
Propagation methods of Chinese rose

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Propagation methods of Chinese rose

Rose is a kind of native flower in China, which has rich and colorful colors and has its figure in botanical gardens all over our country. Rose is also a kind of ornamental and medicinal flowers, which is loved by many people. At present, there are Chinese rose flowers in most flower planting bases. So how do we breed when we plant Chinese roses? The following editor has brought you the breeding method of Chinese rose, let's have a look!

1. Sowing and reproduction

Sowing is a common breeding method of rose, and the time of sowing is usually in the spring of each year. The seed should be disinfected and germinated before sowing, so as to improve the germination ability of the seed and increase the emergence rate. First of all, the seeds should be soaked in warm water for about 10 hours, and then seed dressing and disinfection should be carried out according to the diseases and insect pests that need to be controlled. After sowing, it is necessary to do a good job of management and promote seed germination. if properly managed, it will germinate before and after Ching Ming Festival, and you can choose to transplant immediately after emergence, or in autumn when its leaves fall.

2. Ramet propagation

Ramet propagation is also used more frequently in rose, which is generally carried out in spring and autumn. In ramet, first of all, the whole rose with soil should be dug out from the soil. When digging, we should pay attention not to hurt the large root, so as to prevent the growth of the mother plant from being affected. Then select two or so robust root strips with fibrous roots, control the planting density and plant them in the trench. Carry out seedling management. Adjust the basic growth conditions such as temperature, water and nutrition, and usually blossom in the same year.

3. Striping propagation

When making striping propagation of rose, we should first pay attention to selecting a branch that grows sturdily and is free of diseases and insect pests. Then girdling was carried out at a distance of about 10 cm from the mother plant. Scrape off the bark at the bottom, keep the width at about 2 cm, and expose the end of the branch. Then smear an appropriate amount of rooting agent at the ring peeling place, and then press it into the soil, or use a breathable material to load into the wet soil, then wrap the ring peeling place, and fasten the two ends to wait for rooting. It is necessary to observe its rooting regularly. When it is found that the branch takes root and grows new leaves, it is separated from the mother plant and becomes a new plant.

4. Cuttage propagation

The rooting rate of cutting propagation is high, and it is a propagation method with high probability of use. Usually after the spring and autumn rose flowers enter the dormant period, first of all, a mature branch should be selected as the cuttings, and the cuttings should have about 4 buds. Then cut each bud evenly into cuttings, if the cuttings are relatively young, then you need to do a good shade after cutting, and then keep the soil moist. Under normal management, cuttings will take root about a month after cutting, and the survival rate can reach about 75%. If the cuttings are dipped in rooting agents before cutting, the rooting rate will be even higher.

The above is a brief introduction to the breeding methods of Chinese rose, the reproduction of Chinese rose and grafting propagation and so on. These are commonly used breeding methods of Chinese rose. When we breed, we should pay attention to choose a good method according to our own technology and planting direction. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.