisoning. Residents of the sulfur Ball Islands have been poisoned by eating starch made by the plant, with symptoms such as sweating, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and even death.

Attached party

"Flower Mirror": the leaf is two or three feet long, and each leaf has a fine mitral valve, such as the shape of Phoenix hair, so it has the name of Phoenix tail banana. It is also called it: it can ward off fire. Therefore, it is also called fire-avoiding banana. This product grows very slowly and has a long life span of about 200 years. Cycads cultivated in the Yangtze River Basin and northern parts of China often do not blossom for life.

"South Vietnam Notes" cloud: cycad, the whole body iron micro-Zhu, because it is difficult to grow, so it is also known as Tieshu.

Pharmacological action

Carcinogenic effect

Azo glycosides-cycad glycosides (cycasin) and neo-cycad glycosides (neocycasin) An and B contained in the carcinogenic strain of cycad. Long-term or single feeding or enema of cytidine can cause breast cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer and bowel cancer in rats, lung adenoma in mice, and tumors in guinea pigs and voles. It is generally believed that cycad glycosides are not toxic or carcinogenic, and need to be hydrolyzed by β-glucosidase of bacteria in the intestinal tract to form methyl oxidized azo methanol (cycad aglycone), which is then converted into an electronic intermediate to form active methyl which can react with nucleic acid and other bioactive substances. Therefore, non-oral pathways such as abdominal cavity generally cannot cause cancer. Only β-D-glucosidase exists in the skin of newborn mice, voles and newborn rats, so subcutaneous administration can also induce tumors. Cycad glycosides are water soluble and can be removed after full washing with water.


Bovine iron-eating fruit seeds can cause paralysis and often occur amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; thin bundles and dorsal tracts of the spine and cerebellum produce demyelination and hungry substance deposition. The fetal offspring of rats or golden voles were exposed to cyctrogenin in the mother, resulting in microcephaly (Microencephaly) and narrowing of the bony parietal tectum, but the survival time was still quite long; some rats have gliomas after 13-15 months.


There was no immediate poisoning after oral administration of high-dose cytidine, but dyspnea and respiratory muscle paralysis died after 12-18 hours. The LD50 of mice and guinea pigs were 1.67g/kg and 1.0g/kg respectively, and the minimum lethal dose (MLD) of rats was 44mg/kg. Cycad glycosides have little effect on respiration, blood pressure, heart, blood vessels, intestine and uterus.