
Culture methods of Tomato

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Culture methods of Tomato

I believe we are no stranger to tomatoes. Both raw and cooked food are delicious, especially because they contain vitamin C and are very popular with girls. In the city, many families like to grow some tomatoes in flowerpots, so let's take a look at the cultivation of potted tomatoes.

The culture method of tomato.

1. Seedling raising time: generally sowing and raising seedlings from late December to early January.

2. Seed disinfection: general seed consumption is 30g / mu and 50g / mu. Sowing seeds for 2 days before sowing to improve the germination rate. Blanch the seeds in 55 ℃ warm water for 15 minutes, keep the temperature stirring in one direction, then add cold water to 35 ℃ and soak the seeds for 6 minutes for 8 hours. In order to prevent the occurrence of virus disease, soak in 10% trisodium phosphate solution for another 40 minutes for 50 minutes, then rinse the seed coat mucus with clean water, drain the water, and then sow the seeds after drying.

3. The establishment of the seedbed: the seedbed needs 10 tons per mu, apply 100 kg of fully mature organic fertilizer, 500 grams of brave fertilizer, can kill 3,100 grams, spread evenly and turn 12 mu of rice, flatten the seedbed and pour water thoroughly. Disinfect seedbed soil with Suzhining (58% nail cream ·manganese zinc) or Xidaosheng (70% propionate zinc) and 70% Xingnong Zhenglu (methyl thiophanate) at 1:1, mix 10 grams of medicine per square meter with 5 kilograms of fine soil, when sowing, level the seedling bed with 2xue 3 nutritious soil, do cushion soil, and then evenly sow seeds. After sowing, 1 inch 3 soil cover seeds with a thickness of 0.8 square meters. In order to promote early unearthing, the seedling bed was covered with plastic film to keep the daytime temperature about 30 ℃, with a maximum of 32 ℃. When one of the three seedlings was unearthed, the plastic film was removed, and the temperature was reduced to about 25 ℃ after finishing the seedlings to prevent overgrowth.

4. Seedling division: the critical period of seedling division is when the seedling grows to two leaves with one heart. Prepare nutritious soil in advance, match 1 cubic meter of nutritious soil with field topsoil (remove 5 rice soil from the surface layer, avoid herbicide residues) 60%, mature organic fertilizer 40%, Haiyuan biological fertilizer 10 kg, Xi Duosheng (70% Prozen zinc) 90 grams, Yong Zhuang 500 grams, stir fully and load the bowl evenly. Before dividing the seedlings, dip the tomato seedlings in the root with 1000 times sea elves. The temperature was managed to 28 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ within 3 days after seedling division, and to 22 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ after retarding. Attention should be paid to spraying 750 times liquid to avoid labor dew (72.2% aldicarb hydrochloride) before seedling division, and then irrigating roots with 500 times of Yong Zhuang liquid and 500 times of Teyougen solution after retarding seedlings to prevent and control blight and stimulate multiple roots of tomato seedlings.

5. promote flower bud differentiation: the flower bud differentiation of tomato starts from the third true leaf to the end of the ninth true leaf, and basically to the seventh true leaf, the first three ears have already been differentiated. If the flower bud differentiation is not good, abnormal flowers and abnormal fruits appear in the later stage, so the early yield is directly determined by the flower bud differentiation in the seedling stage. in order to promote flower bud differentiation, spraying 25 grams more flowers and fruits + 8 grams of sea elves in 3 to 5 true leaves can promote flower bud differentiation.

6. Diseases and insect pests at seedling stage: insect pests focus on the control of whitefly, aphids and Liriomyza huidobrensis. Spray 15 kg of water with 5 grams of 70% imidacloprid plus 40% Wanling 10 grams. The main diseases in the seedling stage are virus disease and stem rot. To control the virus disease, use 4% quinamicin 25 ml + kangpu zinc 4 ml + Longdenyou polyboron 15 ml + sea essence 8 g + honey 100 ml to spray 15 kg of water.

7. The standard of planting seedlings: the seedling age is about 90 days, the main stem is purple and green in half, 70% has flower buds, the stem diameter is 0.6 cm, and the root system is developed without diseases and insect pests.

Cultivation techniques of tomato in summer and autumn.

Virus-resistant and high-yield cultivation of tomato in summer and autumn is a key measure in vegetable production. In order to promote the development of urban vegetable production, the main technical points are as follows:

1. Prepare the basic fertilizer, which should be fully ripened and fermented, generally yielding 10, 000 jin of tomatoes per mu, and pay attention to adding 10, 000 jin of high-quality circle fertilizer (fresh chicken manure is also OK), or 1500-2000 jin of cake fertilizer. The fertilizer should be ripened and fermented at high temperature, and the fertilizer should be wrapped in the ridge before ridging.

2. Select good varieties, disinfect seriously, ridge timely, raise seedlings by direct seeding, and cover wheat bran.

Maofan 802 is the best variety. Soak the seeds with 10% trisodium phosphate for 20 minutes before sowing, wash the seeds with clean water and sow. The ridge should be 15 cm high and 60 cm wide, direct seeding two rows per ridge, plant spacing 37 cm, 8-10 seeds per hole, covering soil 1 cm and sowing wheat bran 2-3 cm thick to prevent drought and high temperature. After emergence, cotyledons can be expanded between seedlings, there are no furry plants, leaving seedlings with more hairs, and seedlings can be fixed with 1-2 true leaves.

3. Shade and rain prevention, drought prevention and spraying of Daizhuangsu.

After sowing, the greenhouse film can be covered with sunshade net or sparse corn straw and other mulch to prevent high temperature and drought. Pay attention to properly watering the soil water so that the soil water content is about 16-18%, and pay attention to spraying 1000PPM for 3-4 times. Contact between Rain Water and Miaozi should be avoided during the whole seedling stage.

4. Trim the branches, leave enough ears, and make vegetables, flowers and fruits. (single dry pruning, plastic rope hanging vine) Tomato easy to grow nutritious branches, we should pay attention to early removal, each plant leaves 4-5 ears, each ear 2-3 fruits, should pay attention to the appropriate amount of 2Quin4 color D flowers (0.8-1 jin each mixed with water), to prevent the use of overweight flowers.

5. Drug protection.

First, the prevention and control of virus diseases can be used 500 times Kangdu No. 1, virus A, plant disease Ling three kinds of drugs alternately, once every 7-10 days, while spraying anti-virus drugs, we should pay attention to the control of whitefly and aphids. The second is to spray Bamran nutritional protection solution to prevent other diseases.

6. Management in the middle and later stage.

Pay attention to the appropriate mild temperature. The ground temperature should not exceed 26 ℃ and the air temperature should not exceed 30 ℃. If the temperature is too high, it should be cooled by shading, water spraying and ventilation; pay attention to timely topdressing and watering. Topdressing and watering should not be too early. Be sure to pay attention to the size of walnut in the first ear, round jujube in the second ear, and topdressing and watering at the end of flowering in the third ear. Before this, it is appropriate to irrigate small water; in the early stage, small water can be irrigated 1-2 times a month in order to prevent drought; Bamlan nutritional protection solution is mixed with chlorothalonil or carbendazim or thiophanate once every 10-15 days for disease prevention; pay attention to heat preservation and increase carbon dioxide application in the later stage. If the temperature is too low, it is easy to get late blight and cotton blight, we must pay attention to keep the temperature at 25-30 ℃, and avoid pouring too much water, and reduce the ground temperature to cause the occurrence of low temperature disease. During this period, it is necessary to increase the application of dioxin carbon for two or three months, which is beneficial to the yield increase. During the fruit expansion period, we should pay attention to the selection of Tianyuan liquid fertilizer, Hedele, Liguomei, Green Star, Spencer, countryman, K100, etc., spray once in 7-10 days, spray 2-3 times. For the cultivation of autumn delayed tomato, in order to facilitate the heat preservation in the later stage, in addition to the above points, we should also pay attention to make the length of the arch shed more than 40 meters as far as possible, and use high-quality drip-free agricultural film.

Field management after planting.

1. Fertilize. The nutrient absorption of tomato was small in the early growth stage, and the nutrient uptake increased rapidly from the first inflorescence to 70-80% of the total absorption in the full fruit stage. The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by tomato showed a linear upward trend, the absorption of potassium was nearly twice that of nitrogen, and the absorption of calcium was similar to that of nitrogen.

Base fertilizer tomato cultivation in the open field should re-apply base fertilizer, that is, on the basis of organic fertilizer, 35-40 kg nitrate phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu.

Topdressing in the first ear expansion, combined with watering 20 kg phosphate fertilizer per mu; after the first ear harvest, 20 kg nitrophosphate fertilizer per mu was applied as full fruit fertilizer; in the full fruit stage, 20% nitrophosphate fertilizer, 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.1% zinc sulfate and 0.25% boric acid mixture were sprayed every 7-10 days, which could significantly increase the yield and vitamin C content.

two。 Water it. 3-5 days after planting, when the color of the heart leaves of the plant changes from old green to tender green, and the growing point begins to grow, it is generally necessary to irrigate slow seedling water or hair water. Slow seedling water should be large, such as nutrition blocks or nutrition bags to raise seedlings, be sure to soak the dunes and promote the roots to be sent out of the dunes and into the soil as soon as possible so as to shorten the slow seedling period. Intermediate ploughing should be carried out after watering the seedlings. After the slow seedling to the first flower ear fruit setting period, if there is no special drought, generally should not be watered, to squat seedlings. The time of squatting seedlings should be flexibly controlled according to plant growth, variety characteristics and environmental conditions. General precocious varieties have weak plant growth, early floral organ differentiation, early flowering and early fruiting, and their squatting time should not be too long. The plants of the middle and late maturing varieties are growing vigorously, and the seedling growth should be strictly controlled, and the time of squatting seedlings can be extended appropriately. In production, the first inflorescence fruit walnut is large, the second inflorescence fruit broad bean is large, and the third inflorescence ends squatting seedlings when it just blossoms.

Tomato squatting seedling stage is at the end of the fruit stage, to keep the soil moist state, normal weather generally every 4-6 days irrigation, the amount of irrigation should gradually increase. Rain Water should appropriately reduce irrigation for a long time. Irrigation should be uniform to prevent dryness and dampness. The main irrigation methods of tomato are furrow irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation, of which furrow irrigation is the main one. Tomato cultivation should not only pay attention to irrigation, but also pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention in the rainy season. In areas without irrigation conditions, it is best to use plastic film mulching for tomato cultivation.

3. Inserts and straps. After planting and before flowering, the tomato should be planted and strapped to prevent lodging. Especially in the dry and windy areas in spring, it is necessary to insert and tie the vines immediately after planting. When binding the vine, the ear should be adjusted to the rack, and the stem and leaf should be adjusted outside the rack, so as to avoid fruit damage and control sunburn disease, and improve the ventilation and light of the plant, which is beneficial to the growth of stems and leaves.

4. The tomatoes are pruned and branched. The method of single stem pruning is generally adopted in early maturity cultivation, that is, each tree retains the trunk and all powers are removed, and the continuous core pruning method or head regeneration pruning method can be used in late summer cultivation. Combined with pruning, flower and fruit thinning should be carried out, and old and diseased leaves should be removed.

5. Protect flowers and fruits. The main measures for protecting flowers and fruits of tomato in open field in spring are cultivating strong seedlings, using fruit setting hormone and vibrating pollination at flowering stage. In addition to saline-alkali soil or special drought, irrigation should be controlled during flowering. In order to increase fruit yield, foliar fertilizer spraying should be carried out.

The second is to spray Bamran nutritional protection solution to prevent other diseases.

6. Management in the middle and later stage.

Pay attention to the appropriate mild temperature. The ground temperature should not exceed 26 ℃ and the air temperature should not exceed 30 ℃. If the temperature is too high, it should be cooled by shading, water spraying and ventilation; pay attention to timely topdressing and watering. Topdressing and watering should not be too early. Be sure to pay attention to the size of walnut in the first ear, round jujube in the second ear, and topdressing and watering at the end of flowering in the third ear. Before this, it is appropriate to irrigate small water; in the early stage, small water can be irrigated 1-2 times a month in order to prevent drought; Bamlan nutritional protection solution is mixed with chlorothalonil or carbendazim or thiophanate once every 10-15 days for disease prevention; pay attention to heat preservation and increase carbon dioxide application in the later stage. If the temperature is too low, it is easy to get late blight and cotton blight, we must pay attention to keep the temperature at 25-30 ℃, and avoid pouring too much water, and reduce the ground temperature to cause the occurrence of low temperature disease. During this period, it is necessary to increase the application of dioxin carbon for two or three months, which is beneficial to the yield increase. During the fruit expansion period, we should pay attention to the selection of Tianyuan liquid fertilizer, Hedele, Liguomei, Green Star, Spencer, countryman, K100, etc., spray once in 7-10 days, spray 2-3 times. For the cultivation of autumn delayed tomato, in order to facilitate the heat preservation in the later stage, in addition to the above points, we should also pay attention to make the length of the arch shed more than 40 meters as far as possible, and use high-quality drip-free agricultural film.

Field management after planting.

1. Fertilize. The nutrient absorption of tomato was small in the early growth stage, and the nutrient uptake increased rapidly from the first inflorescence to 70-80% of the total absorption in the full fruit stage. The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by tomato showed a linear upward trend, the absorption of potassium was nearly twice that of nitrogen, and the absorption of calcium was similar to that of nitrogen.

Base fertilizer tomato cultivation in the open field should re-apply base fertilizer, that is, on the basis of organic fertilizer, 35-40 kg nitrate phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu.

Topdressing in the first ear expansion, combined with watering 20 kg phosphate fertilizer per mu; after the first ear harvest, 20 kg nitrophosphate fertilizer per mu was applied as full fruit fertilizer; in the full fruit stage, 20% nitrophosphate fertilizer, 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.1% zinc sulfate and 0.25% boric acid mixture were sprayed every 7-10 days, which could significantly increase the yield and vitamin C content.

two。 Water it. 3-5 days after planting, when the color of the heart leaves of the plant changes from old green to tender green, and the growing point begins to grow, it is generally necessary to irrigate slow seedling water or hair water. Slow seedling water should be large, such as nutrition blocks or nutrition bags to raise seedlings, be sure to soak the dunes and promote the roots to be sent out of the dunes and into the soil as soon as possible so as to shorten the slow seedling period. Intermediate ploughing should be carried out after watering the seedlings. After the slow seedling to the first flower ear fruit setting period, if there is no special drought, generally should not be watered, to squat seedlings. The time of squatting seedlings should be flexibly controlled according to plant growth, variety characteristics and environmental conditions. General precocious varieties have weak plant growth, early floral organ differentiation, early flowering and early fruiting, and their squatting time should not be too long. The plants of the middle and late maturing varieties are growing vigorously, and the seedling growth should be strictly controlled, and the time of squatting seedlings can be extended appropriately. In production, the first inflorescence fruit walnut is large, the second inflorescence fruit broad bean is large, and the third inflorescence ends squatting seedlings when it just blossoms.

Tomato squatting seedling stage is at the end of the fruit stage, to keep the soil moist state, normal weather generally every 4-6 days irrigation, the amount of irrigation should gradually increase. Rain Water should appropriately reduce irrigation for a long time. Irrigation should be uniform to prevent dryness and dampness. The main irrigation methods of tomato are furrow irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation, of which furrow irrigation is the main one. Tomato cultivation should not only pay attention to irrigation, but also pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention in the rainy season. In areas without irrigation conditions, it is best to use plastic film mulching for tomato cultivation.

3. Inserts and straps. After planting and before flowering, the tomato should be planted and strapped to prevent lodging. Especially in the dry and windy areas in spring, it is necessary to insert and tie the vines immediately after planting. When binding the vine, the ear should be adjusted to the rack, and the stem and leaf should be adjusted outside the rack, so as to avoid fruit damage and control sunburn disease, and improve the ventilation and light of the plant, which is beneficial to the growth of stems and leaves.

4. The tomatoes are pruned and branched. The method of single stem pruning is generally adopted in early maturity cultivation, that is, each tree retains the trunk and all powers are removed, and the continuous core pruning method or head regeneration pruning method can be used in late summer cultivation. Combined with pruning, flower and fruit thinning should be carried out, and old and diseased leaves should be removed.

5. Protect flowers and fruits. The main measures for protecting flowers and fruits of tomato in open field in spring are cultivating strong seedlings, using fruit setting hormone and vibrating pollination at flowering stage. In addition to saline-alkali soil or special drought, irrigation should be controlled during flowering. In order to increase fruit yield, foliar fertilizer spraying should be carried out.