
Causes of soybean lodging and its prevention

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Causes of soybean lodging and its prevention

In soybean cultivation, many friends are more "afraid" of lodging, because once lodging occurs, no matter how serious the lodging is, it will lead to a yield reduction of 20%, 30%, and more than 50% in serious cases. So what is the reason for soybean lodging? How to prevent it? Let's get to know it.

1. Weather reasons

In the middle and later stages of soybean growth, the plant growth is relatively high, if you encounter extreme weather, such as strong winds and heavy rain, and last for a long time, there will be lodging. And there is no way to encounter this situation, we can only pray that the area of lodging is smaller and the harm is less.

2. Reasons for variety

There is a certain relationship between soybean lodging and its varieties, some soybean varieties grow very high, but the stem is relatively weak, their own lodging resistance is weak, planting on the land with sufficient fertilizer and water is very easy to appear lodging phenomenon. Some varieties do not grow high, but their stems are stout and have strong lodging resistance.

Prevention methods: therefore, we should reasonably choose good Europe according to the specific local conditions, such as plots with general fertility, we can choose varieties with higher growth, while plots with good fertility conditions should choose varieties with shorter growth. At the same time, the varieties with strong stress resistance should be selected, which will play a certain role in preventing lodging in the later stage.

3. Planting density

When planting, the greater the planting density, the more prone to lodging phenomenon, high density, field ventilation, air permeability will be reduced, the root system of the plant is not deep, it is easy to occur lodging in a large area.

Prevention method: pay attention to the density when planting, not that the denser the planting, the higher the yield, the result may be just the opposite, not only prone to lodging, but also affect the yield. Therefore, reasonable close planting is the best, generally specific planting per mu, according to soil fertility and climatic conditions, generally good fertilizer and water plots can plant 15000 plants per mu, 25000 plants per mu.

4. Partial application of nitrogen fertilizer

Nitrogen fertilizer can promote plant growth and development, many farmers tend to apply nitrogen fertilizer, while soybean itself will produce rhizobium, there is a strong nitrogen fixation, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer will make soybean flourish, and the probability of lodging will also increase.

Prevention methods: in planting to control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, in the case of sufficient base fertilizer, do not apply nitrogen fertilizer when topdressing, in the flowering stage, according to the growth of soybean reasonable topdressing nitrogen fertilizer. Those with good growth should be applied less, about 5 kg per mu, and at the same time, it should be reasonably matched with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to increase the fruit setting rate and increase the yield.

The above is the introduction of soybean lodging causes and prevention methods, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.