
Culture method of Magnolia

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Culture method of Magnolia

Magnolia, also known as Xinyi flower, purple magnolia, wood pen, has been loved by many people since ancient times. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of magnolia.

Culture method of Magnolia

1. Soil: Magnolia prefers fertile, moist and well-drained sandy soil, is not resistant to drought, taboos, and grows poorly on dry, loam and clay.

2. Watering: Magnolia flowers avoid drought and waterlogging, usually to ensure the supply of water, often spray water to the leaves, increase the dampness of the air, so as to avoid yellow leaves.

3. Sunshine: magnolia likes light and is slightly shady, so we should pay attention to the problem of lighting so that magnolia can fully accept the sunlight.

Temperature: magnolia like warm and humid climate, can also be cold-resistant, but if the temperature is lower in winter, it is still necessary to move to indoor insulation and breeding.

5. Fertilization: Magnolia like fertilizer, it should be fertilized in time, fertilizing once before and after flowering, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, applying mature manure as base manure from October to November every year, and topdressing available nitrogen fertilizer for 2 or 3 times during sprouting and branching after anthesis.

6. Insect pests: the main pests of Magnolia are Haitong cotton scale, coal fouling disease and so on, which will reduce the ornamental value and can be sprayed with Popper 1-3 degree stone sulfur mixture. during nymph incubation, 40% omethoate EC 1000 times and 10% pyridine wettable powder 1500 times can be used. When adults occur, they are sprayed evenly with 800ml 1000-fold liquid or 1500-fold EC. Adding appropriate amount of diesel oil during spraying can increase its permeability, and the liquid must be sprayed thoroughly.

7. Pruning: Magnolia must be removed from tillers, sprouting and pruning to facilitate the tree-shaped growth of magnolia.

Next, let's get to know magnolia in depth.

Introduction of Magnolia

Small deciduous trees, up to 5 meters high. The wood is fragrant, the branchlets are purple-brown, and the buds have fine hairs. Leaves simple, alternate, Obovate-elliptic; with stipules scars. Flowers bisexual, solitary, terminal, sepals 3, yellowish green, lanceolate, ca. 3 as long as petals; petals 6, purplish red outside, inner surface subwhite; pistil numerous, pistil sessile. The fruit is round in shape. Root is fleshy.

It was introduced to Fusang in the Tang Dynasty and introduced to Europe in the 17th century (introduced to Britain in 1790). Because of its large and beautiful flowers widely spread in Europe and the United States, a special Magnolia Society was established in the United States, which has cultivated rich and colorful horticultural varieties.

Morphological characteristics of Magnolia

Small deciduous trees or shrubs, 1.5-3m tall or higher. Bark grayish brown; branchlets slender, sparsely slender hairy, twigs densely pubescent. Winter buds elliptic or oblong, covered with brown glossy short hairs. Simple leaves alternate; petiole 1-4 cm long; stipule scar 1 × 2 of petiole; leaf blade lanceolate-elliptic or Obovate-elliptic, 6-14cm long, 4-10cm wide, apex acute or shortly acuminate, base cuneate, dark green above, glabrous, gray-green below, glabrous except sparsely tomentose along leaf veins. Flowers and leaves bloom at the same time, solitary at the top of branches, fragrant, cup-shaped, about 6cm in diameter; perianth 9, fleshy, milky white or light pink to pink, oblanceolate or subspatulate; stamens numerous, about 1cm, filaments about 4mm, purplish red, anther septum apex yellow; pistil group oval. The pistil stalk is about 5mm. Style thin and curved. The pistil matures earlier than the stamen, the natural seed setting rate is low, and the tillering ability is strong. The shape characteristics of magnolia.

The flowery language of Magnolia

Magnolia trees can be up to 5 meters high, when the flowers are proud to stand on the branches, pure white and holy, because Magnolia flowers bloom first, and then grow leaves, so magnolia blossoms are full of white trees without miscellaneous colors, making people feel admired suddenly. Therefore, magnolia flower language is a noble soul.

On teacher's Day every year, it is popular for children to give their own gifts to teachers. Greeting cards are not environmentally friendly and out of date. Sending expensive gifts is not in line with the identity of children, so it is better to send an open magnolia. To express my respect and praise for the teacher's noble soul.