
Causes of yellowing of Camellia leaves and its solution

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Causes of yellowing of Camellia leaves and its solution

Camellia is one of our favorite flower varieties, camellia leaves yellow how to do? Here are the reasons and solutions for the yellowing of camellia leaves.

Causes of yellow camellia leaves

1. Leaf yellowing or whitening of plants in summer is due to lack of phosphorus, iron or sulfur in soil. Pot soil can be replaced with humus-rich mountain mud cultivation.

2, if the nitrogen supply is insufficient, there will also be yellow leaves.

3, if the watering is improper, continuous drought or too wet, it will also cause yellow leaves.

4, in case of red spiders or scale insects harm plants, will also lead to yellow leaves.

Yellow leaves solution

1. Metabolism

Camellia is an evergreen tree, leaves from the new shoot after 2-3 years do not fall off, but in 4 - 5 months to ask for leaves, a small number of old leaves will also turn yellow fall off, this is the normal phenomenon of Camellia metabolism.

2. Soil discomfort

Leaf yellowing or whitening in summer is due to the lack of phosphorus, iron or sulfur in soil. Pot soil can be replaced with humus-rich mountain mud cultivation. 4-9 The symptoms can be alleviated by 300 times diluted ferrous sulfate solution or by foliar spraying with trichlorothion solution every 15 days in May. Spraying should be carried out on cloudy days, sunny days should be carried out in the morning or evening.

3. Insufficient elements

In the process of camellia growth, if the nitrogen supply is insufficient, the leaves will also yellow. Can apply decomposed bean cake water, once a month, the proportion of fertilizer and water is 20% to 30%. If you add 1% ferrous sulfate solution to the fertilizer solution, the effect is better.

4. Improper watering

Camellia maintenance needs to pay attention to watering, if the watering is improper, continuous drought or too wet, it will also cause yellow leaves. If the pot soil is too wet, the roots of the plant will turn black and rot, causing the leaves to yellow and fall off. In high temperature sunny days, although the plant has shade, pot soil often dry will also cause yellow leaves to fall off.

5. Pest damage

Camellia will occur a variety of pests and diseases, in case of red spiders or scale insects harm plants, will also lead to yellow leaves. Red spiders can be sprayed with 25% solution of water 1000-1500 times, or 50% trithion 2500-3000 times; scale insects can be sprayed with 5% solution of water.

Camellia likes semi-shade, avoid the sun, suitable for placement in warm and humid, ventilated and translucent places. Cultivated camellia spring to have sufficient light, summer should pay attention to shade, avoid direct sunlight, if the camellia on the balcony, often a careless it will be sunburned. Camellia in the storage process, to prevent high temperature and air drying, otherwise buds, flowers easy to fall off, affecting the quality.