
Orchid bell orchid picture orchid words

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Orchid bell orchid picture orchid words

The lily of the valley, the lily of the valley, sounds like a very beautiful name. It is a plant, a fragrant plant with white flowers, and is the only species of the genus. In addition to the nicknames of Jun Shadowgrass and bluebells, its English name is more poetic, which is called Lily in Valley, tears of Notre Dame and ladder of Heaven.

Introduction of lily of the valley

1. It is a small flower. The flower of the lily of the valley is bell-shaped, grows at the top of the flower stem, and shows a raceme to one side, the shape is very elegant. It has many branched, creeping rhizomes on the ground, and the plant is small. In the spring, the lily of the valley will grow leaves in the terminal bud in front of the rhizome, the petiole is about 16 cm long, holding each other like a sheath, and there are several sheath-like membranous scales at the base. It will blossom from May to June. Generally, there are 6 flowers in a stem, milky white, with a strong aroma. When the wind blows, the fragrance floats around and makes people intoxicated.

2. It has many medicinal values. Lily of the valley can be used as medicine in the whole herb, and after the fruit is ripe in summer, it can be dried in the sun as a medicinal material. With the extract of leaves, stems or whole grass, the alcohol extract of the whole grass has a digitalis-like effect, which can enhance myocardial contractility and has a more significant effect on heart failure; it can slow down the heart rate, inhibit conduction and strengthen cardiac glycosides. In addition, the lily of the valley has an obvious diuretic effect, which can also make patients quiet, improve sleep and reduce uneasiness in clinic. It can improve pulmonary circulation, increase oxygen uptake of brain tissue and oxygen tension of skeletal muscle.

3. Its living environment. The lily of the valley likes the moist, cool or semi-overcast environment, has a very outstanding cold resistance, more avoid hot and dry. It is best to grow in sandy soil with good drainage and to be fertile. If the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, the leaves will become yellow, so we should pay attention to the temperature adjustment.

Therefore, the lily of the valley is small and exquisite, and it is mostly used for cut flowers and potted plants, which is deeply loved by many people.

The influence of lily of the valley on the home environment

Green flowering plants, many have the role of eliminating toxic chemicals, sometimes the leaves and roots of plants can absorb harmful gases, which can not be ignored. And the lily of the valley certainly has its function.

1. Lily of the valley can kill germs in the home. Like rose, carnation, lemon and other plants, lily of the valley is also a fragrant flower with strong aroma, and the volatile oil it produces has obvious bactericidal effect. Put it at home, its fragrance can inhibit the growth and reproduction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococci and staphylococci, and protect adults and children at home.

2. It has the function of air purifier. We put some flowers and plants at home, in addition to beautifying the home, there are many benefits, many plants have the function of air purifier, so is the lily of the valley. Although it is not as powerful as hanging orchid or aloe vera, it can also absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen and increase negative ions in indoor air. In particular, its fragrance can make the air fresh and healthy, there is a pot of lily around, whether it is work or life have a better spirit. Moreover, many flowers with flowers have the role of dust removal, Lily of the valley flowers can also intercept and absorb floating particles and smoke in the air, reducing the impact of dust on household cleanliness.

3. The lily of the valley can make people feel relaxed. Flowers are not only beautiful, but also improve people's physical condition, such as the valley of the valley, the fragrance of the meeting, the breeze blowing through bursts of intoxicating smell filled the room, can make people relax, the spirit will also become happy, often live in such an environment, but also can have a good sleep, improve their work efficiency.

Lily of the valley decoration home, but also has an obvious role in regulating the environment, can meet people's health requirements, but also let people feel the beauty of nature.

Fengshui application of lily of the valley

Plants and flowers are furnishings to improve vitality in home decoration, in addition to beautifying the environment to add vitality, but also contribute to the transformation of home fengshui. The lily of the valley also has its role in feng shui.

1. The lily of the valley represents happiness. Because the flowers are shaped like small bells, reminiscent of small bells that evoke happiness, the lily of the valley is regarded as a symbol of happiness. In French weddings, people can often see people send lilies of the valley to the bride to wish the couple happiness. And its white flowers also have a feeling of purity and freshness, which is used to express purity. Putting such lily of the valley at home represents not only bringing happiness to the family, but also people's longing for happiness. If there is a pot of lily at home, it will be a good way to catch happiness.

2. The position where the lily of the valley should be placed. The first is the West. Western five elements belong to gold, home of the West condensed innovative energy, on behalf of the girl in the family, can not put too bright flowers, the white lily of the valley just here, to a certain extent helpful to the growth of girls. In addition, the northern five elements belong to water, symbolizing the harmony of husband and wife and the filial piety of the father and son. If the lily of the valley is placed in this position, it can improve the relationship between father and son and between the superiors and subordinates of the unit.

3. Lilies of the valley can be placed in homes, offices and other places. Not only with the good meaning of happiness, the lily of the valley can also really improve the health of the family. The volatile oil produced by it has obvious germicidal effect, has an excellent purification effect on home and work environment, and makes you healthy. However, it should be noted that the lily of the valley has plants that cannot be placed together, such as cloves. Even if there is a distance of 20 centimeters, the clove will wither quickly. In addition, the lily of the valley cannot coexist with the daffodils, otherwise both will lose. The withered flowers have a bad effect on fengshui, so we should raise the lily of the valley independently.

A minute of hard work, there is a harvest, as long as carefully cultivated in the plant, it can bring good fengshui for the home, so that our life is more harmonious.

The collocation of the lily of the valley and the household style

Flowers can decorate the home, can match our various furniture, so that the home becomes harmonious and beautiful. The lily of the valley has white flowers, how should it be placed in order to give full play to its beauty?

1. Lilies of the valley can be placed on the table or coffee table. The lily of the valley is generally white, with a small rosette and a plant height of about 20 centimeters, which is suitable for putting on tables, coffee tables and corner cabinets as furniture embellishment. Its florescence is usually two months. From May to June, white bell-shaped flowers hang on one side of the stem, showing elegance and implication, which can make the home such as the coffee table look mild and harmonious.

2. Although the flowers of the valley are small and the whole plant is very delicate, its fragrance is very rich. If you put a pot of lilies in the corner of the room, you can smell a slight fragrance wherever you go. So you can choose a pot with several plants of the valley of the valley, put in the door or near the window and other upwind, is conducive to the spread of fragrance. When the breeze blows, the white lily of the valley swings gently, with bursts of fragrance, making people relaxed and happy.

3. If it is a classical traditional home, such as all kinds of wooden classical furniture, you can put a pot of lily of the valley or the flower arrangement of the lily of the valley, together with carnations or roses to make the color harmonious in the vision. In the modern simple home, you can choose to use frosted vases, decorative clay pots or metal containers to fill a beautiful bottle of lily of the valley, so that the home appears clean and tidy, but also increases the vitality of this room. If it is pastoral style, you can use white lily of the valley to highlight the natural and fresh feeling, the windowsill can also be placed, the table can also be placed, with rattan flower basket on the lily, so that every corner of the home has the white figure of the lily of the valley.

Just like different styles of accessories with different styles of clothes, plants should also be matched with the style of the family in order to add icing on the cake. How to put the lily of the valley can look better, and everyone can give full play to their aesthetic skills.

So the lily of the valley is regarded as a symbol of happiness. In French weddings, people can often see people send lilies of the valley to the bride to wish the couple happiness. And its white flowers also have a feeling of purity and freshness, which is used to express purity. Putting such lily of the valley at home represents not only bringing happiness to the family, but also people's longing for happiness. If there is a pot of lily at home, it will be a good way to catch happiness.

2. The position where the lily of the valley should be placed. The first is the West. Western five elements belong to gold, home of the West condensed innovative energy, on behalf of the girl in the family, can not put too bright flowers, the white lily of the valley just here, to a certain extent helpful to the growth of girls. In addition, the northern five elements belong to water, symbolizing the harmony of husband and wife and the filial piety of the father and son. If the lily of the valley is placed in this position, it can improve the relationship between father and son and between the superiors and subordinates of the unit.

3. Lilies of the valley can be placed in homes, offices and other places. Not only with the good meaning of happiness, the lily of the valley can also really improve the health of the family. The volatile oil produced by it has obvious germicidal effect, has an excellent purification effect on home and work environment, and makes you healthy. However, it should be noted that the lily of the valley has plants that cannot be placed together, such as cloves. Even if there is a distance of 20 centimeters, the clove will wither quickly. In addition, the lily of the valley cannot coexist with the daffodils, otherwise both will lose. The withered flowers have a bad effect on fengshui, so we should raise the lily of the valley independently.

A minute of hard work, there is a harvest, as long as carefully cultivated in the plant, it can bring good fengshui for the home, so that our life is more harmonious.

The collocation of the lily of the valley and the household style

Flowers can decorate the home, can match our various furniture, so that the home becomes harmonious and beautiful. The lily of the valley has white flowers, how should it be placed in order to give full play to its beauty?

1. Lilies of the valley can be placed on the table or coffee table. The lily of the valley is generally white, with a small rosette and a plant height of about 20 centimeters, which is suitable for putting on tables, coffee tables and corner cabinets as furniture embellishment. Its florescence is usually two months. From May to June, white bell-shaped flowers hang on one side of the stem, showing elegance and implication, which can make the home such as the coffee table look mild and harmonious.

2. Although the flowers of the valley are small and the whole plant is very delicate, its fragrance is very rich. If you put a pot of lilies in the corner of the room, you can smell a slight fragrance wherever you go. So you can choose a pot with several plants of the valley of the valley, put in the door or near the window and other upwind, is conducive to the spread of fragrance. When the breeze blows, the white lily of the valley swings gently, with bursts of fragrance, making people relaxed and happy.

3. If it is a classical traditional home, such as all kinds of wooden classical furniture, you can put a pot of lily of the valley or the flower arrangement of the lily of the valley, together with carnations or roses to make the color harmonious in the vision. In the modern simple home, you can choose to use frosted vases, decorative clay pots or metal containers to fill a beautiful bottle of lily of the valley, so that the home appears clean and tidy, but also increases the vitality of this room. If it is pastoral style, you can use white lily of the valley to highlight the natural and fresh feeling, the windowsill can also be placed, the table can also be placed, with rattan flower basket on the lily, so that every corner of the home has the white figure of the lily of the valley.

Just like different styles of accessories with different styles of clothes, plants should also be matched with the style of the family in order to add icing on the cake. How to put the lily of the valley can look better, and everyone can give full play to their aesthetic skills.