
Why does evening primrose blossom at night? What time does evening primrose blossom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why does evening primrose blossom at night? What time does evening primrose blossom?

Whether it is ordinary plants or flowers, flowering time is in the daytime, but there are wonders in the world, there is a kind of plant that blossoms at night. The low-key style ushered in people's attention. It is evening primrose. What is puzzling is why evening primrose blossoms at night. And what time does nocturnal incense bloom? The following will be analyzed by the editor.

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Why does evening primrose blossom at night?

The temper of nocturnal flowering has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is only at night that it gives out a strong fragrance. Why is that? The reason is very simple. Many plants rely on insect pollination to reproduce. Plants that rely on insects that move during the day to pollinate. In the daytime, the flowers blossom and wait for the messengers.

Nocturnal incense is pollinated by moths that appear at night. with its strong aroma at night, it attracts winged "guests" to visit and transmit pollen for it. This habit of evening primrose is its adaptation to the environment.

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The petals of nocturnal incense are very different from those of other daytime flowering plants. The stomata on the petals of nocturnal flowers have a characteristic: once the humidity of the air is high, it expands, the stomata expand, and more aromatic oils evaporate. Although there is no sun at night, the air is much wetter than during the day, so the stomata are enlarged and the aroma is very strong. Nocturnal flowers smell not only at night, but also on cloudy and rainy days. The reason is the high humidity in the air on rainy days.

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What time does evening primrose blossom?

The mother's home of evening primrose is in tropical Asia, where the temperature is high during the day, so moths do not like to come out to play, and only come out at night to look for food. At this time, nocturnal incense exudes a strong fragrance, attracting flying insects to spread pollen. Under the influence of environmental factors for generations, nocturnal incense has formed the habit of always sending out fragrance at night. Evening primrose is usually open from 8 to 10:00 in the evening. The temperature is just right at this time.

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Finally, I would like to remind you that night incense is poisonous, so it can also be used to repel mosquitoes. If you put it indoors for a long time, it will cause dizziness, cough, and even asthma and insomnia. Therefore, night incense is put indoors during the day and moved outdoors in the evening.