
Picture of Golden Bell Flower upside down _ Flower language _ florescence Collection

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Picture of Golden Bell Flower upside down _ Flower language _ florescence Collection

There are often some strangely shaped plants in nature, some of which are very beautiful and some are very strange, and the golden bell flower is one of them. At first hearing the name, it is not difficult to guess that the shape of this kind of flower must be very strange, and it has been proved to be so. So what is it like to hang the golden bell flower upside down? how about the picture of the golden bell flower upside down? Next, let's take a look at the picture of the upside-down golden bell flower, and understand the flower language and florescence of the upside-down golden bell flower.

Brief introduction of Golden Bell Flower hanging upside down

The inverted golden bell flower, also known as the hanging bell begonia or the lantern flower, is a perennial semi-shrub plant of the family Saliuraceae. The stem of the plant is erect, about 50 to 200 cm high, the stem of the plant is stout, 6 to 20 mm in shape, glabrous in old age, and the young branches are reddish. The shape of the inverted golden bell flower is relatively special, and the flower of the plant hangs down in the shape of a tube or bell when it blossoms, so people call it inverted golden bell flower. It originates from a plant flower in Mexico, and has been continuously cultivated and improved. Now it is widely cultivated all over the world. It has high ornamental value and is deeply loved and loved by people.

The florescence of Golden Bell upside down

1. Under normal circumstances, the flowering period of the inverted golden bell is very long, and it can blossom from April to December every year, which is one of the plant flowers with a long flowering period. The flowers of the flowers are bisexual and flowering, and the flowers are sparsely paired in the axils of the top leaves of the stem branches. the pedicels of the flowers are slender, light green or reddish, and the tube of the flowers is tube-shaped, the upper part is larger, and the color is mostly red. The sepals of the flowers hanging upside down are usually 4, the color of the calyx is red, and the shape of the calyx is mostly oblong or triangular lanceolate. the calyx apex attenuates, refolds when it opens, and the flower hangs downward in the shape of a tube or a bell. It feels very interesting.

2. the color of the flowers hanging upside down is more changeable, including fuchsia, red, pink and white, and so on. When they bloom, the petals of the flowers are arranged in the shape of imbricate, showing a wide Obovate shape, which looks very interesting and very gorgeous. So now people love this kind of plant flower very much, and the plant flower is also very elegant when it blossoms, so people often plant it at home and put it on the balcony, windowsill or study at home. On the one hand, it breeds inverted golden bell flowers to watch this unique plant flower, on the other hand, it is also decorated for home decoration, which usually has a very good effect, and the flower has a long flowering period. So it works better.

The flower language of hanging golden bell flowers upside down

At present, people's definition of inverted Golden Bell language is like this, believing in love and warm heart. It is said that people who are blessed by this plant and flowers have a wide range of hobbies, and most of them are very optimistic people. When they focus on something, for example, they will devote themselves to love and love, so the flower words of Jinzhong flower believe in love and warm heart. The color of the inverted golden bell flower is very gorgeous, so when it comes to love, it also indicates the enthusiasm and sincerity of love, so many people often use this kind of flower to express their love.

Conclusion: the flower shape of the inverted golden bell is unique and elegant, looks very elegant and beautiful, and has high ornamental value, so it is often used as an indoor plant pot to decorate the home, which not only beautifies the home, but also purifies and greens the environment.

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