
How much is the seedling of walnut?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How much is the seedling of walnut?

When planting walnut trees, we have a lot of skills to master in order to bear fruit early and improve yield and quality. the price of walnut has been rising this year, and because the survival rate of seedlings is very low, the price of walnut seedlings is also on the rise. so how much is the seedling of walnut? Let's learn about it next.

Planting time of walnut seedlings

Both season and autumn are good seasons for planting walnut seedlings. Spring planting is mostly carried out after the soil is thawed to before sprouting, because at this time, the seedlings that have been dormant for the winter have just awakened and are full of stamina. After a brief separation from the soil of the nursery and other seedling bases, it is very easy to transplant elsewhere to take root. Most of the seedlings were planted in autumn after the Beginning of Autumn and before freezing on the ground. at this time, the walnut seedlings have been capped without new shoots and basically entered a dormant state. after transplanting, before freezing, the seedlings are sprouting new roots, which is very beneficial to the growth of the coming year.

Planting Management of Juglans regia seedlings

The planting and management of walnut seedlings is very simple, and there is no need to invest too much manpower and material resources. Walnut seedlings have strong adaptability, cold and drought tolerance, and do not have high requirements for soil quality. As long as they can grow miscellaneous trees and weeds, they can plant walnut seedlings. There are several advantages in choosing to plant walnut.

1. Due to the use of high-quality hemp walnut scion, the finished product of hemp walnut has the characteristic of fast sales. Our main varieties of walnut seedlings are: four buildings lion head, baihuashan lion head, old-style lion head, apple orchard lion head, thin-edged official cap and so on.

two。 The management of walnut seedlings is simple, as long as you manage the water and fertilizer supply of walnut seedlings and pay attention to tree diseases and insect pests.

Key points of planting seedlings of walnut

1. Before planting, the walnut trees should be soaked in clean water or water added with "plant rooting agent" for 3-4 hours to replenish the dehydrated seedlings.

2. Before planting walnut trees, use a knife to cut the grafting film of the grafted part of the seedlings. If the meeting is not cut, the growth will be affected, and the saplings will be easily broken from here.

3. Don't put fertilizer when planting walnut trees. To prevent improper use of the seedlings caused by root burning phenomenon, affect the survival, you can wait until the seedlings germinated after isolation fertilization.

4. After planting, the fixed root water of a walnut tree should be watered thoroughly. Generally, a tree should be watered with 1-2 kg of water. The soil moisture should be clustered with the hands, and the palms should be gently pressed and dispersed.

5. Take the black film of 60cm square from the top of the seedling and press it with soil around it, which can effectively prevent the growth of weeds, heat preservation, moisturizing and other effects.

6. If it cannot be planted in time, it should be planted properly. Specific method: dig a hole to put the seedlings inside, cover the roots of the seedlings with soil, and pour in a certain amount of water to ensure humidity. If the sun is too strong at noon, find something to shade to prevent the saplings from being exposed to the sun!

Control methods of diseases and insect pests of walnut

Walnut rot is a kind of fungal disease. Walnut tree management mainly harms branches and stems. The branch is infected, one is chlorosis, the branch is dry, its upper black spot (conidium); the other kind from the shearing saw mouth obvious disease spot, spread downwards, around the branch for a week to form a withered shoot.

The control methods are as follows: strengthening the management of walnut orchard, applying more organic fertilizer, pruning reasonably, strengthening tree potential, whitening tree trunk, scraping disease spot in time in summer and growing season, after scraping, apply crystal stone sulfur mixture, Baume stone sulfur mixture or carbendazim wettable powder to control.

1. Black spot of walnut

Black spot of walnut is a kind of bacterial ☆-prohibited ☆ disease. It mainly harms fruits, leaves and branches. After the fruit was damaged, small and slightly raised dark brown spots appeared on the fruit surface, and then expanded into round or irregular black spots and sunken, without obvious edges, surrounded by water stains, and the fruit rotted from the outside to the inside. After the damage to the leaves, small black spots first appeared along the leaf veins, and then expanded into near-round or polygonal black spots, and in severe cases, the disease spots were continuous, resulting in the formation of perforation and early defoliation. As a result, the fruit blackened and fell early, and the kernel yield and oil content decreased.

The control methods are as follows: strengthen the cultivation and management of walnut seedlings, spray Bordeaux solution 1-3 times during the growing period, or methyl topiramate or acetaminophen special wettable powder.

two。 Control of root rot of hemp walnut

The root can be irrigated with carbendazim or triadimefon. In winter, the root can be watered with ketone sulfate for 3 times in 10 to 15 days. The potion must be infiltrated into the root system.

How much is the seedling of walnut?

Finished seedlings of walnut grafted for two years size: 3 cm price: 150 yuan per tree

Small finished walnut tree grafted in one year size: 2cm price: 100RMB / tree

Size of finished walnut seedlings hanging fruit: 6 cm price: 600 yuan per tree

3 cm grafted one year seedling size: 3 cm price: 150 yuan per tree

3-5cm finished tree, grafted for one year, finished tree size: 3-5cm price: 200RMB / tree

Ma walnut finished tree four buildings Wang Yongguan hat size: 4-6 cm price: 250 yuan

How much is a small walnut seedling?

The seedling is 1-3 yuan, and the grafted seedling is 3-8 yuan. The specific price is 1 yuan for walnut seedlings with a height of 0.2-0.5 meters, 1.5 yuan for 0.5-0.8 meters and 2-5 yuan for 1-2 meters. The grafted thin-skinned walnut seedlings are 3 yuan less than 30 cm, 4 yuan less than 50 cm, 5 yuan less than 1 meter, and 5-8 yuan 1-2 meters.

If you pour it three times at a time for 10 to 15 days, the potion must be infiltrated into the root system.

How much is the seedling of walnut?

Finished seedlings of walnut grafted for two years size: 3 cm price: 150 yuan per tree

Small finished walnut tree grafted in one year size: 2cm price: 100RMB / tree

Size of finished walnut seedlings hanging fruit: 6 cm price: 600 yuan per tree

3 cm grafted one year seedling size: 3 cm price: 150 yuan per tree

3-5cm finished tree, grafted for one year, finished tree size: 3-5cm price: 200RMB / tree

Ma walnut finished tree four buildings Wang Yongguan hat size: 4-6 cm price: 250 yuan

How much is a small walnut seedling?

The seedling is 1-3 yuan, and the grafted seedling is 3-8 yuan. The specific price is 1 yuan for walnut seedlings with a height of 0.2-0.5 meters, 1.5 yuan for 0.5-0.8 meters and 2-5 yuan for 1-2 meters. The grafted thin-skinned walnut seedlings are 3 yuan less than 30 cm, 4 yuan less than 50 cm, 5 yuan less than 1 meter, and 5-8 yuan 1-2 meters.